Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.
= A.A. Milne =
On Saturday we had a long visit with dear friends who wanted to spend some time with Baby Dagny.
As per usual, amid frequent profuse expressions of admiration for both her physical beauty and her relentless charm, Dagny was cosseted and cuddled and cradled and caressed and cared for with the utmost breathless fascination.
Oh -- and Winnie the Pooh was quoted (by me). Inspiring the purchase today of the entire Pooh canon for Dagny's first birthday, a year less six weeks hence.
To the uneducated an A is just three sticks.
= A.A. Milne =
On Sunday Dagny wore the white eyelet dress I picked out for her three weeks before she was born. The one she wore home from the hospital.
It is all but too small for Dagny.
I told Audrey it will soon be time to put the white eyelet dress away, for preserving, for crying a few silly sentimental tears over when our Dagny is a big girl.
Later Audrey iMessaged all of us with a few pictures of Dagny snoozing peacefully in her carrier.
I have stared at these for so long, I thought it was time someone else had a chance.
So here you go.
Gaze with amazement upon those curvaceous bee-stung lips, those cherubic cheeks, and tell me you don't want to kiss them.
I thought the headband -- a gift from another dear friend -- added just the right amount of personal style to Dagny's summer-go-to-meeting getup.
It take-a panache.
Yesterday evening I was leaning over a wide-awake Dagny as she (again) sat in her carrier, having come into the house and been placed on the table.
As I cooed to her, my beloved looked straight into my eyes, grinned, and cooed back.
Yeah. I'm done for. Scatter my ashes just anywhere.
And that is all for now.
Some people care too much. I think it's called love.
= A.A. Milne =
Happy Monday ~ Happy New Week