There's a welcome here
Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 02:44PM

My great-nephews Jonathan and JP

Time to tell you about the first of our three parties from last week and weekend.

The first involved my niece, Rebecca, and her family.

Rebecca is the third child (and third daughter) of my sister, Kay, and her husband, Pierre-Philippe, who have seven children and I have lost track of how many grandchildren.

As for Rebecca, when TG and I were married forty-five years ago, she was in utero

My sister was of course the matron of honor at TG's and my wedding in June of 1979, and I remember her feeling unwell in the summer heat and all of the excitement, and being far from home (they lived in Europe at the time, and her husband did not accompany her on the trip).

Audrey and Mike visit with Rebecca and Lydia

All of this while being in the first trimester with her third child while the two older girls were still pretty small. The three sisters adhered to the stairstep trope; the first of their two brothers would come along in early 1982.

Rebecca was born in December of 1979, right about the time that TG and I learned we were expecting our Stephanie.

I was present in Quebec, Canada when, in November of 2004, Rebecca and Rex were married in a lovely church wedding.

She had met Rex while serving as a missionary for a while in her early twenties; I cannot remember the country.

Rhett cherishing his Peppa Pig toys

Rex's heritage is Chinese-Filipino (he was born in Manila, Philippines), but I'm pretty sure they met neither in China nor the Philippines.

But I could be wrong. I know that they did live in China for several years, and that the youngest of their four children -- Jonathan, who is twelve years of age -- was born there.

Rex is a doctor, and for the past ten years or so he has served as the medical director of two assisted living facilities in South Bend, Indiana.

Several months ago my sister told me that Rex had been interviewed by LMC Extended Care for the position of Medical Director.

Chad last saw Rex at my mother's funeral in 2020

If I were to get into my car and head for LMC Extended Care, it would take me about twelve minutes to get there.

We live two miles from the dam -- officially the Dreher (say "drear") Shoals Dam but locally and colloquially referred to by the interchangeable names Lake Murray Dam, Saluda Dam, and Saluda River Dam -- and the extended care facility is just across the dam and down a ways, one turn and there you are.

We were thrilled at this news and I didn't dare wish for Rebecca and her family to move to our area, thinking it would never happen and surely I'd be disappointed.

But the offer of employment was extended to Rex during the winter, and he accepted, and back in early March, Rebecca came to town with her two boys in order to look at a school they may attend, and TG and I showed them around and we all had a late breakfast together.

I made the apple pie baked beans

The boys are being educated partially at home by their mother and partially (two days a week) at a cooperative private school.

A move to South Carolina was particularly attractive to Rebecca and family since her parents, my sister and brother-in-law, live in Greenville, a ninety-minute drive from Columbia.

Attractive to us too. TG and Rebecca have had a special relationship throughout her life. He's already loaning her his Daniel Silva spy thriller collection, one book at a time.

Rebecca told me a few months ago that their moving date was set for June eleventh, so all spring, we had that to look forward to.

I love all of my nieces and nephews and of course my children love their cousins, so everyone was excited at the prospect of their arrival.

My new flamingo and beach ball S&P shakers, for summer

The family will be living in an Airbnb until they decide on a house to buy.

As the day of the move approached, I called Rebecca and asked how things were going. Turned out they were right on schedule.

On June tenth I contacted my niece via text to say that I hoped she'd let us help in whatever way they might need during moving week, and also to invite them to dinner on Thursday the thirteenth.

In due time Rebecca responded that they would love to come to dinner on the thirteenth, and I began making preparations.

Mike chatting with Emmie

A simple but hearty summertime meal was called for, and you know me -- hamburgers and hotdogs done on the grill was the first thing that sprang to mind.

Everyone likes that, and TG does the grilling for me, and I can concentrate on the sides.

Often we have grilled chicken with the burgers and dogs, but because the very next day was Dagny's birthday and we'd have a grilled course for that too, I hewed to the burger-and-dog path and deemed that sufficient.

For sides I made my now-semi-famous Apple Pie Baked Beans -- what? You have not tried those yet? Well I declare, ahoy and avast, chop chop, shake a leg because these are excellent.

Lydia's hair has not seen scissors in many a year

One note regarding the recipe for Apple Pie Baked Beans: when you open the can of apple pie filling, pour it into a bowl and fish out the apple slices and cut them in halves or thirds before adding them to the beans.

Discard the too-sweet goo with which they share that can space. The beans don't need it.

Along with that side, I went with my boring old semi-homemade macaroni and cheese, because the kids love it and it's easy.

All I do is make two boxes of the Kraft Mac and Cheese Deluxe Original Cheddar, prepare it according to package directions, and then add a good quantity of hand-shredded sharp cheddar, and a generous splash of buttermilk. 

TG's tomatoes are exceptional this year

You can use plain milk. I always have buttermilk on hand.

