I got you days

That's Kadena, Japan, behind him. Bright, huh?Andrew has been halfway around the world in the past week. He sends me lots of pictures, some of which I share with you here.
Six days ago he took off for California, and from there flew to Hawaii. From Hawaii he flew to Guam, eventually ending up in Kadena, Japan.
It wasn't a refueling trip -- although he says they'll be dragging F-22's on the way back to California this Saturday -- but rather a medical mission.
That meant he and the rest of the flight crew were ferrying doctors, nurses, and patients all over the place for various reasons.
Andrew -- as is his habit -- spent some time making cookies for everyone on the first leg of the trip.
Except, a particular "female" -- that's what Andrew calls all women in these situations; it cracks me up -- of the nursing persuasion, whined that she didn't get a cookie.
Westin Resort, Tumon Bay, Guam
Well I don't know why; I made forty-eight of them, my son told her.
I can just hear him saying it. Not rudely at all, but with such dry wit. You'd have to know Andrew. He is the best storyteller, always original and a natural comic/mimic.
I do not know where he gets that.
On Wednesday I was at home when a face-time call came through. I sat in my TV room and talked to my son who in turn was sitting in the lobby of his hotel in Japan, fourteen hours ahead of me in time.
Seeing him on my iPhone screen and knowing where he was, was more than a trifle interesting.
He declared himself eager to fly out of Japan, but he'd have to wait several hours before takeoff.
There's that Guam-y view again
On the ten-hour flight back to Hawaii, he said, they would see the sun go down, then come up again.
Crossing the International Date Line, he would then start January 22nd over, arriving in Hawaii at six o'clock on the morning of the day he had just lived in Japan.
The whole thing reminded Audrey and me of that inane movie Groundhog Day, which, as annoying as it is, is sort of unavoidable at this time of year unless you hide under a rock.
That day when Punxsutawney Phil looks around for his shadow, predicting the length of winter, being a mere ten days hence.
So then Audrey reminded me of the silly song Bill Murray is doomed to wake up to ad nauseam, playing on his bedside radio in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, every day when he's about to live it over again.
Andrew's quarters at the Outrigger Reef Resort, Waikiki Beach. Not bad.
I was eight years old in 1965 but I remember this like it was yesterday. Or is it tomorrow.
What in the world is Cher wearing? It looks as though she shopped at the local museum of natural history. And did Sonny ask Robin Hood's blind barber to cut his hair? Was this always so corny, so blatantly cringe-worthy?
Discuss amongst yourselves.
Happy Weekend

Reader Comments (6)
It's so nice that you can be in touch with Andrew when he's far away from home! And, I have no idea where he gets his humor from. hmmmm
Speaking of Bill Mur*ray, you probably know this, he and his brothers own several restaurants. The one here Brittney used to waitress there when Hunt was a baby. It's the Outback Crabshack.
Once, when he was in there, he left her a $l00.oo tip. She was over the moon!
Oh, and I always loved Sonny and Cher - her costumes especially. :)
Have a great weekend.
@Sally ... No, I didn't know anything about Bill Murray owning restaurants! But I'm glad to hear he's generous to servers. That says a lot about a person. I've never been a S&C fan but she sure has done lots of stuff in her career. The mastodon vest in that vid, though, was ill-advised, haaahahaha ... just my opinion. xoxo and happy weekend ~
I laughed while reading this post, because when I got to the part about Andrew's skill at storytelling, I thought to myself - "he got that from his Mother"! Then I read your next line... Ha!
Although he was in some fabulous places, I bet he was really tired. That's a lot of travel.
And what's with that whiny nurse? She gives us all a bad name. :)
I was never a fan of Sonny and Cher - the haircut, the outfits... and mostly her politics!
@Mari .. on the money honey! Oh and no female living could give you a bad name. She was just being peevish, probably to get attention! Yeah, Cher's politics ... oy vey.
Men hog all cookies and leave nothing for females!Hahaa
And Cher? This early in the morning? Gaggggg!
@Donna ... apols about the Cher bit. I agree; no time of day is the right time for her, but the song ... I just had to do it. As for the cookie-less female, I think in this case it was less about male hogging of treats than a nurse who missed her opportunity, and deeply regretted it ... haaahahaaha