Two for two

A lot has happened in the last three weeks, since Andrew and Brittany's wedding.
The newlyweds went to Jamaica on their honeymoon, had a wonderful time, and came back.
Their return to church as a newly married couple was met with so many lovely greetings and wishes for happiness.
On the next day -- two weeks ago today -- I had my second (of two, haaaha) total hip replacement surgeries.
I'm just about to ditch the cane and walk (still with a tiny limp, for the present) with no pain.
Hallelujah. It has been many years since I could do that.
I haven't been back to church yet, but we had a nice Easter celebration yesterday at our house, after everyone else went to services.
We had ham with salad, macaroni and cheese, Italian-cut green beans, and hot Sister Schubert yeast rolls with butter and a selection of apple butter, honey, and two kinds of preserves.
Then we had cherry pie and coffee.
Nobody wore their Easter finery to lunch, having already changed, but Audrey sent me the above picture later in the day. We bought Dagny her Easter dress and I can't believe how big she looks in that outfit.
She will turn four in June. We have a plan concocted to take both Dag and her mother to Atlanta, to visit the aquarium there. Stay tuned for a full report, with pictures, after the fact.
These two brave girls have just bought their first house. They'll be closing in about ten days, and moving in after a few improvements are made. We're so happy for them.
Audrey has the iPhone X and I can't get over the quality of the pictures it takes. I'll always use cameras but I'm obliged to admit, these phones are upping the ante.
I haven't seen pictures yet of the ones in North Carolina; my daughter will send them later I'm sure.
A few days after my surgery -- which was of the outpatient variety; I went in for the operation at seven o'clock in the morning and was back home by four in the afternoon -- darling Mari sent me a hydrangea.
I thrill at its amazing color. I hope I do not kill it. I'll ask TG to plant it for me in the yard later this week.
Speaking of flowers, Andrew and Brittany came to the surgery center to see me two weeks ago, and brought me a sweet spring bouquet. It was such a thoughtful gesture.
I enjoyed the flowers in a vase for a week or so, and then salvaged what was left of them for this metal basket of six mini-vases.
They didn't quite make it until Easter, but I think we got lots of mileage out of their beauty.
And now it's time for me to go into overdrive, finishing up all of the details of decorations and other things needed for the wedding that will take place four weeks from Friday, whether we are ready or not.
One down, one to go. Soon we'll be two for two on weddings as well as other things.
Hip, hip, hooray.
Isn't it marvelous?
And that is all for now.
Happy Monday

Reader Comments (7)
Outpatient? For a total hip replacement?
I was in hospital 4 days and rehab for a week before I could even come home!
You are amazing. Now---get to that wedding!!!
@Judy ... I'm not a bit amazing ... I don't know why it was so easy for me but this group of orthopods does these operations dozens of times per week in the freestanding surgical facility, and sends folks home the same day for both hip and knee replacements. I suspect that it's down to the skill of the surgeon and maybe just a no-fuss approach to pain management. Also it cost about half of what it would if I'd had it done in a hospital. I don't understand why it takes folks so much longer to recover than it did for me (and countless others). I'm just so glad. xoxo
Hey girl - I didn't realize the 2nd surgery was so soon! I'm glad though, and hopefully you'll be doing better than ever before (well, not like a teenager). :)
Your big and little girl? They are so beautiful, and LordaMercy, Dagny will turn 4? She was born the other day.
I wonder why it is that once we are "mature" time goes so much faster!
Take care of your beautiful self.
@Sally ... trust me, we have to pinch ourselves to believe Dagny is nearly four. She's grown two inches in the last two months, I think. What a card she is. The life of the party for sure. Yes, that second surgery is in the rear-view mirror and I'm so glad. xoxo
"Hip, hip hooray!" That has great meaning for you!
I'm so glad you are doing so well. You'll be really feeling great by wedding time.
Dagny looks so adorable in that dress. And Audrey is just a classic beauty. I'm so happy for her and Dagny in the purchase of that house.
And it's so good to see a post from you again. :)
Love Dagny’s pretty dress with the pearls. Such a little lady! So glad you are mending quickly Jenny. On to the next wedding!
@Barb ... thanks my friend! It's going to be a wonderful occasion. xoxo