It's about (Christmas) time

TG, me, and Dagny, last Sunday night
It's obvious to anyone with one eye and half a brain even the casual observer that I have been too lazy/busy/distracted/preoccupied to write a blog post.
I would apologize but I'm pretty sure that this fact has not moved the earth off its axis, and/or that you are also too busy/distracted/preoccupied (notice I did not accuse YOU of being lazy) to even notice.
Be that as it may, here I am. AND you should know that this is the second time I am writing this post.
I wrote it to completion earlier today, and then just as I was getting ready to post, it all went away. Including my website.
Poof! Gone.
I reached out to the host of my website and just now, several hours later, learned that it was a problem on THEIR end. And it is now resolved.
So here we go again.
Christmas is a week away. This year we will have two Christmases.
Christmas One will take place this coming Friday night.
This is our annual tradition of our eldest daughter Stephanie coming with her family to celebrate our Christmas with them (they go to our son-in-law's family in Pennsylvania each year for the actual holiday), as well as our granddaughter Melanie's birthday.
Melly will turn twenty on December twenty-first, the shortest day of the year.
(We love her birthday for obvious reasons, but also because the very next day, the days begin getting longer).
We're meeting at our Erica's house on Friday because she and Chad expressed the desire to host, and I was fine with that.
I will be making several of my signature dishes and I'll be sure to follow up with pictures of that for you.
Because I know you want to see proof of my cooking, and because I look forward to seeing pictures of your holiday dishes.
Quid pro quo, saith the Pirate.
Second Christmas will be the actual Christmas Day, when we will be joined at our house by our two girls who live here, and their husbands and children.
Chad and Erica, along with Rhett and Elliot, will go to Chad's family early in the day, and come to us later.
Mike and Audrey and Dagny will spend their first Christmas together by (I'm sure) having a pleasant morning around their own Christmas tree, exchanging their gifts to one another.
Then everyone will come here and I'll prepare a big dinner and we will open presents and then eat pie and cookies and drink coffee and watch a Christmas movie before everyone expires from fatigue at all of that celebrating.
Mike, Audrey, and Dagny celebrate their first Christmas as a family
Before I go I wanted to tell you about last Sunday evening at church.
Our children's choir gave a musical presentation with the theme of Jesus being God's gift to us.
There were several song selections punctuated by narration given by the children.
Dagny was part of a group of four young ladies who came forward out of the group at one point, to sing a song.
As it happened, the song opened with one of the girls singing a solo. Eventually at least three of the girls had solo parts in the song.
But that first solo was given by our Dagny.
OK so I am not here to say that my granddaughter is a child prodigy or even particularly gifted in music, with a talent that leaps off the page and blows your hair back and sucks all the oxygen out of the room.
All I am here to say is that I was taken aback by both her singing voice and the poise with which she sang.
Dagny is an habitual hummer so I have heard her non-speaking voice. Sort of. But most people's singing voices are recognizable if you are familiar with the singer's speaking voice.
When Dagny opened her mouth to sing, I did not recognize her voice. It was stronger than I would have thought, and did not strike me as coming out of the ten-year-old girl I have known since she took her first breath outside the womb.
It was impressive, as was all of the singing by the girls in her group, and all of the children, that night.
Isn't it a blessing to watch children grow up and come into their own God-given talents and abilities?
I think it is. And so when Dagny came towards me after the conclusion of the service, I told her: Speaking of gifts, you have a gift in this voice. I tapped her neck in the front where her vocal cords are.
She giggled and I asked her if she was nervous when it came time to sing her solo, and she giggled again and shook her head and said no.
So there you have it.
I insisted on a friend capturing a few pictures of me and TG and Dagny beside the minimalistic manger scene at the front of the auditorium.
Then I took a few of Mike and Audrey and Dagny.
We stood around and fellowshipped for quite a while after the service, and by the time we took the photos, Chad and Erica had already bustled their little boys out and home.
Elliot is just recovering from having been sick, and Rhett was sick before Elliot got sick, and they need their rest.
Or else I would have got a picture of them too. But I promise to make that up to you.
Dagny was also sick with a severe cold for most of last week. Seems this hard cold virus is circulating amongst the children of our church.
TG and I are well and have been well, and I hope you have been too.
I promise to check on each and every one of you before Christmas, so that you know I love and cherish you and have not forgotten you.
