A-goatless we shall go

So here's the thing.
Last June, a few days before Dagny was born, while driving not far from my house, Audrey and I experienced a goat sighting.
As in, there were multiple goats chilling in a field, behind a fence.
No doubt looking as though I'd seen a goat, I exclaimed: Oh look. Look! Goats!
Because you may or may not know this but I am a total goat enthusiast.
Little suckers crack me up; what can I say.
They may be a trifle silly and they'll eat just about anything, but whatever they are or aren't, they just up and own it.
And to that I can relate.
Erica can actually talk like a goat. I mean, when that girl is on, if you didn't know better you'd think a goat had sashayed right into the room and begun telling you what's what.
But I digress.
Unable to stop and photographically chronicle the subject goats' antics on that day, I vowed to go back.
Well, that was over three months ago. We have been busy adoring Dagny.
Yesterday however, you my adored readers were on my mind because I could not think of a single thing to say to you.
And I know you depend on me so I was somewhat distraught and, as I went about a few household chores, the thought struck me:
The goats! I can go get pictures of those goats for them! They will love that.
It was sprinkling but I grabbed my purse and my camera and set out anyway, bound for the place I was sure the goats had been.
Well, to be honest, it was bound to be one of two places. I couldn't remember exactly. A lot has happened.
So I went to the place I was ninety-nine percent sure we'd seen the bleatin' critters.
No goats. I double-checked.
So I proceeded to the place I was sort of sure they'd been if they weren't at the other place.
No goats.
And there you don't have it! No goats, no pictures, no Monday blog post.
I did get the picture you see above, taken with my iPhone as I returned home across the Valley of the Dammed.
(hat tip: Beth P)
Proof positive that I tried. So there's that.
In other news, and in the interest of this post not being a total loss, goatless as it was bound to be, I would like to report that TG, with the help of a stellar citizen who happens to be the manager of the Blimpie sub shop where the identity thief recently used our money, has found video of the crime as it went down.
That's because we were able to give him a description of the perpetrator(s), an exact date of the dirty dealings, an approximate but very close time of day at which the thieves used our money to buy sandwiches, and the precise amount of the transaction.
People! Cameras are everywhere, watching all you do.
One of the female miscreants was known (by sight) to an employee of the establishment -- was a regular, as it were -- and when she returned to do business there again, the manager got the high sign from the employee and stealthily obtained the wrongdoer's vehicle make, model, color, and license plate number.
TG revealed this excellent intel to the police, who are investigating. We hope to hear soon that the crimebusters have prevailed and that the lawless lassies are, if not behind bars, at least being temporarily detained in the general vicinity of where the book is being thrown.
Meanwhile some cute wee goats are out there somewhere wondering why-y-y-y-y-y I don't come and take their picture. So if you have intel concerning their geographical coordinates, please inform me immediately.
I leave you with the ultimate paean to goat frivolity: a YT you've likely already seen, but which, much like Charlie Bit Me or Ultimate Dog Tease, is worth watching again:
We are so young and reckless, born to wreck this
thing that we call love
We are so sweet and mindless, never mind this
thing that we call love
We are so strong and willing, heads are filling
With this thing called love
How we used to be so naive
Changing with the seasons like falling leaves
We are so overrated, completely jaded
Because of teenage love
We are so ostentatious, with different faces
with this thing called love
We are so headstrong, kids with nothing to live for
but this thing called love
How we used to be so naive
Changing with the seasons like falling leaves
We are so same and different, ugly visions
Caricatures of love
We are so numb and senseless, we all can sense this
thing that we call love
We are so incapable of understanding
this thing we call love
How we used to be so naive
Changing with the seasons like falling leaves
Back then the days were longer
The night went on and on
We filled our heads with pointless thoughts
Never knowing what was wrong
How we used to be so naive
Changing with the seasons like falling leaves
How we used to be so naive
Changing with the seasons like falling leaves
We are so picture perfect
Because we finally found this thing called love.
= Jamie Knowles =
Happy Tuesday