DB November 2019
Entries by Title
- Departure from a hinge
- These virtues of delight
- A light that is already leaving
- The echo of the future
- Oh for the veils
- The same through tests of time
- Upon their silver feet
- I know the magic word
- The last heavy sweetness
- Neither left nor right
- Satisfaction is a lowly thing
- Found and harbored
- Then we shall never roam
- How good to be in tombs
- Streets that I chanced upon
- A world torn loose
- Centuries of stony sleep
- Her only levity is patience
- How passing strange
- All was left for me
- All that heaven was
- My bones hold a stillness
- Quickly the lights are appearing
- All things are symbols
- No leaves were fallen
- The solitary habit
- The promise is not vain
- I who was almost bold
- The spring will be a harvest-time