Chew this if you're able
I like the line in The Patriot where Benjamin Martin tells Reverend Oliver: “A dog is a fine meal.”
Of course he’s joking.
On January 30, 2012, the dietary police at West Hoke Elementary School in Raeford, North Carolina, took away a little girl’s lunch of a turkey and cheese sandwich, chips, a banana, and apple juice, deeming it not a fine enough meal.
The resident Nazi de cuisine then decreed the four-year-old had to eat three chicken nuggets instead.
And it was no joke.
Leave it to a public school cafeteria bureaucrat to exceed the USDA minimum daily requirement of stupidity before noon and without the benefit of two brain cells to rub together.
These are, after all, the same people who have labeled pizza a vegetable.
Tacking insult onto injury, West Hoke Elementary presented the child’s mother with a bill for $1.25 to cover the cost of the fine meal they fed her daughter in place of the one her mom intended her to have.
I have three words for that mother: Lawyer up, girl.
This news story pushed about nine-tenths of my buttons all at once.
First let me repeat what I often say: I would rather our four kids be illiterate than to have spent even one day as students in a public school.
I thank God they didn’t have to. It was a sacrifice we gladly made.
And one more nugget of wisdom: Liberalism equals mental illness.
In fact, as I opined at length to TG recently, the truth to a liberal is like sunshine to a vampire. If a liberal senses the nearness of even one faint ray of truth, he runs screaming in the opposite direction.
Truth is life and light, and as such it is the opposite of liberalism. Because it is based on lies, liberalism leads to darkness and death.
Conservatism tends to life because its basis is truth. You heard it here first and yes, you may quote me.
In case you haven’t put two and two together yet and come up with four, Obamacare has nothing whatsoever to do with your health.
It has everything to do with systematically removing your freedoms.
Because in an Obamacare world, it will be dictated to you what you can and cannot do, based on the lie that everything relates to your “health.”
Now for a spot of reminiscing.
When I was a kid, my family was a trifle challenged in the financial department.
Let's be explicit: We were poor and mostly itinerant.
While there was usually enough to eat, it wasn’t often of the “fine meal” variety.
Since we moved around a lot, in school I came under a good bit of scrutiny as the perpetual “new girl.”
It seemed that prying eyes were never more probing than at lunchtime, which I both looked forward to and dreaded.
I looked forward to lunchtime because I was almost always hungry. I dreaded it because sometimes the lunch I brought from home made me the object of jokes.
At one institution I attended for part of a year, my nickname the whole time was “Tin Foil Lunch.”
That’s because on one of the first days I went there, my lunch consisted of a baloney sandwich wrapped in an old piece of aluminum foil.
At our house we recycled long before it was de rigueur.
But at least the school officials allowed me to eat my tin foil lunch unmolested and without judgment as to either its suitability or the wisdom of my parents in providing it.
And as I recall, we still said the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of every school day.
Prayer in school had already been banned. The credit for that dubious victory goes to one Madalyn Murray O’Hair, an atheist who now wishes she could pray.
May she roast. But not in peace.
On other occasions, I remember being sent to school without a lunch because my mother hadn’t had the funds to stock up on supplies. “I’ll bring your lunch to school in time,” she’d promise.
It would be an anxious morning for me but sure enough, at some point before the lunch recess I’d look up from my desk and there would be my mom, handing a paper sack to my teacher and pointing toward me where I sat at the back of the room.
My desk was always in the back because generally by the time I showed up to matriculate in the school and join my classmates, all the good seats had been assigned.
But it was okay because I’m just as easily confused in the back of the room as in the front. Mostly what I remember about school anyway was constantly wondering what in the sam hill the teacher was talking about.
It's possible all my mother said was, "Just give this to the new girl." Everybody would have known that was me.
Still and all, I’d rather eat a baloney sandwich wrapped in a scrap of tin foil or delivered in the nick of time -– and be called names for it, while enveloped in a mental fog -- in a relatively free country, than dine on Kobe beef and arugula salad with fresh berries for dessert, all washed down with fairy nectar, in a country whose citizens do not enjoy even the most basic of personal liberties.
And so it begins with the gourmet gestapo legislating what’s in a lunchbox and ends with ... I’m not sure we want to know where it might end, but can we afford to dodge the issue?
Because what the liberal idealogues plan to cram down our throats is going to be far less palatable than the distasteful uphill fight we face in trying to stop them.
God Bless America.
Reader Comments (10)
"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; But as for me, Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death"...."Patrick Henry"........G. Nuff Said?
@Glenda ... that about sums it up. ~J.
