What I got and what I hope to get

Like I said before, in our family, we do Christmas lists.
I asked for a cotton flannel wrap robe in blackwatch plaid from the Vermont Country Store.
I also asked for a Pandora cubic zirconia bangle bracelet I'd had my eye on for some time.
Both were under the tree.
Due to the vagaries of online ordering guessing relative to size, my beautiful robe (a gift from Erica) was a tad on the too-large size.
As in, I could grow six inches and gain seventy-five pounds and still comfortably wear that robe even if I strapped a litter of beagle puppies about my person.
Which -- as delightful as that sounds -- the puppies, that is -- I have no plan to do.
So with much reluctance I re-packaged the robe and called the folks up in Vermont to make sure I was fixing to process the exchange for a smaller size, correctly.
(It may actually dip below fifty degrees in South Carolina this "winter" and I may need that garment on a chilly morning or two.)
The lady I reached (I pictured her sitting in a log cabin in the woods in Vermont, wearing a Lanz of Salzburg flannel granny gown and fuzzy slippers, a crackling fire not ten feet away, snow drifting sumptuously outside the window, a stack of flapjacks drenched in maple syrup at her elbow) -- name of Linda -- couldn't have been nicer.
I told her I loved my robe and that I considered simply keeping it although it's roughly the size of Vermont.
But I said, I thought better of it the first time I tripped and nearly fell while modeling said robe.
(Not that tripping and falling is foreign to me, and not that I have to be wearing too-large clothing in order to suffer that fate accomplish that feat).
I think I should exchange it before it becomes my blackwatch plaid flannel shroud, I told Linda, causing her to belly laugh and (probably) spill her mugful of piping hot apple cider.
She told me they were expecting their first snow of the season that very night. Three to five, and I don't mean years. Inches.
I hope they got it. She sounded so happy and hopeful.
So my robe is even now wending its way back to a cabin deep in the woods of Vermont where it will, I hope, be promptly exchanged for one exactly like it, in a size I don't often technically wear.
As to my bracelet -- a gift from TG -- it too is beautiful, but too small.
Yes. A bangle bracelet that is too small. And no, I am not a giant. Not by any means. I am not even big-boned (whatever that means).
If I were, it would not have been necesssary to send my robe back to Vermont.
This bracelet, though? It's an oval, and it has to fit over your hand. There is no clasp.
As such it could not have possibly been meant for a grown woman to wear, unless she is roughly the size of your average twelve-year-old.
Turns out that in the link I had provided in my Christmas list -- for ease of purchase of said item -- was an option of ordering the bracelet in a ridiculously small size as well as in a normal, larger size.
Naturally the default was the ludicrously small size -- ????? -- and none of us noticed it.
So back it will go -- to Miami, not to Vermont -- and in a few days I should have a stunning Pandora CZ bangle in a size that slides over my hand and onto my wrist.
And sparkles there, beguilingly.
I shall treat you to a photo of my bracelet on my wrist, against the backdrop of my flannel wrap robe in blackwatch plaid. I promise. That's totally how I roll.
Meanwhile, for reasons even I cannot remember, late last night I was searching Amazon for a buffet-style flatware caddy. I've wanted one for years, and again this holiday season I wished I had one.
I didn't find what I wanted, but I was amused by the search results.
So that's something.
As in, who throws the search result of swim fins in with dozens of flatware caddies in every possible size, configuration, color, degree of attractiveness and practicality, and material of make-age?
I stared and the thought occurred to me that for a pool party, maybe you could place the fins on a buffet and stick the silverware down in them.
That's when I knew it was time to head for bed.
But maybe that's what the folks at the Zon were thinking. We'll never know. Let's give them the benefit of the doubt.
I still don't have a flatware caddy.
Perhaps in 2016 I shall acquire one. In just the right size.
When/if I do, I'll share.
And that is all for now.
Happy Wednesday :: Happy New Year