Trip Wire :: Part the Third

Nothing to see here
The day after Andrew's graduation, Saturday, we had nothing but time on our hands.
We were in no rush to do anything in particular; in fact, in Enid, Oklahoma, there is very little to do.
There's Oklahoma City ninety minutes to the southeast, but we were in no mood to travel and besides, TG and I would be going there two days later, on Monday, for my birthday.
Outside it was hot, sunny, and windy -- similar to the day before, only even more summer-like.
Brittany has been taking horseback riding lessons and, although she had no lesson planned for that day, I said I wanted to see her ride. So she contacted the farm and they urged her to come on, and bring the family.
So it was that at about eleven thirty we sortied, headed for Hooves N' Harmony out on the edge of town.
Once there, we were greeted by various sweet, friendly dogs. One of them, old and full of days, was a dead ringer for my Rizzo.
We blew over to the big barn, where Brittany would ride and where we were thankful that there was shelter -- albeit dusty and odoriferous -- from the sun and wind.
No I'm not called Mr. Ed and where are the sugar cubes
After a pleasant hour of meeting the horses and watching Brittany saddle her mount, then walk and canter, we went back to the cluttered stable where Ember was encouraged to find eggs, which a prolific poultry unit apparently leaves all over the place.
There is even a cat, name of Mango, who endeavors to protect the eggs.
Mango was sequestered behind some hay bales but Danielle, the farm owner, told her to scooch over so that Ember could retrieve the eggs.
Then Ember decided to hold Mango, who was vaguely opposed to the idea but submitted -- sort of -- for about fifteen seconds.
Sounds like my cat.
After that, we said our goodbyes and headed for Gloss Mountain State Park.
Now, if you know the pirate, you are aware that she's not known for being outdoorsy. I mean, I like being outside -- don't get me wrong; I take a walk every day -- but I'm no stripe of a hiker or climber or fisher or hunter or rider or spelunker or any such sporty thing.
Also when you go to Northwestern Oklahoma, you will be able to testify that three point five seconds outside the city limits of Enid, in addition to the often vivid blue sky, there is nothing but reddish land and brown things.
Cummins: Twinning with Rizzo across the miles
I speculated aloud as we drove that surely it's more attractive in summer?
Not really, said Andrew. Not much.
Enid may be the purple martin capital of Oklahoma and may also hold the nickname of Wheat Capital of Oklahoma and the United States for the amount of grain socked away there (it has the third-largest grain storage capacity in the world), but when it comes to something interesting meeting the actual human eye on any given day, all of that translates into nothingness.
(There is a reason that Air Force bases -- at least the pilot training kind -- tend to be situated in, shall we delicately say, out-of-the-way locations; it would be impractical, imprudent, and basically impossible to conduct the hectic flying pattern over a densely populated area.)
(When finished training at Vance, Andrew and Brittany will live for several months on Altus Air Force Base in Altus, Oklahoma, a three-hour drive southwest of Enid, where in 2013 he trained as a boom operator. It is there that he will learn to fly the KC-135 Stratotanker. To get to Altus, one tongue-in-cheek military blog said, "you drive to the middle of nowhere and keep driving a little farther.")
At any rate, I was a passenger and Andrew declared Gloss Mountain interesting, and I was happy just to be with my family, so away we went.
It took a while, but we got there. I'd seen nothing along the way and saw little more when we arrived.
Yes, it was a sort of mountain, that looked more like a butte -- you know, reddish with a flat top. The pirate was less than riveted.
Mango played along for six seconds tops
We parked the Jeep and got out. I saw to my horror that, using a crude, rudimentary, zig-zagging, inordinately steep and obviously all-but-ancient arrangement of steps, people were climbing gingerly to the top.
Before the wind blew me slap off my feet, I said, I can't do that, and then -- clutching at windblown straws -- the baby can't do that!
Andrew, the dauntless type, already had Ember on his shoulders. Just last month she was skiing at Taos, New Mexico, cool as a cute little cucumber between Andrew's knees while he held her with a harness.
She is fearless and they take her everywhere.
