DB February 2014
Entries by Title
- Water is water
- Here in thy harbors for a while
- There's an hour at the last
- A deep but dazzling darkness
- As a fence, it is a masterpiece
- With every grace endued
- In sumptuous solitude
- The flood may bear me far
- One who came with eyes and hands and a heart
- You said to minds like mine
- A strange grace of gratitude
- I should be rich to be so poor
- Thine shall the glory be
- Hunt down love together
- Love is God's own antidote
- But if the while I think on thee
- Love shall resume her dominion
- You are here for proof
- And these mine eyes shall see
- Bound in the Wholeness
- Resistance
- From the rock as if by magic grown
- Where now this night is day
- An echo of her singing
- While we can
- I know He watches me
- Immensity made manifold