Don't skimp on the extra cheese. You hear me? Do not skimp.

Mix it all up, pour it into your baking dish, add more hand-shredded cheese to the top, and bake at three-fifty for about fifteen minutes.

Bake it any longer and it will dry out. It's just heating through and becoming bubbly. Of course you want to take that out of the oven just as everyone is called to the food-serving area for the blessing and instructed to tuck in.

Rebecca was so relieved that moving day was behind her

I whipped up some coleslaw, also semi-homemade because the tri-color slaw comes in a bag, but I make the dressing with a combination of vinegar (usually apple cider), sugar, and mayonnaise.

TG has been growing beautiful tomatoes, so I sliced up some of those and had diced onion and bread and butter pickles for dressing the burgers and dogs.

I think we had deviled eggs too. In fact, I know we did. They're a staple at our festive meals. So easy to make.

Also chips -- wavy and barbecue. Plus the big galvanized bucket filled with soft drinks and water, covered with loads of lovely ice.

Rebecca made a pretty card to commemorate Lydia's high school graduation

I had begun preparations in earnest at about noon that day. Cooking came first, and I spent a few hours in the kitchen.

Cleaning was next -- namely my floors, since the house is usually orderly and only needs dusting and vacuuming, and a few sweeps of the Swiffer.

That accomplished, I got ready and before I knew it, Mike and Audrey and Dagny had arrived. I'd asked them to come a tad bit early and get the beverage bucket set up.

Rex and Rebecca and their brood pulled up in front of the house at about the same time as Cherica with Rhett and Baby Elliot.

Dagny was more than delighted to hang with her relatives

Rebecca  had asked if they could bring their dog Boaz, a fifty-pound animal whose breed I cannot remember, and I had said of course, but he'd have to stay outside.

They decided not to bring him and I was disappointed, because I've seen pictures and Boaz is super cute, but there will be time for those introductions.

Rex and Rebecca's children consist of Lydia, who is eighteen and just graduated from high school; Emilia -- she goes by Emmie -- who turned seventeen a few weeks ago; JP, who will be sixteen in August; and the aforementioned Jonathan, who is twelve.

They are a truly lovely family and I am looking forward to spending more time with them. In fact, yesterday, Rebecca brought the children over to swim! I had told them they were welcome any time.

Erica was reppin' our beloved Chicago Cubs

It's pretty hot here and their temporary quarters are small-ish, and house hunting is exhausting, and they needed a break.

TG put some planks down for them to walk (hahahaha yes I did say that) so that they could navigate the in-progress deck, and they had a ball splashing around.

The pool water is eighty-five degrees, they reported.

But back to the night of our cookout, last Thursday. Everyone assembled and TG brought in the burgers and dogs, and there were fifteen of us but I only had fourteen chairs, but somehow we made do.

Mike may have been quizzing Emmie about her Chinese roots

We loaded our plates and enjoyed our meal, talking and laughing and getting to know one another better.

For our sweet course, I had gone the easy route and picked up a huge box of Nestlé Classics frozen dessert novelties at Costco. There were drumsticks, ice cream sandwiches, and chocolate-covered ice cream bars.

And I am here to tell you that on that score, I stepped up to the plate and hit a grand-slam home run. You should have seen the children's eyes light up and the adults were chuffed too, when I brought that massive electric-blue box in from the garage freezer, and opened it up so everyone could make their choice.

Those ice creams were scrumptious. I think I'll be keeping a supply of those on hand. Easy and delicious, and best of all, handy portion control. Unless you eat two, in which case you're on your own.

I have a dandy veggie chopper that did those onions

Dagny loved the whole experience; she is a singleton who never met a stranger, so having four kids to hang out with, in addition to Rhett and Elliot, was like a vacation for her.

By the way, in case you need a wee genealogy refresher: Rebecca's children are my great-nieces and great-nephews.

I'm sure you know that but you may not know this: Since Rebecca is my children's first cousin, her children are my children's first cousins once removed.

As in, they share a set of grandparents (my mother and Henry).

Chips: the easiest side to make, haha

Rebecca's children and my grandchildren -- Dagny, Rhett, and so forth -- are second cousins. They share a set of great-grandparents (again, my mother and Henry).

(Often people become confused and believe that their cousins' children are their second cousins, but that is not the case.)

At any rate, we are family and Dagny and Rhett and even Elliot enjoyed getting to know their second cousins.

After supper and that splendid dessert, as the fireflies started winking outside, the kids got up a game of Frisbee.

Dagny hanging out with her second cousin, Emmie

We visited for a while longer before everyone headed for home, having had a truly delightful time.

Our next party was less than twenty-four hours away, so TG and I headed inside to get some rest and look forward to that.

You know I will tell you all about it in a few days.

And that is all for now.


Happy Wednesday

Article originally appeared on I'm Having A Thought Here (
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