207 More Weeks ...
... or 3 years, 11 months, and 19 days ...
... or 1,449 days ...
... or 34,776 hours ...
... or 2,086,560 minutes ...
... or 125,193,600 seconds ...
... until the end of the Obama administration. But who's counting?
At least President Bush knew a door when he saw one!
I am.
One can only hope that by then, our distinguished president will be able to distinguish the oval office's windows from its doors.
Unlike the time in 2005 when President Bush attempted to open a locked door while at a conference in Beijing -- "news" that ended up on page one, above the fold -- this item was not carried by The New York Times.
President Bush was a moron when he tried to open a huge door he could not have known was locked. Mr. Obama is merely preoccupied with matters of state -- and perhaps eager to return to the office where the thermostat is set so high that "you could grow orchids in there" -- when he searches in vain for a doorknob on a window.
At least President Bush knew a door when he saw one! I think that counts for something.
Some think of President Obama as the messiah. I think of him as a mess.
As for the euphemistically termed "Stimulus Bill" the president is trying so desperately to get past the Senate, I am reminded of Johnny Depp's famous bon mot regarding the breakfast food of politicians: You need patience with bacon ... you have to maintain a calm attitude with pork.
Believe me when I tell you, I am trying.
Reader Comments (13)
This is going to be a long 4 years and what's even scarier is that it could continue after that. I get so frustrated by the media who twisted everything to make President Bush look ridiculous and have only praise for whatever President Obama does.
Mari, that's what you get with a personality cult! We can only pray now that he's done after one term. But oh, the damage he can do to America in that one term. God help us.
The good news...the media is falling further and further in opinion polls. The bad news...there are otherwise intelligent folks who still put some stock in the media's droolfest over the mess-i-uh.
God grant Republicans in Congress enough spinal fluid to blunt as much damage as Bela Pelosi & Co can try before 2010 and 2012.
It is so discouraging that he has already, in the first weeks, overturned so much of the good President Bush did in 8 years. Stem cell research, abortion funding overseas, gay rights pushed through despite the majority dissension... yet nothing at all for health care, which is a real mess. (Mostly because the insurance companies are completely out of control. We were robbed last night, but it seems counterproductive to file a claim, because then the insurance company gets the opportunity to rob us again by raising rates, which here are astronomical since the hurricanes. Our mortgage went up $300 a month for a year, to cover higher insurance! And they'll drop you for the most nebulous reasons or no reason at all).
LOL! LOL! This was hilarious. Great post and you make a great point. The Obama Times would rather go bankrupt than actually tell the truth about our lying and near felonious President.
@ SF ... I am with you in sending that fervent prayer to heaven, my friend.
@ Tracie ... you were ROBBED? As in, burglars broke into your house? Good heavens, child. You make some excellent points, as usual. We are in real trouble here with this no-mind at the helm.
@ Audrey ... I'll bet fish would rather die in any state besides New York, just so their poor carcasses don't have to be wrapped in that liberal rag.
I'M COUNTING!!! Matter of fact, I have a Facebook page, and I have a counter on there that ticks down the days until he's through with his 4 years. And I really, really pray it's only 4 years. I think we have a good chance, actually, considering he's only been in office 3 weeks and he's already showing his incompetence/deviousness.
Did you happen to catch his "speech" to the House Dems down in VA last night? (I only watch that trash - on FOX, naturally - so I better know how to pray/be informed.) A more arrogant human being I have never seen. He coasted through his speech on nothing but jabs at Bush, Palin (excuse me, but last time I checked the campaign is over) and Republicans in general. Bipartisanship? If it weren't so UNfunny, I would laugh.
Ohhh I could go on for days.
@ Angi ... I think the chances are very good that BO will crash and burn long before the four years are up ... problem is, the drive-by media will still be in the tank for him no matter what he does. Thank God, in two years we will have (I hope) a great candidate to run against him and we'll start shaking things up. This "reign" is mighty pathetic so far.
I was in the next room when Fox News re-ran the "speech" (sounded more like a haughty harangue to me) in its entirety. I can hardly bear to look directly at him and listen to him, so I distanced myself ... but I could not block out his arrogance and the same thing occurred to me ... it sounds like he's still campaigning! YOU WON! CAN WE PLEASE MOVE ON?
All symbolism, no substance. I could go on for days, too.
I'm not particularly fond of most politicians. I pray and hope for the best!
Your numbers reminded me of something I found particularly scary today - I am 1 billion seconds old! My younger son kindly did the calculations! Yikes!
@ Keli ... Yikes is right! I hate to think how many seconds old that makes me! Going to check ...
thanks for coming by and visiting please come back again. and yes its always nice to make good friends on ones blog brings you a simle when you see they came by,,,
have a bless day, marina
Bush started a few wars. Obama did not begin nor end with a war. His only achievement is health law
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