And that goes for every day of the year, and not only at Christmas.
But I do wish you a most happy and meaningful and pleasant and joyous holiday season.
And that is all for now.
Happy Week-Before-Christmas
Reader Comments (20)
I'm so glad things got straightened out for your blog and this post.
I seem to forget every year that your Melanie and my Mom have the same birthdate. My Mom would be 91 this year! She's been gone now for 21 years so it's hard for me to picture that.
It will be a lovely first Christmas for Mike and Audrey.
I'm not surprised Dagny has a lovely voice, I think it runs in your family. Maybe sometime you'll be able to share a clip of that.
Merry Christmas to all the Webers!
If I do not see you before Christmas, I wish you the best one ever. With health, good food, family fun, and joy. Your description of Dagny singing nearly took my breath away. I could almost feel what you were feeling when she started to sing. How wonderful!! I wish you could have videoed it with your phone, but likely the church would have frowned upon that. all the photos! A beautiful group, indeed!
I now always Copy my post Before I hit the post button...Saves me a LOT of grief in the long run.
I've also had post disappear into the abyss.
Hope you all have a beautiful Christmas! With much love,
Hello!! I was just thinking the other day what is the Pirate up to? How awesome that not only does Dagny have such a strong singing voice but that she isn't afraid to use it. I'm sure the strong love of her big family has helped make her a confident girl and that is awesome. I'm sorry so much virus has hit, I've heard the same thing around here is going around. I'm glad you and TG have missed out on it. I hope you continue to enjoy the holiday season my friend!!
The ability to sing well intrigues me. Your vocal chords must be arranged just so, and you have to have an ear too. I feel cheated because I really like to sing, but I have neither the chords nor the brain. I can carry a tune more or less but not so that anyone would want to hear.
I have been wondering where you have been and what you have been up to. In fact, I peeked at your blog to make sure I did not miss anything. Nope, you have just been ignoring all your faithful readers, leaving them hanging in the dark as to what you have been up to!
Nice pictures! Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family, my friend!
@Mari ... I had forgotten that your mom's birthday was December 21st too! I think that Christmas babies are so special. I know there's a lot said about them forfeiting a "real" birthday celebration in all of the hubbub of Christmas, but I just imagine how joyous their first Christmas must have been for their families when they were tiny newborns! TG has/had (one of them is gone) an aunt and uncle who were twins born on Christmas Day in 1919. My mother-in-law used to say that although she would not be born yet for several years, she heard many stories of the twins being set beneath the tree on the day they were born as though they were gifts (which of course they were!) ... and as I know you are with your very talented grandgirlies (and Connor will likely be the same), I am of course biased when it comes to Dagny but seriously it was a moment when I first heard her sing. I will never forget it. I didn't record it and neither did Mike and Audrey but I am going to try and find someone who did! Merry Merry Merry Christmas my dear friend! xoxo
@Ginny ... Noooo the church would not frown upon a Mamaw recording her grandbaby singing, but I just didn't do it! From where we sit I really couldn't see her because the way she was placed in the group, there was a taller child beside her who blocked my view for the most part. So then when she came up to sing, it all happened so fast that I didn't even think about getting my phone out because I was so into the whole thing, hahaha! A missed opportunity. But I'll try and find someone who took a video so that I at least can hear it again. I know you can totally relate, as you have those fine granddaughters who are so accomplished and give you all so much to be proud of and grateful for. And I hope that you and Phil and your whole family have a wonderful Christmas and that everyone stays well and strong! xoxo
@Donna ... oh girl you are so right and believe me, a split second after I realized what had happened, I wished that I had done that. Lesson learned. But I was in the home stretch and just so proud of myself for getting a post up, that I was lulled into complacency. Ugh. I'm just thankful that it was not a long, drawn-out post with thirty pictures that I had just finished because that would have taken me OUT. Hahaha ... thank you for the beautiful Christmas card which I always enjoy, not least because of your gorgeous handwriting. Love you my friend! Have a blessed and joyous Christmas with your family! xoxo
@Lori ... Awwww thanks for thinking of me! I have been derelict in my blogging responsibilities but I promise to do better. And can't wait to drop by and see what you, The Big Guy, and Binx are up to! Lots of good food and togetherness, I imagine! Merry Christmas! xoxo
@AC ... I hear you! All such talent amazes me. I have a fair singing voice but it is not strong unless I am in a certain range which in my opinion is a very small range. If you can picture (or hear) this in your mind, the hymn The Old Rugged Cross is in my perfect range. I can sing that strong. The only problem is, I have zero confidence when it comes to getting up in front of a crowd to sing a solo. I don't know why but the thought of it nearly makes me nauseated. So when these young children sing with such poise, I'm in awe of that. But I know you sing in your heart AC, and you have a great deal of artistic talent, so as they say, it's all good! Merry Christmas to you and Sue! xoxo
@Jim and Barb ... I know, right! Just ducking all responsibility towards you all, hahaha! I am curious as to what you have been up to as well so I will be swinging by shortly to check up on you. Meanwhile have a glorious Christmas with your beloved Barb and the doggos! xoxo
@Thank you my friend! You and Rick and Shauna and Brad and Max and Levi have the best Christmas ever ever ever, and enjoy every last moment together! xoxo
I have been checking back to see if you posted anything as of late... but I also knew you were busy, busy. I am happy to see a Christmas greeting from you. :-)
Lots of love and hugs... Carla
@Carla ... Likewise my dear friend! I enjoyed catching up with your goings-on. Have the merriest of Christmases with your beloved family! And Ernie. Hahaha love me some Ernie ... xoxo
Weddings and holidays are time absorbing. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you and yours.