Oh she'll be fine, Brittany, as intrepid as Andrew, grinned as she sailed out ahead of me towards Gloss Mountain.
My soul was filled with dread and my mouth was filled with my own hair, which stuck to my lipstick as the wind made every attempt to alternately blow me prized pirate locks down my throat and/or right off my head, along with my facial features.
It is a modern-day miracle that I still have my sunglasses -- not to mention my eyelashes, nose, and teeth.
The whole experience gave new meaning to the Rodgers and Hammerstein lyric Ooooooklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain ...
That's Brittany in front, Andrew and Ember in the middle, TG bringing up the rear
At any rate, my family eased me into it by meandering first over to a flagpole and monument where a plaque explained something about a discrepancy involving the mountain's name.
All I have retained is that it had been known as both Gloss and Glass Mountain, owing to the presence of a great deal of Selenite, which shines, and some mispronunciation or other by possibly intoxicated mountaineers/explorers, long before mascara was invented.
I could not have cared less even if I had been paid handsomely to do so.
Everyone turned towards the mountain again. They were going to go through with it. I said, I'm not doing that unless Johnny Depp is up there.
Haaahaha they laughed and kept going. We got to the base of the mountain, where a sign announced in no-nonsense terms that there were rattlesnakes and don't kid yourself, they are real rattlestakes. The kind that rattle. I was certainly rattled, but my companions were unfazed.
You won't believe this but, in the interest of being a good sport, I actually started climbing up the steps behind my peeps, thinking, maybe it won't be that bad and maybe don't be such a wet blanket.
But I kept a weather eye for the errant random rattlesnake, not having the faintest idea what I would do if I were to encounter one. (Probably faint, in the faintest fashion fathomable.)
About a third of the way up (read: one and a half minutes), Andrew turned around and said Hey Mom, here's a nice bench! I squinted and saw what he was talking about. Said bench was of Kelly green metal, clean, and most inviting.
Brittany is nothing if not kind, generous, and thoughtful
I'll just wait there, I hollered back. Relieved to be shot of me, my party went on to the heights.
Once ensconced on the handy bench, I held up my phone and attempted to get a good shot for you. But there was nothing good to get a shot of, and besides I had to sit a certain way so that my hair flew straight back, out of my eyes, instead of straight into them, in which case I couldn't see at all.
And there was even less when I looked in that direction, than if I turned around and looked in the other. But I dug two shots out of my recently deleted file, just for this post. You may thank me in the comments.
A few folks were making their way down and I said, Hey! Is it worth it to go all the way up? Undesirable conditions notwithstanding, I experienced a fleeting sense of FOMO (fear of missing out).
Not really, came the immediate reply from a young woman. It's just dirt and wind, and for the last thirty feet there are no steps and you have to climb on falling rocks.
? ? ? ? ?
As if.
I sat tight.
She thought of everything, including this over-the-top cake topper
It was not long at all before I saw TG, Andrew with Ember still on his shoulders, and Brittany, heading down.
I got up and scampered nimbly to the parking lot, to serve as their welcoming committee.
TG asserted that he'd felt like George Leigh Mallory on those last thirty feet, where there were no steps and only a flimsy railing.
(For Christmas I bought him two used books about Mallory's doomed 1924 bid to summit Mount Everest, and he's now Mallory fluent.)
We re-boarded the Jeep and headed for home, where I tried to stay awake but ended up taking a one-hour nap before dinner.
Brittany had simmered homemade sauce all day and with it made baked ziti that was without any doubt the best I have ever tasted, better even than any served in any Italian restaurant anywhere.
She served it with bread and salad, and we were all famished and it was so tasty and comforting.
Afterwards, we watched episodes of Downton Abbey, which program Andrew loves and adores. He goes on and on about the characters and their brilliant conflict resolution, and the costumes, and the scenery, and all of it.
The funfetti cake was festive and delicious
His favorite characters are Molesley and Carson, although like everyone else, he's crazy about Lady Violet. He fervently dislikes Lady Mary, who is my second-favorite character after Lady Violet.
We agreed that without Lady Violet, no one would ever have taken much notice of Downton Abbey.