I'm standing up and giving you a round of applause. Jim and I were talking about this very news story during lunch. And yes, I mentioned that I would have took my child OUT of that public institution (emphasis on "institution") and retained a lawyer in mere minutes. I am not a parent, but if I was, NO stupid bureaucrat would be decided what my child ate or did not eat. Our country is systematically being destroyed by these demons dressed in "progressive" clothes, pretending to have your best interests at heart when they shove their beliefs down your throat.
I literally survived on PB&J and homemade cookies throughout most of my 12 years of schooling. There were no cafeterias in the schools where I attended. You brought your lunch and parents were actually responsible for making sure you were fed. What a concept. If there was enough grocery money, I would get a piece of fruit or vegetables like carrots or celery. In today's twisted society, the authorities would probably want to get me removed from my parents because a diet PB&J would be considered child abuse.
Parents everywhere need to wake up and smell the progressive disease that is invading their families!
@Donna ... amen and amen! ~J.
Sorry for the grammar mistakes in my previous post. I was on a rant, LOL...
@Donna ... I hear you, luv. No worries. ~J.
I heard about this yesterday. The floodgates are open now, parents from all over are calling in and sharing their similar experiences. They did not come forward before out of "fear" that the government would come after them. Can you believe that, in the United States of America.
I took my lunch too when I was in school. My parents scraped and saved every penny they could. They too reused aluminum foil, we didn't have zip-lock bags back then.
I worked from the time I was 14 years old, actually younger. I bought material and made my own clothes. When my parents finally saved enough to buy (their dream) their own farm, I worked like a hired hand except I wasn't paid since I was part of the family.
Hard work, scrimping and saving, eating bologna sandwiches, never hurt anyone. In fact it builds character.
One of the government agents was on Fox and said that "parents MEAN well for their children, but they don't KNOW what is best, and that is where the school comes in, THEY know best". Can you believe it?
Something needs to be done.
Our daughter went to public school, only because we lived in a rural area, knew the teachers and knew what was going on.
Our grandson has gone to PRIVATE Christian school from kindergarten through present, 4 more years and he will graduate from the same school. We pay for it, but it is necessary in his case. The public schools where he lives suck.
Bravo Ms. Jenny. I too would have been removing my child from that school, and retaining legal counsel. How dare they!
This is such a strange story; it defies all logic. I've been hearing tidbits about it all day and now I shall have to go ferret out the whole tale.
More and more, I just want to live in the wilderness and live off my food storage. If I had a pirate by my side, I'm sure I could manage.
I was pleased to see a rant, but saddened to find myself agreeing with you in the main for once.
I don't know if you're familiar with Jamie Oliver that slightly annoying young Brittish chef whose TV series are shown on some stations in USA.
In one of his latest series it was filmed entirely in USA, and he tackled this exact issue.
His efforts to introduce healthy menus were stymied at almost every stage by local food bureaucrats.
He was also campaigned against by a local radio shock jock who in effect said it was his right to have his children end up obese due to nuggets etc. if he wanted.
PS 'agreeing with you in the main for once ' , obviously refers to the food bureaucrat part of the post , I have not converted or become a conservative/rethuglican supporter.
As I've said previously I'm a proud and die hard liberal atheist , but it's pointless arguing these standpoints with a self declared 'right wing nut job ' (@jennypennifer bio) , any more.
GRRRRRRRR.....I've ALREADY had an argument this morning over the contraceptive issue with an employee of my Sister's security business! He was doing really well in expressing himself until he got to the Insurance companies..."It won't cost Christians ANYTHING now! The Ins. companies will pick up the expense!"...........HAHAHAHAaaaa....I'm a Crazy Person here! And he's a Conservative and in his 30's!! Moron!
Well, I let him know that when HIS Ins. rates went UP and he couldn't AFFORD to pay them any longer because "sallyjane" needed birth control pills, 'ta let me know!
Sorry Jenny....I need coffee...Great post though!Hahahaaa...Got me GOING AGAIN!!!Hahaaaaaa......
Oh to be this woman...I have to say, I wouldn't go right ahead and pull my kid out. I'd go up there and raise 9 sorts of hell going toe to toe with the one who did this in the first place and any who help out and then I'd turn to the admin department and up the ranks from there pulling my lawyer and anyone else who wants to tag a long. I read this story too and my mouth hit the floor. And to think i've been thinking and eating wrong ALL THESE YEARS when all I had to do to eat healthy is pick up chicken nuggets from the local McDonalds or grocery store. A woman over in the UK has been doing that for the last 16 years and made the world news stating her HEALTHY knack for nuggets is going to end up killing her. Brilliant I say, just brilliant....