C a t c h t h e B r a s s R i n g
Magnolia Cemetery
Augusta, Georgia
You see no beauty in the parched parade,
The quivering, heat-glazed highways mile on mile,
The fields where beauty holds a debt unpaid,
The gray, drab barracks in monotonous, grim file.
You take no joy when dust wraiths dimly curl
Above the winding column climbing on far hills.
You see but short beyond the present whirl
Of circumstance, your little wrongs and petty ills.
But when it all has passed and you have lost
The swinging rhythmic cadence of the marching feet,
Then you will reck as paltry small the cost
And memory will purge the bitter from the sweet.
= Robert Penn Warren =
Happy Friday
Article originally appeared on I'm Having A Thought Here (https://www.jennyweber.com/).
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