Yesterday was a normal day at church.
Except, our Congressman was there, accompanied by his lovely wife.
Am I the only one who, upon hearing the name "Joe Wilson," immediately thinks: "You lie!"?
Well, he's a good guy. One who I feel should not have apologized for having uttered those two words.
One who -- distinctly unlike our president, who does in fact lie -- values the truth.
Why were Joe and Roxanne Wilson, Presbyterians, hanging out with the Baptists?
Because they'd been invited to be with us two weeks ago on a special day, but were unable to attend due to being in New Jersey for a wedding.
And when he had no choice but to decline our pastor's invitation for the 10th, Joe Wilson promised he'd worship with us on the 24th instead.
Audrey leaned over to me and said, "If he's looking for a baby to kiss, I just happen to have one."
So in due course when we'd gone to the church nursery to retrieve a sleepy Dagny, I carried her to the lobby and press-ganged our Congressman into holding her.
"My daughter wants you to bless her baby!" I said.
It was sort of a little pun because we were in church.
Which I shouldn't have to explain but I find increasingly, folks have either never developed a sense of humor or have permanently misplaced the one they had.

At any rate, Joe Wilson, being himself a papaw, lit up and gladly took Dagny in his arms, where she nestled contentedly, gripping the politician's left thumb.
He wasn't in a hurry to let her go either, insisting I take at least a dozen photos where both of their faces were visible.
So then Audrey and I met and chatted with Mrs. Wilson, a kind and gracious lady.
I learned that Roxanne Wilson had a brother, Tim Dusenbury, a Marine who died in 1979 while in the service of our country.
He had been a member of The Citadel Class of 1974, and as such was a classmate of TG, who also graduated that year.
Captain Timothy Allen Dusenbury was twenty-seven years old at the time of his death, and in addition to being an American hero and a devoted son and brother, he was a loving husband and father.
Congressman Wilson commenced to show TG -- who was rocking his vintage Tabasco tie, the one he knows is my personal favorite -- some pictures on his phone, of the late Captain Dusenbury's now-grown sons.

Upon meeting Dusenbury's younger son a few years ago, TG remarked that it felt odd knowing that he remembered the young man's father so well, whereas the son had no memories of his own.
After Sunday lunch I did a bit of research and found that Captain Dusenbury is interred at Mount Hope Cemetery in Florence, South Carolina -- beside his father, Major Julian Delano Dusenbury, also a war hero who was wounded at Okinawa and died at the young age of fifty-four.
Mount Hope is the cemetery where several years ago I lost -- and would not leave until I found -- my right-hand diamond ring.
As soon as temperatures cool down here in South Carolina I plan to tool over to Florence and pay my respects at the graves of the Dusenburys.
Yes I will put flowers and I imagine my TG will go too, maybe even shed a tear at the grave of his classmate.
While there I will also visit the resting place of Melvin Purvis, agent of a then-nascent Federal Bureau of Investigation, who in 1934 masterminded the assassination of John Dillinger, a/k/a Public Enemy Number One, outside the Biograph Theater in Chicago.
The short and ill-advised life of which quasi-lovable Depression-era villain was so rivetingly portrayed by our own Johnny Depp.

Christian Bale played Melvin Purvis. Not bad; not bad at all. Just saying.
If you haven't seen the film Public Enemies (2009), it's worth it if only to marvel at Darling Johnny singing Git Along Little Dogies. #PauseRewind
Oh and the only scene JD and CB have together? The one where CB (affecting a southern drawl) asks JD (also affecting a southern drawl, just kill me now) what keeps him awake at night, and Johnny laconically replies "Coffee ..."? Well.
Just ... a bit of all right, if you catch my drift.
Related non-trivial trivia: Melvin Purvis captured more public enemies than any other FBI agent in history. His record has never been broken, not even by Hotch with assistance from the entire Behavioral Analysis Unit. Haha.
When I return to Florence and Mount Hope -- where, naturally, I'll take lots of pictures for you -- I promise to leave my jewelry at home.
With that, I do believe I've connected enough dots for one day.
I hope I have not bored you.

Happy Monday ~ Happy New Week