Our happy place

Yesterday was the annual Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-A.
That's the day when, if you make even a passing stab at impersonating a bovine unit, you get free food.
Thus, we had our dinner there.
(No; yours truly did not dress like a heifer so save yourself the effort of scrolling down quickly to see it. I eat cow and chicken, but not carbs -- so all I ingested was a supersized frosty-cold diet lemonade.)
Stephanie and the kids were in for a few days of swimming so we were a large, hungry, push-some-tables-together kind of group.
But we were only nine amongst hundreds of moovers and shakers thronging the CFA in West Columbia.
TG had bought the kids white t-shirts. Stephanie cut out black blobs from construction paper and attached them with masking tape circles.
It worked like a charm. Everybody had plenty and we even brought home leftovers.
The employees -- as always at Chick-fil-A -- were courteous, kind, patient, conscientious, attentive, cheerful, and efficient. And that was near the tail-end of what had to have been an exhausting day.
Booyah. Eat more chikin.
God bless America, especially the all-American traditional-values purveyors of fine fast food like Chick-fil-A.
Happy Wednesday

Reader Comments (7)
Amen, Girl!
Love it when companies stand up to scrutiny, and darn the consequences. I had another friend who dressed her children as mooooovers.
I've never had the privilege of visiting a Chick-fil-A, but I sure love the way they stick up for their beliefs! There are reports that one is coming our way though - in Holland, about 20 minutes from me. If it happens, I will be there!
Sounds like fun.
I have never had the opportunity to visit one, but I have been informed that if one does come to our area, Andrew will dress up like a cow to get free food. If this happens, I can assure you that I will be getting pictures!
Being an old farm girl--I can do a good "mooooo" impersonation. We don't have a Chick Fil A anywhere near here, that I know of. I wonder why.
No Chick Fil A here, Jenny. I didn't know you aren't eating carbs. I limit them but still have to have a good piece of seeded toast once and awhile. Also, I'm eating a piece of leftover pizza tonight. Moooooo!
So that's why my FB news feed was back logged with pics of kids in cow get ups, lol! I hardly go to chic fil a any more so I wasn't up to speed on whats going on!