Capitalism 101

This cartoon was supposedly made 50 years ago. Given the current debate raging in America, it is eerily prescient. Basically it's all you ever wanted to know about a free market society but were afraid to ask. Look closely because if Barack Obama gets his way, American capitalism (and the freedoms that go along with it) will soon be a thing of the past.

Reader Comments (4)
Yeah! Send that Democratic beaurocrat back to the White House where he belongs! LOL!
Those Americans had their own little "town hall" there at the end.
Hi Jennifer,
The irony I saw in that cartoon was that is was produced by Harding College. I work in a very liberal college, and I am constantly frustrated by the faculty and staff. While I pretty much mind my own business, occasionally, someone will learn from another that I am Republican and offer me a sneering remark. As recently as two weeks ago, a woman I work with read my blog and came to me and said "Oh, you're a Republican? I thought I liked you..." then she laughed. I replied "Let me guess, you're intolerant?" She did not like that. I stopped getting into debates long ago, but the health care issue is one I am the most riled up about. This is being crammed down our throats, and now that Ted Kennedy has passed, they are changing the name of the bill to memorialize him and to guilt everyone into voting for it. Liberals used to sneak their ideology and policies on us, now we are being forced to eat their ideas whole, and we are being called stupid and racist for disagreeing.
The "Cash for Clunkers" program was so poorly inefficient that the computers crashed and an extension had to be given to dealers to get their applications in. Imagine waiting for a heart transplant with the government deciding if you need one?
I hated it when folks absolutely demonized George Bush 43. He was called everything from stupid to Hitler and I thought this was a really bad example for my children. I feared Obama being elected, and when he was, I tried to make my children recognize the historic aspects of his presidency and to cherry pick certain things he does to show them that while I disagree with much of what he is doing and almost all of his policies, I can still respect the office of the president.
I see protesters waving signs near the mall by my house often enough where it is no longer a spectacle. Yet, when the tea parties were being held across the country, there were healthy turnouts for these events in my town and in nearby public venues. Two weeks ago there was a large health care protest of the upcoming socialized medicine bill that we are about to have forced down our throats.
The only way this vocal, and public antipathy can be effective is during the mid-term elections. I vote in every, single election. I am urging others to vote this next time around, and I plan to send money to my local Republican congressman even though he is not in my district.
This cartoon is indeed prescient, and the debates about health care and taxes are only the tip of the iceberg as the plans that democrats have for this country are scary. I'm sorry for the long answer. Thanks for posting this cartoon. -Mike.
@ Audrey ... yeah! Our republic at work!
@ Mike ... I couldn't agree with you more were I to be dipped in concentrated agreement syrup. You speak eloquently about these ULTRA-important issues facing Americans in what I consider to be very dark days. I too vote in every single election. It is my prayer that in 2010, this awful tide will begin to turn. We're going to need a lot of faith in God and a lot of strength of character to face the liberals who would take America down that awful road to Socialism. GOD BLESS AMERICA! Oh, and ... don't ever apologize for a long answer. We at IHATH love long answers! It proves people are passionate about the subject matter!
Some of those admonitions are worth keeping, some not so much. But I do like your 'be sweet!' It has a nice, gentle ring to it.
It sounds old-fashioned, too. Aaah, nostalgia!