What have you been doing? you may be thinking.
What have we not been doing? Is this a race-to-the-finish year, even more than most years?
I suppose it remains to be seen, but for now, the pirate is of that persuasion.
It seems we are proceeding at an insane pace.
Last week, the Chericas -- consisting of our Erica, her husband Chad, and the boys, Rhett and Elliot -- were all sick with colds and other maladies.
I went over on Tuesday, when the worst was over, and took the ingredients to make Mari's Creamy Chicken Taco Soup for them.
And if you have not made that soup yet, I would like to know what you're waiting for.
Because it is delightful. I made it again last Friday, for my gang.
TG said I was to make sure I put that recipe into the rotation, meaning, make it again soon. It was truly delicious.
Oh and put two whole blocks of cream cheese in, instead of one and a half. Just saying.
Speaking of last Friday, Dagny was here with me for most of the day.
Since she is home schooled, the first order of business was to spend a few hours on her lessons.
She had already done some of her work at home that morning.
Then we got busy, dividing duties, each with our own portable caddy of cleaning supplies.
Dagny is a diligent cleaner, having been trained by her mother. She is particularly good at dusting, and cleaning bathrooms.
But she does floors too.
Even with two of us, it took four-or-so hours to clean the house. Eventually we were done and I went to get ready for the evening.
Audrey arrived at about five o'clock with one of Dagny's little friends from when she attended the Christian school, which friend was going to spend the night at Audrey and Dagny's house.
We all ate the Creamy Chicken Taco Soup. I'd made cornbread muffin tops to go along with it.
Audrey's boyfriend Mike joined us, and later we all had coffee and chatted for about an hour.
The next day -- last Saturday -- in the afternoon, TG and I met Audrey and Mike at a new restaurant we wanted to try, and enjoyed a sumptuous barbecue lunch.
Dagny was spending a few hours at the home of her little friend who had spent the previous night with them.
Actually I would never have heard of the restaurant we went to, except for TG's and Chad's golf skills.
They played in a local tournament several months ago, and it was a team-play situation, and they were on the same team.
And their team did well enough that they each were given a generous gift card to The War Mouth in Cottontown, South Carolina.
Cottontown is a section of downtown Columbia described thusly by Historic Columbia:
Established in the late 1890s, Cottontown is listed as the “Bellevue Historic District” in the National Register of Historic Places and is protected as an architectural conservation district by the City of Columbia. Bounded by Grace Avenue, Bull Street, Elmwood Avenue and Main Street, the neighborhood is remarkable as an intact example of one of Columbia’s earliest planned suburbs.
But wherever it was situated, The War Mouth would be an outstanding place to eat.
We weren't totally in the dark as to the quality of the restaurant, though; Cherica had already used their gift card a few weeks ago and declared the barbecue plentiful and exceptionally good.
We ordered plates heaped with luscious pulled pork, a bodacious serving of ribs, cole slaw, pickles, and a roll.
I gave my roll to TG and did my best to eat everything else but ended up giving Mike one of my ribs and taking about a third of my pulled pork home for later.
Spectacular. We will return to The War Mouth.
After that delightful experience, we repaired to a nearby Starbucks and, over coffee while sitting outside in the warm day, talked about a number of things.
The next day -- last Sunday -- was cloudy and overcast, but again warm, with highs near seventy.
Rhett had been given a pair of glittery red heart-shaped paper glasses in his Sunday School sack, and I convinced him to model them for me.
He cooperated, although he was more interested in the candy and other treats to be found inside said Sunday School sack, than in peering through a pair of twee no-lens glasses.
Baby Elliot was over it by noon when church concluded, and had a mini-meltdown while Dagny attempted to console him.
He needed to go home to his lunch and an afternoon nap.
This past Monday we had a truly rainy day. It began raining late on Sunday night and rained steadily until Monday early evening.
I was happy that I didn't have to go anywhere, as I love a rainy day and enjoyed every minute of it.
Except, I couldn't figure out why I was sneezing so much.
Then yesterday I woke up with a cold. Oh. Belay that!
Did I not just have a cold/flu in December? Was I not in fact sick twice in December? So this is not fair. And it is most unusual.
However I will say, a fresh spate of winter cold illness seems to be "going around" in our area.
My plans for Valentine's Day were not complicated anyway, but now they are nonexistent except, tomorrow night, Audrey and Dagny and I are having dinner with our dear friend Marsha.
Of course I have a sweetheart treat bag for TG, and he is sure to come home today with something special for me. I hope there is a heart-shaped balloon.
On Saturday, we plan to drive up to Greenville and introduce Audrey's Mike to my sister and brother-in-law, Kay and Pierre-Philippe, and also to Henry.
Coffee cake and coffee will be involved.
I shall report faithfully on all of the pirate's peregrinations.
Meanwhile I am curious: what are your plans for Valentine's day and week? Do tell in the comments. Don't leave anything out.
Where is that box of Kleenex? I'm about to sneeze again.
And that is all for now.
Happy Wednesday :: Happy Valentine's Day