
Can you hear me now? Photo Jennifer Weber 2010Today TG and the Boo spent a considerable chunk of time outside, denuding our yard of enough weeds to choke about 427 horses.
I helped! Yes I did!
A little.
I do not regret the weeds' departure ... more are due to arrive momentarily ... but a less fortunate victim of our efforts to tidy up the estate was the rabbit sentinel.
As in, he will never be the same.
Boo claimed she simply "touched" his head and his ears fell off.
TG said he'd get me a new one.
You'll just have to wait and see.
The rabbit came with the house -- well, yard -- and one ear was always iffy and Audge has remarked several times that he creeps her out, so I told TG to make replacing him a low priority.
He did not reply so I'll have to assume his ears are worthless too, or else he was simply happy to forget about it and felt no need to yell HUA!*
In other news, I have decided to begin taking pictures of everything I eat, right before I eat it.
I've heard it's a new trend.
I may or may not post the pictures. You'll just have to wait and see.
That is all.
*Heard, Understood, Acknowledged. It's an Air Force thing.

Reader Comments (4)
LOL! This is hilarious. Love the part where you said "Boo said she merely 'touched' his head and his ears fell off." Sounds just like her.
Does the rabbit creep me out? I guess it does, I remember now. It reminds me of something out of a 50's or 60's horror "Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte" or something like that.
Ahhhhh...the evil plot of the libtards that planted that "wabbit" has failed. Every night whilst y'all slept, the ears on that thing grew out to 6 feet tall, to receive the evil talking points from the DNC and Darth Rahm, to try to implant in your minds, driving common sense and reason from your daily SOP.
The strain on trying to breast faith with fraud was too much for Herr Wabbit, undermining the lack of integrity in its chemical makeup.
Boo merely ended the facade with a *bump* ;-)
Assuming Boo was being truthful, she has the hand strength of ten Spartan soldiers. (That or the ear was already loose. Ears do that. Mine almost fall off all the time.)
@ Audge ... yeah, you know the Boo ... always exaggerating in a backward direction. He was rather hush-hush-sweet-charlotte-esque except in that flick it was HANDS that were separated from the corpse. *shudder*
@ Skunky ... except for the fact that our daily SOP had very little in the way of common sense and reason in the first place -- due to the fact that I reside here -- that sounds like a diabolical plan we can go with! I knew there was a conspiracy behind it.
@ Kev ... like I said, the one ear was always iffy ... as in, its tip was missing. But that still does NOT explain how the (small but apparently mighty) Boo could be-top-of-the-head him with a mere touch. I think Skunky's right when he says dirty liberals are behind it. Are your ears falling off because of libs? Sometimes I wish mine could ... then I wouldn't have to listen to their nonsense anymore.