Jihadist? So Be It, Y'all
In a comment on my recent post entitled They Didn't Get The Memo, one of my fine -- and, I believe, sincere and well-meaning -- readers asserted that my "anger" at recent events in America made me sound like one of the jihadists.
With all due respect, of course I disagree.
News flash: we're right-wing nut jobs at our house. As such, we have a lot of books lying around that explore and fearlessly discuss the issues dear to our hearts with regard to our beloved America.
One such book is Let Freedom Ring: Winning The War Of Liberty Over Liberalism by the great Sean Hannity. Just in case you haven't heard of him, Mr. Hannity is the star of radio's The Sean Hannity Show and co-hosts the Fox News debate show Hannity & Colmes.
I think I've been Hannitized.
If you have any desire to read an excellent book about conservative values and the challenges facing conservatives in America today, I highly recommend Mr. Hannity's book. If you don't have time to read his book, listen to him on radio or watch him on TV. It's all good.
And if I sound like a jihadist, he sounds like a whole army of 'em.
I offer the following excerpt from chapter one of Let Freedom Ring as proof:
Far too many liberals see no connection between values, education, the moral health of our nation, and America's security and prosperity. And that's precisely the problem. For the past half-century, liberals have been engaged in a dangerous and destructive effort to morally disarm our children. Here, too, they must be confronted and defeated if America is to lead and succeed in the twenty-first century.
Whether the issues are social, cultural, economic, or international, every significant policy debate and every election of consequence from this point forward will be weighed against the events of September 11, 2001.
Let me put it bluntly: for those who have so long and fiercely opposed giving our military and intelligence forces the tools they need to defend our nation and defeat our enemies, it is now time to answer in the court of public opinion. Why should their message prevail any longer? Why should we entrust our country's future to those whose track record is so miserable?
So, too, it's time for those who disparage and dismiss the importance of faith, family, and the flag in our lives to be held to account.
Liberals preach that there is nothing wrong with American education that more money and social engineering, fewer standards, and less competition can't solve. They teach our children multiculturalism rather than American culture, revisionist history rather than American history, the thinly disguised religion of secular humanism and extreme environmentalism rather than capitalism.
They train our young to criticize America, not celebrate it. They welcome condoms into the classroom but ban God and the Ten Commandments. They encourage tolerance for the teachings of the Koran but not for the teachings of Jesus Christ.
They oppose the Pledge of Allegiance, tell us that "God is dead," that "Christianity is for losers," and that evangelical and Catholic conservatives are more dangerous than radical Islamic militants. They tell us that fuel-burning SUVs are bad for America, but flag-burning SOBs aren't.
But they are wrong.
And it is time to ask: Why, particularly in time of war, should we entrust the education of our children to people who loathe and ravage so many of our core values and traditions?
Good question, Sean.
I think I've been Hannitized.
God bless the United States of America.
If you would like to know more about true jihad, read this fascinating article by Daniel Pipes. Notice it was written in late 2002; I think maybe we've had our heads in the sand. Once you've perused What Is Jihad?, more informative (if sobering) reading is to be had by following the link to Harvard Loves Jihad. Mr. Pipes has the goods on radical Islam's plan for America, and on B. Hussein Obama's place in the plan.