This it is and nothing more
Did you know? Today is the birthday of the American poet Edgar Allan Poe. He'd be two-hundred seven.
Strange dude. Brilliant and strange, a literary genius. The tormented kind.
Born on January 19, 1809, he lived only until October 7, 1849. Forty years and just shy of nine months.
The final resting place of his earthly remains, at Westminster Hall and Burying Ground in Baltimore, is near the top of my list of Famous Graves to Visit.
Nobody has ever been able to pinpoint how and why he died.
It's a mystery.
I love Poe -- and Poe's poetry -- so much, I named my new car in honor of them.
The official color of said vehicle is Black Raven.
Black is by far my favorite color and although I do not have a favorite bird as such -- being partial to them all -- crows and ravens rate pretty high.
So now, when I ride? I ride The Raven.
My license plate: NVRMORE.
So if you see that South Carolina plate? You'll know it's me. Do wave hello.
Don't miss the large and glossy -- and incredibly lifelike, except he doesn't move -- fake (shhhh ... we haven't told him) Raven -- name of Poe -- who perches saucily in my rear window, passenger side.
I got him at a Halloween store but he rides The Raven all year 'round, peering out with pretend curiosity at cars collected in the road behind us.
So anyway. Happy Birthday, EAP.
In his honor and remembrance, take the time to hear the late great Christopher Lee read The Raven.
You will not regret it.
And that is all for now.
Happy Tuesday
Reader Comments (6)
Love it!
I remember studying Poe in college (I was an English major). Also, in my old Denver neighborhood, there was a wonderful raven statue atop the post at one of the houses. I thought of old Edgar every time I passed. I love your license plate!
That's a pretty snazzy vehicle Miss Jenny! I love the license plate too.
We are also Poe fans. Bob wants to know which is your favorite. He says it's a toss up between The Cask of Amontillado and The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar. Of course The Telltale Heart rates right up there too!
I love your car, Raven. :)
Well, that is just about the coolest thing ever!!!
The plate sounds like something you'd think up!!Hahaa