Sunday, January 11, 2015 at 04:44AM
U n s i n k a b l e
Riverside Cemetery
Asheville, North Carolina
I care not today what the morrow may bring
If shadow or sunshine or rain
The Lord I know ruleth o'er everything
And all of my worries are vain.
Living by faith in Jesus above
Trusting, confiding in His great love
From all harm safe, in His sheltering arms
I'm living by faith and feel no alarm.
Though tempests may blow and the storm clouds arise
Obscuring the brightness of life
I'm never alarmed at the overcast skies
The Master looks on at the strife.
I know that He safely will carry me through
No matter what evils betide
Why should I then care though the tempest may blow
If Jesus walks close to my side.
Our Lord will return for His loved ones someday
Our troubles will then all be o'er
The Master so gently will lead us away
Beyond that blest Heavenly shore.
Living by faith in Jesus above
Trusting, confiding in His great love
From all harm safe in His sheltering arms
I'm living by faith and feel no alarm.
= James Wells =
Consider the lilies how they grow:
they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you,
that Solomon in all his glory
was not arrayed like one of these.
Luke 12:27
Happy Sunday
Beyond the Realm of Bird
Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 04:44AM
G r a c k l y G r a f f i t i
Old City Alleyway
Knoxville, Tennessee
A Wind that rose
Though not a Leaf
In any Forest stirred
But with itself did cold engage
Beyond the Realm of Bird --
A Wind that woke a lone Delight
Like Separation's Swell
Restored in Arctic Confidence
To the Invisible --
= Emily Dickinson =
Happy Saturday
Absurd but bewitching secrets
Friday, January 9, 2015 at 04:44AM
H e a r t O v e r M i n d O v e r M a t t e r
Lake Murray Padlocks
Lexington, South Carolina
Time and place, time and place,
how dull you make them sound:
I'll take a happier ground.
A history and a mystery
of absurd but bewitching secrets
in the May sky tra la in the bloodstream too
in the gay heart and the merry mind
in the dream that sings on the borders of sleep
of worlds lost and worlds to come
all of it woven with needles of light
blossoming and vanishing
flashing and gone. Time and place
but with a difference. Everything
to be touched and loved at once
each fiery item intrinsic and tangible
as the round red moon of the calendar
or the seconds jumping like crickets
on the stupid face of the clock.
The senses are mischievous but also
there's magic in them, and love
lives through the senses only.
Isn't it there that the soul lies?
O yes and lies and lies if you like,
for the soul too is a chameleon,
where and for how long can it stand still?
Over the steeple and under the hill.
Yet volatile and incorporeal howsoever
-- see where it flies! --
it too feeds only through the senses
summoning thus the very quiver of light
to be by this translated
and quickened to an ecstasy.
Now that is gone
and love undone.
From Love's Grammarians
= Conrad Aiken =
Happy Friday
A vision in the eye
Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 04:44AM
R o o m 2 0 1
Rossford Junior High School
Rossford, Ohio
The cold remote islands
And the blue estuaries
Where what breathes, breathes
The restless wind of the inlets
And what drinks, drinks
The incoming tide;
Where shell and weed
Wait upon the salt wash of the sea,
And the clear nights of stars
Swing their lights westward
To set behind the land;
Where the pulse clinging to the rocks
Renews itself forever;
Where, again on unclouded nights,
The water reflects
The firmament's partial setting;
-- O remember
In your narrowing dark hours
That more things move
Than blood in the heart.
The robins' green-blue eggs
Being the complementary color
To the robins' rosy breast --
Is it a vision in the eye, a resolution in the blood
That calls back these birds, to cherish and to guide?
The clever and as though instructed
Tendril of convolvulus
Having chosen the rosebranch for the support
Of its ascending spiral
Succeeds in avoiding
All but the smaller thorns.
= Louise Bogan =
In Loving Memory
Happy Thursday
The thing before the letters came
Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 04:44AM
S h a d o w s a n d S h e d
Belleview Cemetery
Lenoir, North Carolina
Death's the classic look. It goes
down stoneworks carved with Latin Prose
and Poetry. And scholar's Greek
that no one now can really speak,
though it's all guessed at. The long view
contains bits of Etruscan, too,
(as guessed at as the Greek is, but
no one yet has figured out
more than a first few words, and those
the names for fish, bird, water, rose
painted beside the painting of
what a dead man kept to love
inside his tomb). In back of that
the view runs desert-rimmed and flat
past writings that were things, not words:
roses, water, fish, and birds.
The thing before the letters came,
The name before there was a name.
And back of things themselves? Who knows?
Jungle spells it as it grows
where the damp among the shoots
waterlogs the classic roots,
and the skulls and bones of things
last half as long as a bird sings,
as a fish swims, as a rose fills,
opens, lets out its breath, and spills
into the sockets where things crawl,
and death looks like no look at all.
= John Ciardi =
Happy Wednesday