Enslaved by lies? The truth will set you free.
Let me preface this latest unapologetically non-politically correct, ultra-conservative rant by saying:
I do not watch The View.
I would rather dance the Tango with a seventy-five-pound malarial mosquito than watch The View.
I would rather roller-blade down the business end of a giant X-Acto knife into a vat of rubbing alcohol than watch The View.
I would rather dine on a stew of weasel wrists, lizard larvae, and titmouse toes -- with radioactive shrapnel souffle for dessert, all chased with battery acid -- than watch The View.
What's that they say? Know thine enemy?
You May Need A HazMat Suit
So occasionally a clip -- courtesy of YouTube or a conservative blog or a news program -- from The View pierces my consciousness and I am obliged to watch or listen to the paragons of ultra-liberal ignorance who host this vile show.
(And yes, I include Elisabeth Hasselbeck in that group. Don't buy into the idea that the "blond" chick is a conservative. Ain't no way no how. She's a lib straight up. Darkness masquerading as light.)
Now, in case you're not up to speed, Whoopi Goldberg, the "actress" and "comedienne" who sits way down on the left (I'm sure by choice), is known for freak-out-mode diatribes which she has the dubious distinction of delivering -- directly into the camera, in throes of highest dudgeon, uber-angry-black-woman fashion -- with alarming regularity.
She makes me look calm. No mean feat.
Whatever You Do, Don't Call A Spade A Spade
A few weeks ago Whoopi bansheed her way into my tender psyche by once again breaking the fourth wall and flipping her dred-ful lid over a pledge signed by, among others, presidential candidate Michele Bachmann.
According to The Washington Post, the pledge, entitled The Marriage Vow: A Declaration of Dependence Upon Marriage and Family, can be summed up thusly:
The pledge asks signatories to vow that they will be faithful to their spouses and to the U.S. Constitution. It condemns adultery, “quickie divorce,” infidelity, pornography, cohabitation and Islamic sharia law.
It also suggests that more African-American children are born out of wedlock now than they were under slavery.
The two-page document also warns that the institution of marriage is “in great crisis,” citing as one reason the “anti-scientific bias which holds, in complete absence of empirical proof, that non-heterosexual inclinations are genetically determined, irresistible and akin to innate traits like race, gender and eye color.”
It also suggests that homosexuality may have a negative impact on public health.
What novel ideas! It strains credulity, does it not, that anyone would dare to say them out loud or -- horrors! -- write them down?
Because, I mean, it's simply not okay to speak the truth anymore. If you speak the truth you must be afraid.
Afraid of the what the progressiliberal leftist socialist marxist humanist Islamo-fascists will do to you, or say about you.
Thar She Blows
Par for the course and right on cue, like hellfire doused with gasoline from those billions of gallons of oil we're not allowed to drill for, Whoopi exploded, glasses glinting, saliva sailing, fists flailing, index finger jabbing, ire escalating exponentially with each second that passed:
I am starting to feel like there's some kind of racial thing going around. Now, I realize I'm not supposed to jump to that conclusion. I'm not supposed to automatically -- I'm not supposed to automatically assume there's something racial.
But d*** it, I am sick of this c***. Could you people get your act together? You don't know anything about how slaves raised their kids or why people were together. Just don't add stuff like that if you don't know what you're talking about.
Number two. You know, white people, black people, Asian people, some of us are single parents. Some of us turned out okay with single parents. And you know what? Stop pointing the finger at single parents. I'm sick of people who don't know what the h*** they're talking about, going off.
That's mighty thin ice on which you dance with the devil, my friend.
Because as we have established, facts are stubborn things.
Let's Hear From Annie
And the fact is:
We have "single mothers" because more than a million women choose to have children out of wedlock each year in America, and do not then wed or give the babies up for adoption. By their own choices, they consign their children to starting life with second-class status.
Of all single mothers in America, only 6.5 percent of them are widows, 37.8 percent are divorced, and 41.3 percent gave birth out of wedlock. The 6.5 percent of single mothers whose husbands have died shouldn't be called "single mothers" at all. We already have a word for them: "widows." Their children do just fine compared with the children of married parents.
Liberals refer to widows as "single mothers" to try to class up the category, much as they do with their infuriating description of the GI Bill as a form of "welfare" or the U.S. military as a successful "government program."
The evidence of the damage of single parenthood is so blindingly obvious even liberals have started to admit it. A 2004 New York Times Magazine article on welfare families by Jason DeParle said, "Mounds of social science, from the left and the right, leave little doubt that the children of single-parent families face heightened risks."
Calling a single-parent family "a double dose of disadvantage," the Times article cited as "the definitive text" a book by sociologists Sara McLanahan and Gary Sandefur that concluded, back in 1994, "In our opinion, the evidence is quite clear: Chilren who grow up in a household with only one biological parent are worse off, on average, than children who grow up in a household with both of their biological parents, regardless of the parents' race or educational background."
