I Think I Might Scream ...
... if I hear somebody say "CHANGE" one more time. (As slogans go, that one is sure-fire. Nobody has to do anything at all, and things will still change. It's meaningless.)
... if I see that crook Barney Frank's face again, or have to listen to him speak. Talk about gross. (The only positive thing I can say about this individual is that his being a homosexual is a tremendous gift to all womankind.)
... if I look up once more and espy the coldly condescending bespectacled left-wing sneers of either Charles Gibson or Katie Couric. (I wonder if, before preparing for their "interviews," they could answer their own questions without help from their many staffers?)
... if I have to look at one more closeup of Sarah Palin's shapely gams and pumped-up peep-toe footwear. (What is this ... a pin-up contest?)
Just your average election year and what's bugging me in it.
... if I hear one more sound bite from those pseudo-commie pinko liberal feminazi harpies on The View. (Whoopi, no, you don't have to be worried about "becoming a slave again" because you never were one. Ever hear tell of the Thirteenth Amendment, hunnychile? Don't develop a case of the fantods, picturing yourself "on a plantation." You don't have to "start running" because a McCain administration would appoint Constitutionalists to the United States Supreme Court. I think you're doing all right by any standard, Whoopi, thanks to our freedoms and the capitalistic society we still enjoy in this great nation. You, like B.O., have gotten lots richer in the last eight years. But don't worry ... in any case if the worst should happen, Barbara Walters says "us white folk, we'll take care of you." Wow. I call that progress.)
Watch it for yourself here ... it gets good at about 4:44.
... if I catch one more glimpse of Barack Saddam Hussein Osama Obama, that America-hating, baby-killing socialist, swagger around on a stage ... and hear him trying to decide which accent to use. (How deep is your love today, Barky?)
... if I hear B. Hussein Obama lie one more time about being a byproduct of Selma. (He was nearly four years old at the time of the Selma marches.)
Watch it for yourself here ... it's all good.
... if I hear Joe Biden's sad gaffe "Stand up, Chuck!" replayed once more. (Forget Mr. Biden's embarrassment ... what about poor Chuck Graham having to relive the revolting moment ad nauseam?)
... if I hear one more reference to the values of hockey moms ... or for that matter, to hockey moms, period. (Watch my lips! I. Do. Not. Care.)
... if I have to listen to John McCain's bloodless, passionless recital of middle-of-the-road talking points through two more presidential debates. (There's no substitute for a fire in the belly. You could learn that from your running mate, Mr. McCain.)
In short, I may scream ...
... if I watch one more minute of televised "election coverage."
But Also I Just Might Scream ...
... if I hear one more syllable of that leeringly jovial jingle, Viva Viagra.
... if I hear that Campbell's Soup "possibilities" commercial again.
... if the Cubs blow this, their chance to win the National League Pennant.
... if I can't get TG to repair the potty that is making a funny noise.
... if I don't get my listing-to-starboard computer fixed, soon.
Just your average election year and what's bugging me in it.
# # # #
I just read that over and some of it sounds really mean, snide, and angry.
So I take absolutely none of it back.
In fact, I hereby double it all.
... when I think of my wonderful children and grandchildren.
... when I read Ann Coulter's new article each Wednesday night.
... when I remind myself (as I often do) that "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it; ignorance may deride it; but in the end, there it is." ~Winston Churchill
... when I see one of those Geico caveman commercials.
... when I go to sleep in a warm, comfortable bed each night, beside my darling.
... when I consider how blessed I am to have been born in America, and to have lived my whole life here.
... when I think of how fortunate I have been in my employment situation.
... when I look at the pretty ceiling fan TG installed for me earlier this week, and the new tires he bought for my car.
... when I remember the manifold promises of God.
... when I take that first sip of strong, hot, fresh morning coffee.
... when I say to Javier "Give Mama a kiss," and he does.
... when I remember our church friends, and our fine pastor and his sweet family.
... when I think about Pirates 4. YAY! Pirates FOUR!
... when I walk down my street and am thankful for my kind and considerate neighbors.
... when I think of our military and their sacrifices on the behalf of all Americans.
Life's good ... guess we'll just have to keep taking the occasional bad that goes along with it. And as to the election ... no matter who wins or loses on November 4, at least it will be over!
I hope.