Make America Great Again
Years ago I acquired a book entitled The Lüscher Color Test.
Within the book are eight small oblongs of cardboard, each a different color.
What you do is, you line up the pieces of variously-colored cardboard and you look at them. Then you begin choosing the colors in the order in which they appeal to you.
You can't spend too much time fretting about the actual shades of the colors. They're not what you might expect. No matter; they are what they are.
The idea is to simply and honestly choose the eight colors and line them up in the order in which you like them, from best to least. Someone (maybe even you) makes careful notes of your selections (the cards are numbered on the back).
Then you do it a second time, without attempting to consciously make the identical selections you made the first time. Again, notes are made of your picks in correct order.
At the end of all this, either you or a friend can consult the part of the book that is designed to explain what your selections mean.
Because yes; they mean something. Turns out (if you buy into the whole thing, and I do), they mean a lot. It's actually an intensely revealing psychological test, not just a parlor game.
That's all I'll tell you about the Lüscher Color Test. If you want to know more, buy the book and have fun.
The reason I'm conveying all of this to you today is this:
The test's author, Dr. Max Lüscher, insists that the colors you reject are every bit as important as those you accept.
In other words, just as much can be read into the color(s) you pick last, as the one(s) you pick first.
Here's the takeaway.
On election day I rejected a candidate to exactly the same degree that I selected one. In fact, I would have voted for just about anyone rather than cast a vote for Hillary Clinton.
I would've let my hand wither and drop from my arm before doing that.
But that doesn't mean I was firmly aboard the Trump Train at that time. I had my reservations -- as in, some nagging doubts that this unpredictable, unscripted man was the best choice to be the forty-fifth President of the United States.
But no one else presented themselves as a better choice, and I was adamantly, vehemently #NeverHillary.
Besides, there's something appealing about a politically-incorrect loose cannon. To me, anyway.
And it's not as though anyone expected him to win.
During the tumultuous election cycle, my TG (a Cruz man until that dream went by the wayside) made a wise observation:
Let's say you have a dozen eggs. Six are rotten and six are cracked. You can do nothing with rotten eggs, but you can do any number of positive things with cracked eggs.
Cakes and omelets come to mind.
Mr. Trump may be slightly cracked, but Hillary Clinton is rotten. It's practically her middle name. She's all the rotten eggs. There's not one thing you can do except throw her out.
I've grown to love Donald Trump. It happened before the election; I was so thrilled on election night, I could not sleep. I could not stop rejoicing and no, it wasn't only because it wouldn't be Hillary. It was because it would be Mr. Trump.
My doubts were gone, and for all his faults, they remain a thing of the past.
Looking back, I believe the turning point for me began with listening, riveted, to Mr. Trump's seventy-five-minute speech at the Republican National Convention in July, during which he graciously accepted his party's nomination.
Here is one minute of it:
When he said I am your voice, I felt both elated and grateful. Finally. Finally I may have a President who speaks for me. It had been a long, long time since I felt that way.
My elation has sustained itself and it has grown. Today I will be watching every moment of the inauguration. Tonight, we are having a party with family and friends, to celebrate.
I'll wear my Trump tshirt and my two commemorative buttons.
All day (and every day) I will be praying for Mr. Trump, for his safety, for those who work so hard to ensure he is kept safe, and for his family.
Most of all, I will pray for America, that the destruction of the past eight years may by God's grace be reversed, and that our beloved country will truly be made great again.
As President Trump says: Greater than she has ever been before.
And that is all for now.
Happy Friday :: Happy Inauguration :: God Bless America
Reader Comments (14)
I couldn't agree more!
Oh My Gosh! I have felt the exact same way!! But I didn't get close to that feeling of excitement until last night. I watched the last part of the event at the Lincoln Memorial and at the end, when they played and sang the Battle Hymn of the Republic and set off the fireworks, I just yelled "YES!!!"
I hope he can do such outstanding things that we all will be amazed and put those whiny, intolerants "you know who's" in their place. At least, anything will be so much better than the last 8 years!!!
@Heather ... I know, right?
@Judy ... Haaahahaha I wish I could have seen you yell YES! I was doing the same thing, plus clapping and crying. What a great day.
Love this post. I totally agree and remain very optimistic about the future of our great country!
I watched today and was very moved. I am so thrilled to have Obama out, Hillary not in, and Trump inaugurated! I was working on my current Bible Study tonight which is on Gideon. It spoke of the way God shows mercy time after time, and the question was asked "in what way have you seen God's mercy shown to you recently". My answer - " today - in the man we see as our new president"! God showed great mercy on our country and I am anxious to see what is going to happen.