That's an understatement. The eminent social scientist Charles Murray says, "Illegitimacy is the single most important social problem of our time -- more important than crime, drugs, poverty, illiteracy, welfare or homelessness -- because it drives everything else."
Single mothers account for 85 percent of homeless families. Ninety percent of welfare recipients are single mothers.
Here is the lottery ticket that single mothers are handing their innocent children by choosing to raise them without fathers:
Controlling for socioeconomic status, race, and place of residence, the strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison is that he was raised by a single parent. By 1996, 70 percent of inmates in state juvenile detention centers serving long-term sentences were raised by single mothers. Seventy-two percent of juvenile murderers and 60 percent of rapists come from single-mother homes.
Seventy percent of teenage births, dropouts, suicides, runaways, juvenile delinquents, and child murderers involve children raised by single mothers. Girls raised without fathers are more sexually promiscuous and more likely to end up divorced. A 1990 study by the Progressive Policy Institute showed that after controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.
Various studies come up with slightly different numbers, but all the figures are grim.
According to the Index of Leading Cultural Indicators, children from single-parent families account for 63 percent of all youth suicides, 70 percent of all teenage pregnancies, 71 percent of all adolescent chemical/substance abuse, 80 percent of all prison inmates, and 90 percent of all homeless and runaway children.
Excerpted from Guilty: Liberal "Victims" and Their Assault on America by Ann Coulter (Random House, 2008).
Or to put it in street vernacular, I quote white-man Detective Lenny Briscoe, speaking to Lieutenant Van Buren (a black woman) in an episode of Law & Order:
"Try finding twenty clean-cut white guys in a mug book."
Ahem. Reality Check, Anyone?
A few years back, during the presidential campaign cycle, Whoopi let Senator John McCain put a crease in her weave.
The question asked of the candidate by The View's homely harpies was, if elected President, would he seek to repeal Roe versus Wade, the controversial landmark 1973 decision that "legalized" the murder of unborn American children.
Fair question, and one that had the harlot-hosts practically hyperventilating.
In response Mr. McCain attempted to explain that he, as President, would nominate SCOTUS justices who believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution.
Whoopi, nearly levitating with barely-suppressed rage, let him talk for less than thirty seconds -- during which time the others constantly interrupted him -- before beginning to roll her eyes a la Butterfly McQueen, cornrows aquiver, promising Scarlett she knows everything 'bout birthin' babies, and demanding in a loud whine:
"So I'd have to go back to being a slave again?"
Whoopi doesn't give a flying flip about victims of slavery.
Emancipate This
According to a recent report by Reuters, over 27 million people are enslaved around the world. Today.
And yet I dare you to find a single sound byte or printed word from The View or any other source, or from Whoopi personally, that decries that practice or even addresses the issue.
A return to slavery for blacks isn't what concerns Whoopi. What she and most -- not all -- other blacks are worried about is the return of an America where there are no welfare entitlements for people who are physically able to work, and where it's illegal to abort a baby.
Because I don't believe anything frightens them quite as much as the grim prospect of being required to take complete responsibility for the consequences of their actions.
The specter of personal accountability haunts them like a tattered ghost.
Because it would cause them -- and their white counterparts as well -- to have to get up every morning, get dressed, go to work, and make money to pay the bills.
And which would -- horrors! -- make it necessary for them to think twice about engaging in the blatant immorality of a lifestyle that causes millions of unwanted pregnancies each year, not to mention incurable disease and overall destruction of society.
What Whoopi is worried about is the people upon whose accomplishments the welfare crowd so comfortably ride, getting enough and pushing back.
Because if you want to talk about what you're sick of, Whoopi? It's the decades of unfair affirmative action, and the welfare mentality black babies get through the umbilical cord, and minorities' government-sanctioned use and abuse of the rest of us that WE are sick of.
Nothing's Real Until It's Personal
Nobody has said or is saying that every unwed mother is making a hash of her childrens' lives or that every child reared without a father is forever lost. That would be a ridiculous and untrue contention.
As with all rules, of course there are exceptions. And we are thankful for every one of them.
However, what the numbers prove is that overwhelmingly, kids without dads start at the rear of the pack and struggle to reach the middle. Most never make it that far.
Have you ever considered that single mothers are pandered to because they comprise a huge liberal voting base?
After all, for millions of them the government is their husband. Who needs a man when Big Bro is always there for you?
That having been asked, why do liberals get so all-fired fighting mad whenever someone has the audacity to confront them with the truth, and hard evidence to back it up?
Because they know that's just what it is: the truth. Today, the statistical money shot is this: seventy-two percent of black children in America are born to unwed mothers.
And that unvarnished, un-sugarcoated truth is something for which liberals simply have no stomach.
Take Whoopi. Please.
According to various online sources, Whoopi Goldberg gave birth to a baby -- a girl -- at age eighteen. Although she married the child's father, it is doubtful they were married when the baby was conceived.
That daughter began having children -- eventually becoming the unwed mother of three -- at age sixteen.
Whoopi was a grandmother at thirty-four. I have heard her say that with at least one of the pregnancies they seriously considered aborting her grandchild, but "thank God everything worked out."
