Saturday, October 10, 2015 at 04:44AM
G a z e
Monument Square
Camden, South Carolina
Let Us play Yesterday --
I -- the Girl at school --
You -- and Eternity -- the
Untold Tale --
Easing my famine
At my Lexicon --
Logarithm -- had I -- for Drink --
'Twas a dry Wine --
Somewhat different -- must be --
Dreams tint the Sleep --
Cunning Reds of Morning
Make the Blind -- leap --
Still at the Egg-life --
Chafing the Shell --
When you troubled the Ellipse --
And the Bird fell --
Manacles be dim -- they say --
To the new Free --
Liberty -- Commoner --
Never could -- to me --
'Twas my last gratitude
When I slept -- at night --
'Twas the first Miracle
Let in -- with Light --
Can the Lark resume the Shell --
Easier -- for the Sky --
Wouldn't Bonds hurt more
Than Yesterday?
Wouldn't Dungeons sorer grate
On the Man -- free --
Just long enough to taste --
Then -- doomed new --
God of the Manacle
As of the Free --
Take not my Liberty
Away from Me --
= Emily Dickinson =
Happy Saturday
In the mystical moist night-air
Friday, October 9, 2015 at 04:44AM
F i r e A t M y B a c k
Elmwood Cemetery
Columbia, South Carolina
When I heard the learn’d astronomer,
When the proofs, the figures,
When the proofs, the figures,
were ranged in columns before me,
When I was shown the charts and diagrams,
When I was shown the charts and diagrams,
to add, divide, and measure them,
When I sitting heard the astronomer
When I sitting heard the astronomer
where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,
How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick,
Till rising and gliding out I wander’d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.
How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick,
Till rising and gliding out I wander’d off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.
= Walt Whitman =
Happy Friday
The dark unguarded goes
Thursday, October 8, 2015 at 04:44AM
I n E v e r y T h i n g
St. John in the Wilderness Episcopal Cemetery
Flat Rock, North Carolina
I speak this poem now with grave and level voice
In praise of autumn, of the far-horn-winding fall.
I praise the flower-barren fields, the clouds, the tall
Unanswering branches where the wind makes sullen noise.
I praise the fall: it is the human season. Now
No more the foreign sun does meddle at our earth,
Enforce the green and bring the fallow land to birth,
Nor winter yet weigh all with silence the pine bough,
But now in autumn with the black and outcast crows
Share we the spacious world: the whispering year is gone:
There is more room to live now: the once secret dawn
Comes late by daylight and the dark unguarded goes.
Between the mutinous brave burning of the leaves
And winter’s covering of our hearts with his deep snow
We are alone: there are no evening birds: we know
The naked moon: the tame stars circle at our eaves.
It is the human season. On this sterile air
Do words outcarry breath: the sound goes on and on.
I hear a dead man’s cry from autumn long since gone.
I cry to you beyond upon this bitter air.
In praise of autumn, of the far-horn-winding fall.
I praise the flower-barren fields, the clouds, the tall
Unanswering branches where the wind makes sullen noise.
I praise the fall: it is the human season. Now
No more the foreign sun does meddle at our earth,
Enforce the green and bring the fallow land to birth,
Nor winter yet weigh all with silence the pine bough,
But now in autumn with the black and outcast crows
Share we the spacious world: the whispering year is gone:
There is more room to live now: the once secret dawn
Comes late by daylight and the dark unguarded goes.
Between the mutinous brave burning of the leaves
And winter’s covering of our hearts with his deep snow
We are alone: there are no evening birds: we know
The naked moon: the tame stars circle at our eaves.
It is the human season. On this sterile air
Do words outcarry breath: the sound goes on and on.
I hear a dead man’s cry from autumn long since gone.
I cry to you beyond upon this bitter air.
= Archibald MacLeish =
Happy Thursday
Watch for ever earnestly
Wednesday, October 7, 2015 at 04:44AM
R e d H a n d e d
Old Gray Cemetery
Knoxville, Tennessee
The pine-trees bend to listen
to the autumn wind as it mutters
Something which sets the black poplars ashake
with hysterical laughter;
While slowly the house of day
is closing its eastern shutters.
Further down the valley
the clustered tombstones recede,
Winding about their dimness
the mist's grey cerements, after
The street lamps in the darkness
have suddenly started to bleed.
The leaves fly over the window
and utter a word as they pass
To the face that leans from the darkness,
intent, with two dark-filled eyes
That watch for ever earnestly
from behind the window glass.
= D.H. Lawrence =
Happy Wednesday
The chorus I hear and am elated
Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 04:44AM
H e a d G a m e
Old Gray Cemetery
Knoxville, Tennessee
The music always round me, unceasing, unbeginning,
yet long untaught I did not hear,
But now the chorus I hear and am elated,
A tenor, strong, ascending with power and health,
with glad notes of daybreak I hear,
A soprano at intervals sailing buoyantly
over the tops of immense waves,
A transparent base shuddering lusciously
under and through the universe,
The triumphant tutti, the funeral wailings
with sweet flutes and violins,
all of these I fill myself with,
I hear not the volumes of sound merely,
I am moved by the exquisite meanings,
I listen to the different voices winding in and out,
striving, contending
with fiery vehemence to excel each other in emotion;
I do not think the performers know themselves --
but now I think I begin to know them.
= Walt Whitman =
Happy Tuesday