She is the linchpin, as it were. Strive to be a linchpin for someone, somewhere! is what I always say.
After a good sleep, it was Sunday and winter had returned. The day was gray, rainy, and cold, with the temperature reaching thirty-nine degrees for a few minutes in the afternoon. Dreadful.
After attending church by means of internet (don't judge), Brittany and I went shopping for a few necessities, then returned to the warm house. Later, while Ember napped, Andrew took TG and me to the BX where we bought souvenirs. TG got a nifty Vance-branded waterproof jacket for golfing.
Brittany had made a big pot of Skinny Chicken Fajita Soup, which we consumed lustily at the dinner hour. She'd also made a cake for my birthday, and there were presents, and we had a little party.
This is the balloon Brittany bought for me, back at home
I played with Ember for a while in her room, where she removed the contents of her toy bin, toy by toy, until they were all on the floor and she had told me most of their names. Later, we read a few more books.
Then the baby went to bed, and we watched additional Downton Abbey episodes as the cold wind howled outside the cozy house.
Our visit was near to an end and, as I drifted off to sleep, I tried not to think about leaving my loves. The next day would be exciting and full of birthday adventure.
Yes I will tell you all about it in our next installment. There will be suites and sweets and a poignant visit to a cemetery.
And that is all for now.
Happy Tuesday

Reader Comments (23)
My boys also like Downton Abbey and I agree, Lady Violet is a favorite of our family as well. I like her relationship with Isobel, it is so fun. ;-)
I enjoy traveling with you, and am looking forward to the birthday party.
Ember is so sweet, her eyes are beautiful.
Andrew was already on a pedestal for me, but now he's gone even higher -smart man to like Downton Abby. What about TG? Because Bon is not thrilled with it.
I loved the photo of Ember with the cat, it's a classic! (And she is just so cute!)
I'm so like you. I would prefer to be out of the wind, in air conditioning and certainly not climbing. And don't be taking my babies to any place where I might picture them falling... But then, if I don't go, I think I may be missing photo opportunities. :)
Brittany is a wonderful hostess. I'm glad she made you feel so welcome.
And last - I'm a terrible friend! How did I miss your 65th birthday? Happy Birthday my friend. Glad you were surrounded with love and a grandbaby!
@Carla ... your boys like Downton Abbey too? That's crazy! I never would have thought any boys or men would take a liking to that chick show, haaha! But it really does have something that would appeal to just about everyone. I think it is a mark of good taste in your menfolk and mine, that they see its merits and enjoy it! I hope you like the next installment of the trip ... xoxo
@Mari ... Haahaah welllll ... TG had only HEARD of Downton Abbey until Andrew said he loved it, and then turned it on and let the episodes run (with closed captioning because Ember was still up and he didn't want the TV blaring) ... TG got interested in it -- because who wouldn't ... get with the program, Bon!!!! -- and then, on the way home we listened through Bluetooth in the car to full episodes of Law & Order before switching to Downton Abbey! He listened avidly but he has not asked to see any more episodes since we got home. If I said OK we're watching us some DA tonight and sat down beside him, he'd say okay and we would, but I doubt if he will ask for it! I was shocked and amazed to hear Andrew say he was such a fan of the show but then again, it is a GREAT show!!! Yes that Ember girl with the kitty cat Mango is really something -- her hot cheeks and blazing blue eyes just so gorgeous! And girl don't think a thing of "missing" my birthday! I only have them to get cake anyway, haaahaha! xoxo
HaPpY BiRThDaY JENNY! You and I are the same age! My birthday was January 22. I had noticed the sentence in your sidebar saying "Causing considerable consternation to many fine folk since 1957" and knew we had to be the same age. Haha! That first photo in this post ("Nothing to see here"), of the mesas... now if that had been me, I would have yearned to be right smack on top of one of those mesas, to view the land as far as I could see. I'm just one of "those people" who has to investigate everything in the land and make an adventure of it. I'm bettin' it looks a lot different once spring and summer take hold. I probably would have loved Gloss Mountain, too... and been the first to the top. LOL! I looked at the OK state park website for it, seems very interesting (to me haha). (Enid is 2 1/2 hours straight south of where we live in Kansas.) Cummins looks exactly like our Brandi did - she was a beagle/dachshund, a little on the tubby side lol. Annnnnyway, what a wonderful time you've had with Andrew, Brittany, and Ember! What a lovely party Brittany put together for you! Ember holding Mango = priceless! ❤️ Blessings to you, Jenny!
