DB November 2015
Entries by Title
- Christ plays in ten thousand places
- Pour new seas in mine eyes
- Casual simplicity
- The angels in that other country
- Happy spirit blest
- What autumn knew would happen
- And to my core mellow
- Dream-drapery
- A high behavior
- Pieces of heaven left lying around
- Pillars of brown and gold
- You own nothing
- Two more southern days
- A beautiful spirit breathing now
- Someone dear calling me
- In a world of flying loves
- But a little silence
- Beauty is a thing beyond the grave
- The leaves obtained excuse
- I have seen many autumns
- Come, months, come away
- For the joy of ear and eye
- Truth is good health
- Reaching all the winter
- Like a sacrament
- Beautiful as days can be
- Where blew a flower
- Brightest truth