The Well-Watered Callous-Free Eyebrow Wig
If you own a TV, you already know there are some amazing products to be had by the savvy consumer armed with a credit card ... even if you never watch an infomercial. Some of this stuff I've seen advertised and some of it I've run across while either idly or purposely surfing the Internet for something else. In each case this is a product I'd like to personally try or I'm convinced would make a nifty gift idea for someone else.
I myself would not use this first one but it might make a nice present for the person who has everything. The item of which I speak is the eyebrow wig. These are actual brow-shaped toupees that you glue onto your face above your eyes. In the unlikely event I want to impersonate Groucho Marx in some other way besides spouting his clever one-liners, perhaps I'll try these. But with any luck I won't hear: "I never forget a face, but in your case I'd be glad to make an exception."
The next intriguing tool is the PedEgg foot file. This is like the rasp Rachael Ray keeps in her kitchen for zesting lemons, only in this case what you're rasping is the callouses on your footsies. The PedEgg is ergodynamically shaped like a computer mouse, the business side of which is a diminutive grater that will zest your callouses in no time but is so gentle it "won't pop a balloon." (This is assuming you get a hankering to remove the callouses from a balloon, in which case you'll have to use some other gizmo As Seen On TV.) Unlike other callous files that make a pile of white dust on your carpet or floor (unless you utilize them outdoors or while uncomfortably pretzeled with your foot over a trashcan), the PedEgg has a reservoir for the skin it removes from your foot. Sort of like a self-contained pencil sharpener, only it doesn't sharpen your callouses into a point unless you get carried away.
Then there is the AquaGlobes plant watering system. This thing resembles a tie-dyed bong (something I would not know anything about except people mention them at depositions from time to time) or an item you'd see displayed in the window of one of those bohemian shops that lure tourists from the sidewalks of college towns all across America. (You know ... the ones where you walk in and can't decide which is more annoying: the smell of incense, the sound of sitar music, or the tick-like studs in the salesclerk's tongue and nostril.) Be that as it may, this glass syringe-shaped object, about twelve inches long, is spherical on one end and pointed on the other. You fill it with water and then stick the open pointed end down into the dirt of a houseplant, where it looks like "art" but is continuously watering the plant for up to two weeks.
This sounds like a thing I could use had I not long ago given up on houseplants. If there is a live plant in my house, it is invisible to me until it dies. Then I can see it for the space of time it takes to move it from wherever it was to the garbage, where I deposit it with only a twinge of guilt. My mom has lots of houseplants but I don't think she'd like the AquaGlobe because she converses with her plants while watering them. If she used an automatic watering bong-thingie, the plants would be so lonely they'd die even with the constant supply of water. However, this might work for the times Mom's on the road and there's no one there to hydrate the plants. I'll keep this on the back burner as a Mother's Day gift idea in case I can't think of anything else. No way Mom needs an eyebrow wig.
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