Which is today. Can you believe? Again? Make it stop already.
The dispenser holds three different kinds of candy. In case you're wondering or cannot tell, what's currently in there are
Peanut Butter m&m's,
Skittles (the original lime-up), and
Jelly Belly jellybeans.
At this early stage in the game I will only say that it's a tad bit too easy to depress the lever and dispense several delectable treats into your hand.
Once a day would be too many times. But who's going to do that only once a day? It's a delicious dilemma.
Be that as it may, we're off to Savannah for a few days, leaving my candy dispenser, for the most part, unattended.
The alarm will be on here at the domicile, so don't try anything.
If you do decide to come in anyway, heed a pirate's advice: keep to the code.
p.s. Thank you to those precious blog buddies and friends who have sent birthday cards. I treasure them and you.
And that is all for now.
Happy Thursday
Article originally appeared on I'm Having A Thought Here (https://www.jennyweber.com/).
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