Celebrating the Ignore-uration
I wish you could see how assiduously and determinedly and emphatically I am ignoring the big fancy to-do up in Washington DC today.
Of course I've seen a few pictures by accident but I quickly looked away. I've spent almost no time online.
I refuse to turn on the television.
Even TCM, which I normally have playing throughout the day if I'm home, is showing movies to honor Martin Luther King, Jr.
They'll do it without me.
Faux News? Fuggheddaboudit.
I can do without schtick-y commentary from the uber-libs, the RINOs, the quasi-libs, the politicians, the ratings-conscious entertainers, and the phalanx of stiletto-heeled, lip-glossed, plastic-haired, Spanxed-in, tarted-up females who look like they'd crack if you touched them with a feather.
And no, I'm not the one with my head in the sand. And no, I'm not the hater.
The haters are the ones who love the guy driving the car, who may or may not have placed his hand on a Bible today and who is being feted lavishly by, among others, crackhead celebrities, Hollyweird denizens, ecumenical clergy, enviro-whackos, pinko commies, abortion enthusiasts, salacious rappers, and a homosexual poet.
The ones with their heads in the sand are those who look at him and listen to him and believe even for an instant that he's not all about making freedom as we have known it, a thing of the past.
Let me be clear: Barack Obama is a Socialist. He is a radical far-left ideologue. If you're a patriotic American, he loathes you and your ilk.
You'd do well to fear him if for only one reason: The next four years.
In which I promise you, he plans to dismantle America the way a hyperactive two-year-old decimates a sand castle during a day at the beach.
But that's not what I meant to say at all! Forgive me.
What I meant to say was this:
There are so many wonderful ways not to ignore people.
Even so, there are bumps in the road.
Stay with me now.
The other day I wrote my daughter Stephanie a note. The kind that goes by snail-mail.
Normally I wouldn't do that but I wanted to send her a receipt and I thought I'd write a few words to go along with it.
Not an hour after I sealed the envelope and put a stamp on it, Stephanie called me.
And I proceeded to tell her everything I'd put in the note.
Oh well. At least there's the receipt to surprise her when she receives the piece of mail.
A few days later, I called Stephanie as I was out and about in my car.
We talked for a few moments about one thing and another and then she said, "I was just writing you an email, telling you all of this."
And I said, "Well, have you finished the email? Have you actually sent it?"
She said she was just about to wrap it up and hit send but was tending to Baby Andrew when I called.
So we decided not to talk on the phone lest she leak to me all that was already in the email, thus causing the time she'd spent writing it to be wasted.
"This better be a good email," I thought as I rang off and continued about my business.
All day I dreamed of that newsy communique.
It turned out to be approximately five sentences.
I am infamously not "on" Facebook as, if you've been paying attention, you know I have no use for that particular brand of social media.
My status updates? My photos? They're here on my blog.
But don't look for me to tell you when I've just enjoyed a cup of "yummy coffee," or to post five dozen selfies at a clip.
I do like me some Twitter but mostly for the ultra-conservative banter, far-right insights, and invaluable links, all in small doses.
I only recently began texting. Actually, I only recently began responding to texts.
For a long while I was successful in ignoring them.
I hate texting! I had been heard to loudly say from time to time, and it kept most prospective texters at bay.
But that all changed and, now that I'm used to it, I know that texting is actually a pretty cool -- and very unobtrusive -- way to communicate.
I'm actually starting to like it. I think it's here to stay.
But please don't text me.
Then, the other day? I got an email from an old friend.
She contacted me the no-fail way: via my blog.
We exchanged several cyber-missives before she supplied me with her phone number and invited me to call, explaining that she dislikes typing.
I had to howl because I love to type and hate talking on the phone.
All evidence to the contrary.
I was on the line for ninety minutes last night for two conversations with two of my four kids.
My phone was so hot I practically needed a potholder.
At the same time, those who know me well know that I don't send a great many emails.
If I have a lot to say -- and I usually do -- it makes more sense to talk on the phone.
Or meet for lunch. Which is what I and my old friend are planning to do tomorrow.
Isn't that a novel idea! Having a conversation in person!
During that whole time, I'll ignore my phone. Don't call! Don't text!
But you may rest assured I'll be in touch.
Happy Monday! Happy Ignore-ural Week!
Reader Comments (6)
I've just come home from work - a long day, followed by an absolutely awful drive home. Ice on the road and snow blurring the vision are a bad mix. However - I digress. As I said, I was at work today. It was the day I do rounds with the Dr. That means we spend a lot of time in a little office, writing orders and such. This office is right off our sitting area, which has a big tv for the residents. You know where I'm going with this right? Yes - I had to listen to all the things you mentioned. Aaagh!
I'm behind you on texting - still don't do it!
I was doing a great job of ignoring it and you went and reminded me. Darn you, Pirate!
The first couple times I got a text from you were some of the most awkward moments of my life, HAHA! But now I love it! Always is fun to get a text from my beautiful Mother.
LOL I didn't watch any of it either, not interested in the slightest.
I watched none of the slimefest in DC. Didn't watch, didn't listen, didn't read. It really is easy to tune out rubbish from the Left.
It's getting harder and harder to even turn ON the TV these days...Have been watching Downton Abby though...Hahaaaa
NOOBAMA here too!