Ms. Goldberg has described herself as being at one time a "high functioning" drug addict too terrified to leave her bed in order to visit the restroom.
Wow, she did turn out great after all! And I'm sure that was pleasant for her children.
But as Oscar Wilde said, "Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes."
Whoopi Goldberg may be many things -- none of which is Whoopi Goldberg, by the way; her actual given name is Caryn Elaine Johnson -- but she's not stupid.
She can go all apoplectic every time someone points out the truth about the terrible toll single motherhood is taking on our nation, but it doesn't change the facts -- not for her children and grandchildren or anyone else's -- and she knows it.
There is more than one kind of slavery. Enslavement to a lie may be the worst kind of all.
Ain't Gonna Be No More Payback
And as for reparations? Forget about it. Every race and class of people that have ever walked the earth have suffered persecution in some form or other, up to and including death.
And yet miraculously, all people-groups except the blacks have been able to shake it off and move on.
Get over it. The rest of us have. Get a job. The rest of us have. Get real. The rest of us have.
Recently TG made a gift to me of a fancy certificate he printed with the express permission of its author, Black by Popular Demand Walter E. Williams, Professor of Economics at George Mason University and sometime stand-in for Rush Limbaugh at the EIB Network's golden microphone.
Or, as Whoopi would no doubt dub him: Uncle Tom.
Granted to
All Persons of European Descent
Whereas, Europeans kept my forebears in bondage some three centuries toiling without pay,
Whereas, Europeans ignored the human rights pledges of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution,
Whereas the Emancipation Proclamation, the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments mean little more than empty words,
Therefore, Americans of European ancestry are guilty of great crimes against my ancestors and their progeny.
But, in the recognition Europeans themselves have been victims of various and sundry human rights violations to wit: the Norman Conquest, the Irish Potato Famine, Decline of the Hapsburg Dynasty, Napoleonic and Czarist adventurism, and gratuitious insults and speculations about the intelligence of
Europeans of Polish descent
I, Walter E. Williams, do declare full and general amnesty and pardon to all persons of European ancestry for both their grievances and those of their forebears against my people.
Therefore, from this day forward, Americans of European ancestry can stand straight and proud knowing they are without guilt and thus obliged not to act like d*** fools in their relationships with Americans of African ancestry.
Walter E. Williams, Gracious and Generous Grantor
There! I think that solves it.
Now I must get back to work.
Reader Comments (10)
After reading this grand post, I have to say before anything else: you are a treasure. I am standing up and cheering you eloquence. Facts and the truth are such stubborn things, and it takes brave conservatives to raise their voices of reason above the liberal whine of victimhood. I abhor The View and greatly worry about the sanity of anyone who watches it and willingly pollutes their minds. I would imagine that most who watch it don't work either.
The Pirate as Orator. Now there's a concept. I applaud you and your wit and wisdom, oh Great Orator.
I don't watch the view either - it throws me into fits on the occasion that I see a rant from one of the ladies - mainly Whoopi or Joy Behar (Who is not a Joy!)
Anyway - you're pretty much said it all - nice job!
Another masterpiece!!!
Too bad you don't send this in somewhere!!! Says it ALLLL!!!
NEVER watch the View myself! Can't STAND their spoiled points of View...
Fantastic post, absolutely fantastic. I do not watch the VIEW either, can't stand any of the hosts, except the Conservative gal. I did watch a few episodes early on, years ago. I too see the video clips. Whoopie was at one time enslaved as a welfare mom I believe, but she got out of that. She has never really been a slave, and that comment concerning her slavery is great.
As to reparations, seems some have, or will, receive reparations over the years and recently because of a lawsuit concerning Black farmers (I can't remember the name of it just now).
Race relations have gotten much worse under Obama.
@Donnaa ... I humbly thank you! Your opinion means a lot to me.
@Hobbit ... orator is just another word for bigmouth!
@Mari ... if I watched a whole episode of The View I'm pretty sure my head would explode.
@TG ... thank you my love.
@Donna ... glad you liked it!
@Debbie ... there is no conservative on The View! That's bogus. Hasselbeck doesn't even qualify to be a left-of-center conservative. She's a lefty. And as I am fond of saying, Barack Obama has set race relations back 150 years.
Here I thought I was the only person who runs from any room where the View is being viewed, screaming, "Unclean! Unclean! Must. Wash. My mind!"
Wow! I don't watch the view either, I actually can't take JOy whatever her name is, I just find her annoying, don't care what the topic is. I also really hate when guests are asked questions and not given the opportunity to answer, why ask them , if you have all the answers. I gobsmacked at the statistics you present, but not surprised. A sad state of affairs indeed.
@Jewel ... I know, right? It's like mental leprosy.
@irene ... do you have the misfortune to have those birds on the TV up in Canada? You have my condolences. You're right: why ask the question if you already know everything? They're beyond patronizing; they're downright rude. And I agree; the statistics are shocking. So much so, I don't know how they can ignore them.