Zion Chapel of Ease Cemetery
Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
Down these mean streets a man must go
who is not himself mean,
who is neither tarnished nor afraid.
He is the hero; he is everything.
He must be a complete man
and a common man
and yet an unusual man.
He must be,
to use a rather weathered phrase,
a man of honor --
by instinct, by inevitability,
without thought of it,
and certainly without saying it.
If he is a man of honor in one thing,
he is that in all things.
He must be the best man in his world
and a good enough man for any world.
He has a sense of character,
or he would not know his job.
He will take no man's money dishonestly
and no man's insolence
without a due and dispassionate revenge.
He is a lonely man
and his pride is that you will treat him
as a proud man
or be very sorry you ever saw him.
The story is this man's adventure
in search of a hidden truth,
and it would be no adventure
if it did not happen to a man
fit for adventure.
If there were enough like him,
the world would be a very safe place
to live in, without becoming too dull
to be worth living in.
> Raymond Chandler <
Happy Friday