I love your idea to celebrate twice so everyone can be included. I should do that for Thanksgiving since my son ALWAYS goes to his in-laws who live 10 minutes away as opposed o 2 and 1/2 hours to us. We have just accepted it but I never thought of having an additional Thanksgiving. How proud you must be of your granddaughter- such a joy.. Your photos are always stunning I including the photo of the proud grandparents with Dagny. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Hi there Jennifer, I loved all the pictures of y'all dressed up so pretty for the holidays! Hope y'all had a great Christmas and I'm looking forward to pictures!! The New Year is nearly here! Loved hearing about Dagny's solo, bet it was beautiful! How was Melly's birthday? Happy sunday my friend, hope you post soon. It's rainy and drizzly and misty here!
@Mike ... Thank you and may your 2025 be happy and prosperous! Love to Seymour, haha xoxo
@Judee ... Oh girl don't I know about having to accept where children go for holidays, hahaha! We always want them with us but once they marry it's more complicated! We probably would not have two Christmases except for Melly's birthday being on the 21st, but it works out really well. We are proud of and grateful for our Dagny and for the other grands too. What a joy they are! Happy New Year, my friend! xoxo
@Debbi ... We are having some dramatic weather today but other than that it's been pretty chilly! But yes we did have those rainy days at the end of December. Melly's birthday was wonderful and she had a nice Christmas too, with her family in Pennsylvania. Happy New Year to you and Mr. Front Porch and fairy granddaughter and the dollies and the critters! xoxo
Hope you had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year. It must have been so special to watch and hear Dagny sing.
Hello dear Pirate! I know I've read this blog post several times, but it seems that I neglected to comment. I loved all of the have such a precious family. I especially enjoyed the picture of Mike, Audrey and Dagny. Mike is smiling...married life is agreeing with him!
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that you are missed. I love your sense of humor and all of the cuteness on your sidebar!
Sending much love,
Hi Jenny! Just checking in to see if you're doing ok. Miss you!!
@Hena ... it was just awesome to hear Dagny sing. And yes we had a wonderful Christmas! Hope your family are doing well. xoxo
@Dianna ... Sorry to have been gone so long. Yes Mike is loving being a married man! I think everyone is happy and that makes me happy. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words! Happy New Year! xoxo
@Lori ... Thank you my friend for checking up on me. I'm doing great! Happy New Year! xoxo
Dagny is maturing into an accomplished young lady. I think she seems more mature than our Sam who is 12. He's very into planes and aviation right now. When we sit and have conversations, he likes to show me photos of planes on his phone and tell me EVERYthing about them. I try to listen intently and not let my eyes glaze over. My oldest granddaughter has a lovely singing voice too. Like you, I'm always surprised when she begins to sing.
@Barb ... I think that girls really do mature faster than boys -- at least it seems so at that "tween" age! Hahaha when aviation gets into a person's soul it will work itself out in many interesting ways! Such an endless fascination for so many -- my son included. Good luck not letting your eyes glaze over! Yes I was amazed at our Dagny's voice and I hope she will keep on singing! xoxo