Bake news
Thursday, August 4, 2022 at 01:44PM

They look good and they smell good because they are good

This won't appeal to everyone.

I don't claim that the information contained in this post is earth-shattering or mind-boggling or spine-tingling or heart-stopping or anything like that.

But it is something that for some, will be nice to know.

I speak of the recipe for a four-ingredient low-carb oatmeal cookie.

And none of the ingredients are almond flour.

It's primarily for those who make a habit of eating as low-carb as possible. And it could be helpful for those who adhere to a gluten-free diet. And for those who, like the pirate, despise almond flour but love cookies.

Even if you rarely give a thought to things like carbs and gluten, and thus have no interest in the subject, this recipe is still insanely easy, and it is truly healthy, and thus may be something you'd like to try.

Or at least, pass the information along to someone who may need it.

I saw the recipe on Instagram on a recent afternoon when I picked up my phone and checked in for about five minutes.

(Generally my limit with social media, haha.)

Brittany's Instagram reel of Ember helping to make the cookies

Within ten minutes of viewing the recipe, I was in the kitchen whipping up a batch of these.

There are four ingredients: bananas, rolled oats, peanut butter, and semisweet chocolate chips.

(I keep frozen bananas on hand for smoothies, and they work fine. Just thaw them for thirty seconds in the microwave. And this is a great way to use up overripe bananas if you happen to have some on hand.)

If you'd like, you may want to add a fifth ingredient to the original four -- craisins or raisins or shredded coconut are nice.

But no flour, no sugar, no eggs, no butter, no baking powder. Leave all of that stuff in the fridge and on the shelf.

Set your oven to three-fifty and put those four (or five) ingredients into a bowl and mix them up.

Use your cookie scoop to distribute the mixture onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

The cookies will not change shape during baking, so flatten the scooped mounds of dough with your fingers.

Bake for ten to twenty minutes, depending on the feistiness of your oven. The cookies should be browned nicely.

Remove them to a cooling rack.

And that's it. 

Four simple ingredients. Maybe five. Imagine that you see bananas.

Technically this is not a particularly low-carb treat; bananas and oats contain plenty of carbs, and so do semisweet chocolate chips, and certainly craisins and raisins and coconut are brimming with natural sugar.

But compared with regular cookies, the ingredients used to make this cookie have a relatively low glycemic index. The win-win is that they're good without spiking the blood sugar like your average homemade or store-bought cookie will do.

Now I must say, when TG tasted one of these cookies for the first time, he opined that it did not have much flavor.

In fact, he said that the only thing he tasted was banana.

(He did add, however, that he would eat some of these whenever I made them.)

But I shared this recipe with my girls, and two of them have made the cookies, and they love them. And incidentally, I can taste all four of the ingredients.

So I think they're wonderful and I've made them twice now. They're satisfying when you need just a little something.

Brittany made an Instagram reel of herself and Ember making the cookies. You can watch it above but unfortunately you can't hear the cute song. I would have posted a link but her account is private.

Oh and try not to flip out from the ought-to-be-illegal cuteness level of my granddaughter.

Maybe you've heard of these cookies already, and said nah, not for me, or maybe you've even tried them and agree with TG that they have no taste.

They're convincing when displayed on the cake stand

But I promised to share this potentially life-changing recipe with you, so that's what I've done.

Let me know if you make the cookies, and whether you like them or love them, or if the jury's still out.

And that is all for now except to say, have a great weekend.


Happy Thursday

Article originally appeared on I'm Having A Thought Here (
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