Farewell, Brother Johnny

Baby Rhett :: A work of art
He loved little babies.
I speak of Johnny Gardner, my bother in Christ and fellow church member, who went to Heaven on July 21st.
He was my friend, and a friend to the unborn.
Indeed, he was known in South Carolina as the Voice of the Unborn.
I'll never forget the first time I saw Johnny Gardner.
It was late June of 2002, and we had just moved to Columbia. We were driving around downtown when we spotted the architectural wonder that is our State House.
As we drove past, we noticed an older gentleman (he was only in his fifties then, but somehow he seemed older) on the corner, holding a large red STOP ABORTION NOW sign.
Sitting beside him was a baby's umbrella stroller, stuffed with dolls. Occasionally the man would pace, and push the stroller. Sometimes he held one of the dolls.
It was sweltering outside, but there Johnny Gardner stood, letting his moderation be known unto all men.
He loved babies and opposed the killing of them in the womb. He felt that God had tasked him with doing something about it.
Most would describe him as a poor man; many would say he was eccentric. He was certainly different.
But if you have already dismissed Johnny Gardner as a nut case, you've made a mistake.
Because in addition to picketing in front of the State House, Johnny Gardner labored tirelessly to impress upon the South Carolina Legislature the wisdom of passing bills designed to protect the unborn.
He lived long enough to see the Heartbeat Bill passed just this year.
(Democrat lawmakers rose en masse and walked out of the chamber in protest of the law that would prohibit abortion as soon as cardiac activity can be detected with an ultrasound.)
(The next day, the legal battle began to block enforcement of the law in South Carolina.)
Johnny Gardner organized an annual event each January inside the State House, on the doorstep of the Governor's office, with special speakers and media coverage, to draw attention to this important issue.
He steadfastly ignored the vitriol that was often aimed in his direction by proponents of abortion.
A few weeks ago, just days before a recurrence of cancer swiftly consigned Brother Johnny to his deathbed, Chad and Erica were talking with him and his wife, Miss Kathy, in the lobby at church.
The Gardners had given as-yet-unborn Baby Rhett a blue minky blanket spangled with white stars, and were inquiring as to whether the new parents had liked it.
Brother Johnny told them that he couldn't wait to meet Baby Rhett.
I just love babies. I love little babies, he said.
Heaven knows, now he's hanging out with tens of millions of those who were denied the chance to be born, whose cause he championed for decades.
He did not get a chance to meet Baby Rhett, who was born two days after Brother Johnny's homegoing.
TG and Dagny attended Brother Johnny's funeral at our church, while Audrey and I sat in Erica's hospital room, taking turns holding Baby Rhett.
His absence is felt. Miss Kathy, his widow, told me yesterday: I miss him. I assured her that we all do.
During our services at church, Brother Johnny could be seen in an attitude of obvious heartfelt worship of his Lord and Savior.
Some select few were made uncomfortable by his raised hands and peals of laughter and, occasionally, a hearty Amen.
Not me. I loved it. It made my heart glad to see Brother Johnny in his place beside his wife, enjoying every part of the service.
In a day rife with breathtaking, heartbreaking deceit and depravity, it was a privilege to know a man so humble, so compassionate, and so righteous.
May God raise up more like him.
Meanwhile, Rest in Peace, Brother Johnny. You have earned it.
And that is all for now.
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Matthew 5:8

Reader Comments (15)
Oh, precious baby Rhett....!!!!
I am so sorry for your loss.
Gentle hugs,
What a very sad loss to so many! It is such a joy to find your purpose that God put you here on earth for, and he sureknew his. His life was filled with a wonderful purpose and a joy that most do not have.
He was a hero! Many of us in other states were cheering on that bill.
I'm sorry he passed before baby Rhett was born, but what joy he has now!
@Mari-Nanci ... My friend, if you only could experience how precious baby Rhett is, up close! He is such a darling. Thank you for your condolences. xoxo
@Ginny ... Yes indeed that is true! He found the Lord at age 26 and later found his calling. He was faithful to the end, and many were helped. xoxo
@Mari ... He certainly was! And now surrounded by precious babies. How we will miss him. xoxo
Oh this made me cry. I would have loved to have known Johnny Gardner. I may have shared this scripture with you before but this is my favorite one when hearing of the passing of a faithful believer.
Psalm 116:15 Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful servants.
I am sure Johnny heard "well done good and faithful servant."
The world needs more Johnny Gardners out there championing for the most innocent of innocents.
@Betty ... My friend, you would have loved knowing Johnny. He was a precious man and yes, you and I have praised God together for that wonderful scripture, which my mom loved and we put on the front of her funeral program. The thing about Johnny Gardner was his humility in the face of what can be unbelievably cruel opposition. He never questioned the mission God gave him; he just carried it out, every single day, no matter what. He was full of the joy of the Lord but his life was not without pain. Thanks be to God, he will never suffer or weep again. xoxo
He sounds like an amazing soul and someone you must have felt blessed to know. It’s hard to be a champion of children, as they are often the most downtrodden in this world, with no one to protect them. Thank you for sharing his story.
Sounds like this world is a little lesser of a place with him being gone. My condolences to his family and all who loved him.
@Bijoux ... You have spoken true words! Children need the sort of advocates that they most definitely are, in the main, not getting at the present time. God help us. xoxo
@Jeanette ... Yes it is! Heaven is blessed with his presence now, although I am sure that for him, it is all about sitting at the feet of Jesus. xoxo
Hi there Jenny, so sorry to hear the news about Johnny, very sad. The happier news is, of course, BABY RHETT! Oh my goodness he is just adorable!--I sure hope you've been able to spend lots of time with him. And how is Erica---recovering nicely? Just such a happy and joyful time.....the birth of babies! How can one not smile just thinking of it? Girlfriend, I am making those french eggs this week, I got all the ingredients......can't wait! They look so good. We also tried the can opener trick....it was difficult but then I STRUGGLE with the dang things anyway and ours is old and creaky and decrepit anyway, which added to the problem. LOL. Please please post lots of new pictures of Rhett! It's been SO HOT AND RAINY HERE, I am almost ready for Fall! ALMOST, NOT QUITE. I do love summer. Just not the heat. AND THE DANG SKEETERS! LOL.
@Debbi ... I have spent lots of time with him, and both he and Erica are doing splendidly! We could not have asked for a better outcome. Oh I'm so glad you will soon be enjoying French Baked Eggs! I just love those things. Our "rainy season" seems to have abated for the moment but it's not all that hot either (although awfully humid), so we are grateful for a respite because last week the temps were beastly. The skeeters can take a hike! I'm ready for fall too! xoxo
You wrote a lovely tribute to Brother Johnny. Thank you for sharing his story with us.
God Bless,
@Carla ... you are most welcome, my friend. xoxo
I am so sorry to read this. We really need people like this here! But it is so cool to imagine that baby/champion reunion up there!
@Gayla ... we all miss him! And yes it is a wonderful truth to contemplate. xoxo