@Diana ... Girl I had you pegged for my same age! UHmazing! Great year to have been born, no? But clearly we'd disagree on how to spend an afternoon, haaahaha! I'd opt for the shops and coffee houses, and you'd be looking for a mesa ... but hey, there is enough stuff for everyone to do. You'd love Brittany and Andrew because they're always climbing something or other. Our Erica and her husband Chad are big hikers and climbers too! They love to explore the outdoors, and the more rugged, the better. I am too prissy but then, someone has to be! Haahaha! We did have a wonderful time though, just being with our Andrew and his lovely family, and now I wish I could go back! BTW my little Rizzo is a chiweenie ... dachshund and chihuahua mix! I'm not sure about old Cummins but he looked close enough to a chiweenie for me! Your Brandi sounds precious. Happy week to you! xoxo
I'm with you, Jenny. I would have sat on that bench and waited it out. No going to the top of the mountain for me! Though I would have been petrified looking for snakes! Good for the rest of the crew making it to the top! Enid Oklahoma reminds me of driving through lots of parts of Wyoming. Not much there to see and windy at times! How special/wonderful it was to be able to spend your birthday with your family! Happy belated birthday!! I'm also a 1957 baby but my birthday is later in the year. Brittany sounds like a great cook! I think it is great Andrew and Brittany take Ember everywhere and she is fearless! That will carry her far in this life!! Looking to hearing more of your trip and birthday celebrations!
@betty ... first let me say, YES Brittany is a great cook! She does not put anything on the table that isn't absolutely delicious. She's just a wonderful homemaker overall, and we are so proud of her. SO you and I could have hung out on the bench together! Awesome! I would have protected you from rattlers, haaahaha! Or at least I would've tried. Another one born in the great year of 1957! We have a quorum, I do believe. And I agree that Ember being trained to just leap in and do everything without consulting her fears, will indeed take her far in life. I have been a scaredy cat from day one, haaha! xoxo
Happy birthday Jenny. I can call you young lady because I am older than you. You sure had interesting adventures to share, I love the photo of Ember and the kitty, and I love horses so nice to hear about them too.
@Terra ... hello friend ... I'm sure you're not that much older than me! But it's just a silly number, no? Isn't Ember adorable trying to hold onto that tuxedo cat? I had such fun petting the horses. xoxo
You are so funny! Yes, I thank you for the picture of the hike to the top that you sat out. I actually would have climbed it, but I’m a hiker. We’ve been to many of the national parks out west. I remember specifically a rattlesnake warning sign in the Badlands. I do enjoy the desert scenery and it’s always a shock to fly home and see how very green it is here.
When I was a Girl Scout leader for middle child, our troop became pen pals with a troop in Oklahoma City. I remember them sending our girls red rocks and we sent them buckeyes (the real ones, not the candy).
Happy Belated Birthday! I’m sending you a big smooch from Mr. Depp! XOX
Well, I don't know of any men in my family that like Downton Abbey but maybe because they haven't tried it? Looks like a great day and your daughter in law is a wonderful host! Happy 65th birthday to you! Welcome to the Medicare group!
I so enjoyed reading this post and hearing more about your trip and visit.
I enjoy being outside but I despise the wind. I have very thick, semi curly hair and the wind just whips it around. I would have been right on the bench with you watching for rattle snakes.
I love the picture of Ember trying to hold onto the cat. Adorable!! It's great that they do everything with her. She'll have amazing self confidence.
How nice to be able to enjoy time with your family, good food and well, CAKE!!
