Friday, September 5, 2014 at 04:44AM
A n d r e w ' s S u n s e t
Island of Guam, US Territory
These are the clouds about the fallen sun,
The majesty that shuts his burning eye:
The weak lay hand on what the strong has done,
Till that be tumbled that was lifted high
And discord follow upon unison,
And all things at one common level lie.
And therefore, friend, if your great race were run
And these things came, so much the more thereby
Have you made greatness your companion,
Although it be for children that you sigh;
These are the clouds about the fallen sun,
The majesty that shuts his burning eye.
= William Butler Yeats =
Happy Friday
Not a wind but whispers of thy name
Thursday, September 4, 2014 at 04:44AM
W r i t t e n i n S t o n e
Magnolia Cemetery
Augusta, Georgia
There's not an hour
Of day, or dreaming night, but I am with thee:
There's not a wind but whispers of thy name;
And not a flower that sleeps beneath the moon
But in its fragrance tells a tale
Of thee.
There's not a look, a word of thine,
My soul hath e'er forgot;
Thou ne'er hast bid a ringlet shine,
Nor given thy locks one graceful twine,
Which I remember not.
Thy imag'd form I shall survey,
And, pausing at the view,
Recall thy gentle smile, and say,
"Oh, such a maid I knew!"
= William Lisle Bowles =
Happy Thursday
The rays of many glories
Wednesday, September 3, 2014 at 04:44AM
S l e e p i n g I n
Magnolia Cemetery
Augusta, Georgia
See! Their verses are laid
as mosaic gold to gold
gold to lapis lazuli
white marble to porphyry
stone shouldering stone, the dice
polished alike, there is
no cement seen and no gap
between stones as the frieze strides
to the impending apse:
the rays of many glories
forced to its focus forming
a glory neither of stone
nor metal, neither of words
nor verses, but of the light
shining upon no substance;
a glory not made
for which all else was made.
as mosaic gold to gold
gold to lapis lazuli
white marble to porphyry
stone shouldering stone, the dice
polished alike, there is
no cement seen and no gap
between stones as the frieze strides
to the impending apse:
the rays of many glories
forced to its focus forming
a glory neither of stone
nor metal, neither of words
nor verses, but of the light
shining upon no substance;
a glory not made
for which all else was made.
= Basil Bunting =
Happy Wednesday
Rise up and run
Tuesday, September 2, 2014 at 04:44AM
B e s t S t r e s s e d L i s t
Old Sheldon Church Ruins
Yemassee, South Carolina
Eternal spring of boundless grace,
It lifts the soul above,
Where God the Son unveils his face,
And shows that Heaven is love.
It lifts the soul above,
Where God the Son unveils his face,
And shows that Heaven is love.
Love that revolves through endless years --
Love that can never pall;
Love which excludes the gloom of fears,
Love to whom God is all!
Love that can never pall;
Love which excludes the gloom of fears,
Love to whom God is all!
Love which can ransom every slave,
And set the pris'ner free;
Gild the dark horrors of the grave,
And still the raging sea.
And set the pris'ner free;
Gild the dark horrors of the grave,
And still the raging sea.
Let but the partial smile of Heaven
Upon the bosom play,
The mystic sound of sins forgiven,
Can waft the soul away.
Upon the bosom play,
The mystic sound of sins forgiven,
Can waft the soul away.
The pilgrim's spirits show this love,
They often soar on high;
Languish from this dim earth to move,
And leave the flesh to die.
They often soar on high;
Languish from this dim earth to move,
And leave the flesh to die.
Sing, oh my soul, rise up and run,
And leave this clay behind;
And leave this clay behind;
Wing thy swift flight beyond the sun,
Nor dwell in tents confined.
Nor dwell in tents confined.
= George Moses Horton =
Happy Tuesday
There is a certain silence
Monday, September 1, 2014 at 04:44AM
S i l e n c e o f t h e S h a d o w s
Greenwich Cemetery
Savannah, Georgia
There are all kinds of silences
and each of them means a different thing.
There is the silence that comes
with morning in a forest,
and this is different
from the silence of a sleeping city.
There is silence after a rainstorm,
and before a rainstorm,
and these are not the same.
There is the silence of emptiness,
the silence of fear,
the silence of doubt.
There is a certain silence
that can emanate from a lifeless object
as from a chair lately used,
or from a piano
with old dust upon its keys,
or from anything that has answered
to the need of a man,
for pleasure or for work.
This kind of silence can speak.
Its voice may be melancholy,
but it is not always so;
for the chair may have been left
by a laughing child
or the last notes of the piano
may have been raucous and gay.
Whatever the mood
or the circumstance,
the essence of its quality
may linger in the silence that follows.
It is a soundless echo.
= Beryl Markham =
Happy Monday ~ Happy Labor Day ~ Happy September