Hope you are having fun at your party - wish we could have crashed it. :)
PS - I was just laughing at a clip on Facebook. It showed lots of liberals laughing at the idea of Trump becoming president, they all said there was no way. Who's laughing now?
Sorry for being so wordy tonight! :) Love you!
@Jeanette ... Thanks for stopping by. Congratulations on your new grandbaby! xoxo
@Mari ... I wish you could have crashed the party too. it was great. I think I've seen the clip you're talking about. It's worth watching again and again! They all laughed at Christopher Columbus, when he said the world was round ... and I join you in being so very grateful to God for everything we witnessed today and every wonderful thing that is to come! Love you back! xoxo
I could have written that but not as eloquent as you, Jenny!
Hopefully, all the haters will come around in time. Xoxoxo
OH YESSSSS!!!! -happpy sighhhhh-
I am so happy! I believe him when he says, he is and will be, Our Voice.
And it has been so long, since I could feel that way. In fact, I had given up hope, that Our Beloved Country would ever recover, from the horror of the last 8 years. Given up hope.
And actually, I never, ever drank BO's "Kool Aid"! Never! I knew exactly what he was, when he began to run. And I have "no -truck"with those who say: "Oh but I thought he was going to be good for the country." No-truck with them, as the saying goes.
If I knew what BO was, how couldn't anyone???????
Yes, a black man, and a woman, for President. Just not BO, and Crooked Hill.
But that is behind us!
And NO, I do not expect this POTUS to be perfect. There are no perfect human beings. But I expect this man, to work, for me. And for all the rest of those Forgotten Men and Women, out here, in our Beloved Country.
How wonderful to be able to say, loud and clear again, I Am Proud To Be An American!!!!!
Gentle hugs, and blessings,
Luna Crone
And..... To you...... And to your other commenters......
Yes! Clapping, and crying, and fists in air! (Sorry, that's just the kind of an Olden Lady I am!!! -giggggles-) And turning up the volume for Lee Greenwood 's "Proud To Be An American" and for Toby Keith!!!!! And loving every minute of the fireworks and "Battle Hymn Of The Republic." In fact, I'm getting "goosebumps," just writing this. :-))))))))
And Btw Folks, I am not Christian, nor do I hold any religion. But that is no reason I can not rejoice, to hear such songs, after 8 years of it being *Politically Incorrect* to even listen to them!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gentle hugs to all,
Luna Crone
@Sally ... you are always so kind to me. Love you. xoxo
@Luna ... I love your enthusiasm, Christian or not, for what is decent and patriotic and right. All of the inauguration moments were so wonderful. I'll be reliving them over and over and getting goosebumps and tears again and again. Such a fantastic time to be an American! And I too would LOVE to see a conservative black man attain the White House. But it's horrible to think what the leftist haters would do to him. I've never been sanguine about the prospect of a woman president; I think men should lead. But for now we have a man in office -- his color is unimportant -- who loves America. That's all I need to know. xoxo
WELL, I am two days late in showing up here. I am not sure why.......maybe too much celebrating. Oh, I know why......watching the cabinet members being grilled. Fox News has had a change of heart. I guess they soon realized that if they were going to get any news, they better shape up. I cannot stand CNN. What is wrong with them?!?!? What is wrong with the women of this country?
Now the battle begins and it should begin on our knees. God have mercy on President Trump and on all of us.
I am glad you had a party. We had a party too! The Inauguration was a special time in history and I wanted to be sure to celebrate it in a special way. Like Mari, I wish we could have crashed your party. God bless!
@Cheryl ... you're always welcome no matter when you show up. And you're right: the battle will be fought (and won) on our knees. As to what's wrong with CNN and women, it's simple: they are liars who love the lie even when the truth would serve them better. They're deceived and lost and given over to a reprobate mind. Just when you think they can get no more depraved, they do -- and then make it worse by openly glorying in it. How filthy their minds and mouths are. I thank God for the wisdom and discernment to reject all that they stand for. God bless you back! xoxo
Welcome aboard The Trump Train. We are in for a wonderful marvelous ride and I cannot wait to see where it leads us. What a wonderful day it was to be an American when he was elected and again when he was inaugurated. Praise the Lord.
@Cheyenne ... thanks for reading and YES on all points. It's a great time for America. xoxo