Can't wait to hear more about your celebration!! xoxo
@Bijoux ... I'll take the smooch and thank you kindly! So you're one of the outdoorsy types, eh? I chalk my reticence up to too much time spent camping as a kid. Now it's hotels and start at three stars, haaahaa xoxo
@Jeanette ... oh yeah, woo hoo, I have my Medicare card! Haaaha wow it's kind of sad being 65 but I'm trying not to think about it. Yes Brittany always hits it out of the park. xoxo
@Lori ... girl that birthday came right on time, just like every year, and wasn't late at all, haaaha! Yes the wind was despicable and I do not miss it! I am a major disliker of windy days in general and when Brittany texted as we approached Enid "Welcome to the windiest place on earth," I thought oh nooooooo! Haaaha but we survived and being with my dollybelle Ember for days on end made it worth the aggravation. xoxo
This makes me love all the more, living in the foothills of the most ancient mountains in the US, the Adirondack Mountains. I loath the politics of my State. But the scenery is green and rolling. Brown and flat do not appeal to me.
Was Brittany blessed by the "Perfection Fairy", after her birth? She is adorable. She was chosen by your beyond handsome son. Together, they produced the most adorable child. Is a perfect home maker and house keeper. Provides delicious meals and a Birthday Party, for visiting relatives.
Happy Birthday to you, my Dear!
Not a happy wind experience, but I'm sure you came through it, with as little *damage* as is possible. -giggggles-
Gentle hugs,
Sounds like you enjoyed a fun 65th!! Although, you don't look a day over forty!
Good food...a sweet cake and lots of love... nothing better!!
Oh, trust me, there’s no camping going on in this family! But we do enjoy God’s wonders.
@Mari-Nanci ... Britt is not perfect, but she's close enough for me. I do not embroider, nor do I pin flowers on folks randomly. She is certainly darling to look at, and she's a wonderful wife and mother and we're so grateful for her, as is Andrew. My late m-i-l could not stand me so I'm glad that it's easy to love our Britt! And I'm with you all the way on the verdant and venerable Adirondacks. I love the mountains and I love the green! Thank you for the birthday wishes! xoxo
@Donna ... we had ourselves a time! Haha thanks for the compliment, although I promise you, I am showing my age. Aaarrggghhhh! xoxo
@Bijoux ... what a relief! Haaaha ... I hate, loathe, despise camping, although I do love being outdoors and the smell of pine trees. But I can get that out by my pool! With all the comforts of home mere steps away. xoxo
Mom, thank you for working so hard to document this trip, having you all here was truly a joy and I’ll never forget these three short days. I’m so proud of my family and I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for you and Dad and the love, hard work, and sacrifice you put into my life. We love you and miss you, now I need to go read to Ember since you aren’t here!
@Andrew ... well son, it was truly a privilege to be with you all and to stay in your home, which was a first! And Brittany really did outdo herself as a hostess. We are so proud of the two of you, and of all you have accomplished. Being with my precious Ember and reading to her was worth all the miles. xoxo
Oh, what an adventure! I think someone had to "sacrifice" and stay put at the bottom! You were brave to do so. The wind is fierce in the Midwest these days! I can just see you facing the gale to keep your hair out of your eyes!
Those meals sound delicious. Happy birthday!
@Gayla ... Yes I sacrificed my trip to the top, to keep a lookout, haahaa! I was glad though, that they were not up there for long. Yes our meals were truly wonderful! Thanks for reading, my friend! xoxo
Oh my gosh - I was laughing so hysterically that Bob rushed in to see if I was OK. What a hoot! I can just picture you looking up at at that "mountain" while trying to brave the wind and the possibility of rattlesnakes. I have a good blog friend of many years who lives in Tulsa. It's been hot and windy there too. He often can't fly his drone because of the wind. Ember is a little wrangler with rosy cheeks from the heat. I like that she's fearless.
@Barb ... well if I made you actually laugh out loud, I am done for the day! Haaahaha I love it. I do not like dirt, dust, hot sun, and wind -- even by themselves! All together? Just, no. Hard pass from me. But wasn't I a good sport? Good blogging fodder if nothing else! Ember just loves being outdoors -- would rather be outside than just about anything. Andrew told us that she can find a ladybug and keep track of it for hours. Checking on it, talking to it, et cetera. A natural-born naturalist, haaahhaa! It won't be long before she's actually riding horses! xoxo