Monterey Square, Savannah, Georgia ~ May 2010As promised, here is my homage to TG on his sixtieth birthday.
I have a firm belief that babies are born on their birthdays.
Maybe that's why I vividly remember my children's birthdays but I cannot recall the "due date" of a single one of them.
Be that as it may, I think it's interesting that my mother tells me I arrived precisely on the day I was due.
TG, however, showed up six weeks earlier than expected.
Which is interesting because of the two of us, I am the least patient.
Trust me on this.
TG watching his family play ~ December 2011
Baby TG gave his poor mother a proper fright as she was by herself on a train trying to get from Cleveland to relatives in Painesville (Ohio) in time for the surprise birth.
TG's dad was on the road, playing basketball against the Harlem Globetrotters.
TG's Citadel basketball letter jacket
He planned to be home for the big event but all plans, as they tend to do, went awry.
So TG was born in late January instead of early March. If he'd just hung in there a little longer, he wouldn't be sixty yet.
TG with Bill Hoerr and brother Ron ~ January 2011
Think about it.
Also, since my birthday is in early March, if he hadn't been so antsy, we might have birthdays within a few days of one another or even on the same day.
TG and me with Stephanie ~ November 1981
But I do believe babies come on their birthdays so a mooter point I never discussed for so long.
When a person turns sixty I think some things should be said about him. And who better to say things about TG than the one who knows him best and loves him most?
TG on Wall Street, NYC ~ May 2011
And has a blog? And can talk a blue streak?
I have means, motive, and opportunity.
TG and me with Stephanie, Audrey, and Erica ~ November 1986
TG and I met in February, 1976. Thirty-six years ago. He had graduated from The Citadel two years earlier but I was not yet nineteen.
We had our first date on August 24, 1978, in Chicago, Illinois. We married on June 16, 1979, in Atlanta, Georgia. TG told me while we were dating that all he'd ever wanted was a wife and family.
Oh Yes I Do ~ June 1979
Except later it came out that he harbored a secret dream of coaching the Chicago Bulls. Ah well.
When it comes to dreams, we go big or go home.
Class of '74
TG is the last of the nice guys. Seriously. Find a nicer guy and I will admit I'm wrong but I don't intend to hold my breath.
Sure he has faults and I know most of them. But I won't reveal any and do you know why? Because I have more than him, and he'd cut his tongue out before he'd tell you even one of mine.
Freshman at The Citadel ~ August 1970
Charleston, South Carolina ~ January 2012
I had to suppress laughter the other day when I was in a deposition. The case was a bitter divorce and the wife was testifying while her estranged husband of nearly four decades glared at her from across the table.
Schererville, Indiana ~ Christmas 1987
She said he once tried to choke her with a sock. I know, I know. That part's tragic and not funny at all. And I never could figure out if she meant he shoved the sock down her throat or put it around her neck.
Schererville, Indiana ~ Fall 1988
But the reason I had to choke back a chuckle was, TG is always coming at me with socks.
He's yet to strangle or gag me with one, although I don't dare ask him if he's been tempted.
Highland, Indiana ~ October 1989
If I'm relaxing in my chair at the end of the day, TG often comes over and starts massaging my feet because he knows how much I love that.
Invariably I've forgotten to put on socks and my feet are blocks of ice with toes. I have a throw blanket over me but I don't like covers on my feet.
Chicago, Illinois ~ November 1990
"Precious Girl! Your feet are cold!" TG will declare (he almost always calls me Precious Girl. I am TG's PG).
Then he goes and gets my socks -- he knows just the ones -- and gently tugs them into place.
Knoxville, Tennessee ~ November 1991
That's what I'm talking about.
TG's always working quietly in the background to provide for me and our kids. There's no sniveling, no self-pity. He doesn't whine and he never reminds you of all he's done for you.
Knoxville, Tennessee ~ November 1993
He learned that from his father, who operated in exactly the same way.
TG smells really, really good and of course he's inordinately handsome.
Columbia, South Carolina ~ Christmas 2010
Once when we were having a snack at a restaurant in New York, someone came to our table and asked TG if he was Tom Brokaw.
Mr. Brokaw wishes he were as young and good-looking as my TG.
Greenville, South Carolina ~ November 1994
TG is a great American and a committed conservative. He doesn't just talk about the issues; he knows them inside-out and stays informed.
Everything he believes, he endorses from a place of intelligence, compassion, and conviction.
Hickory, North Carolina ~ September 2011
He is a gentleman and a scholar. TG has given most of his adult life to educating young people. He is an excellent teacher.
TG has the nicest smile. It makes his eyes glow.
TG and Allissa ~ November 2011
He's a devoted Papaw. The Tarheel Tootsies love him to bits. Last night they couldn't wait to talk to him on the phone. Even Melly squeaked out a few syllables that I know she meant as Happy Birthday.
TG is a loyal and loving son, brother, uncle, and friend. The ties may reach across long years and miles, but they are strong and they are authentic.
Hickory, North Carolina ~ September 2011
TG is a fine Christian man. He works at it and his faith, like his patriotism, is heartfelt. He doesn't use phony lingo or put on affectations of spirituality.
If you know him, you realize it's genuine.
Columbia, South Carolina ~ Christmas 2011
If you were to follow him around, watching and listening, you'd understand what I mean.
He's a sweetheart. He's my sweetheart.
Columbia, South Carolina ~ May 2010
His children look up to him. They love and respect him because they experience his love and respect for them.
In wishing her dad a happy birthday last night, Stephanie said: "I hope you have lots more, Dad."
Rossford, Ohio ~ January 2011
Indeed. Lots more. Happy Birthday, dear TG.
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The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.
Psalm 37:23