This is cool

Which is fitting because we're about to experience a white-ish Christmas in South Carolina!
If you count the night of and the day after Christmas as Christmas, still.
Which I do.
Because I can.
And because there are lots of leftovers.
In fact I think I am due for a slice of pie with Cool Whip on top.
I will keep you posted about the snow. With pictures.
Now for your listening and viewing pleasure, I give you the adorable Josh Groban in a live performance of recent vintage in Sydney, Australia, singing his hit The Bells of New York City from his new CD, Illuminations.
By the way, TG also gave me the Neil Diamond CD Dreams, which is fantastic. You should get it.

Reader Comments (8)
There's no stopping the girl now! Enjoy the snow. Global warming rearing its ugly head again.
You lucky girl! A new Nikon is so exciting. You know what is crazy? There is hardly any snow here, and now you are getting some!
So glad you got the camera you wanted. You will have years and years of fun with it.
I got my hubby a Canon EOS Rebel T21. He is still reading the manual and trying to figure out all the things it will do, amazing little camera. I have a Cannon EOS 360 (I think, I can't remember, it's about 5 years old). I'm so NOT technical that I don't use all the things it can do, but I know he will. I have a couple of extra lense, a telephoto lense, all of them hubby can use with his new T21.
GO forth and snap pictures!
As to snow, it snowed here all day yesterday, all night and is really coming down now. The ground is covered.
Merry Christmas
woohoo Jenny a new camera!..wer'e expectin a bizzard too here later...white white Christmas a day (hugs!)
*****SQUEAL!!!!!!***** I am so thrilled for you! Hahaha, the next thing you are going to need to stock up on is more digital storage! I'm jumping up and down here for you and thinking about all of the fun you are going to have with that baby!
EEEEEEEEEEK! Fancy-shmansy new camera!! Thrilled you must be!!! :-)
Stay warm, in your snow.... However much or little you get. We're expecting 6-12" or so they say.
Gentle snow-bound hugs...
It's a good time to be snuggled up with a new camera and a White Christmas, and loved people around you. You've obviously been a very good girl.
gosh what a stunning photographer u are Jen..thanks for the lovely latest comment at WHT girl! ..we are knee deep in snow..literally!..ha