Blessed with birthdays

Chad on his thirtieth birthday
As I mentioned in my last post, our Chad turned thirty in late June.
To mark the momentous milestone, TG and I and Audrey and Dagny gathered with other family members at the home of Chad's parents, Greg and Jane.
We came bearing gifts
Chad's grandmothers, Miss Annie and Miss Claudia, as well as his Uncle Doug and Aunt Becky, were also there.
Miss Annie lives next door
Naturally we are well acquainted with all of these lovely people, given the fact that, just over two years ago, we celebrated Cherica's wedding.
Chad and Erica were there too, with Sibyl, their Chihuahua-Yorkshire Terrier mix.
Sibi the chorkie observes the festivities
Once everyone got settled in and the gifts had gathered on the sideboard, Jane announced that dinner was served.
On the dot
She'd made baked spaghetti and baked ziti, with salad and Italian toast (it wasn't exactly garlic bread; it was better).
Jane can cook
Everyone loaded up their plates and found seats and the repast was most enjoyable, along with fellowship and much talk about the CCP flu that's going around.
Maternal grandmother: Miss Claudia
Miss Claudia revealed that one of her elderly neighbors, after "sheltering in place" and "social distancing" and masking and sanitizing and doing everything within her power to embrace the vile "new normal," had contracted the virus anyway.
And has made a full recovery.
Paternal grandmother: Miss Annie
No one else at the party knew of anyone who has had the CCP flu, except for Chad, who had been informed several weeks ago of two people in his building at work who recovered from it while everyone was still "in lockdown."
Chad is gifted
There's that herd immunity working for you.
After supper we decided it was time for Chad to open his gifts.
Chad gets grilled
TG and I gave him an indoor grill, a handy item that allows you to grill meats and vegetables either in the kitchen or at the table.
High on birthdays
He and Erica are avid cooks -- foodies, even, if anyone still says that -- and we thought they'd enjoy grilling chicken tenderloins and Carolina Pride sausage discs and sweet peppers and zucchini chunks tableside.
Chad said he loved the grill and loved the idea.
He received several other nice presents. Dagny, as at every birthday party, relished helping to direct the flow of boxes and bags and balloons and greeting cards into the hands of the birthday boy.
Grandsons are special
Then it was time for cake but I insisted on taking some group pictures first.
I hadn't brought the Nikon but I had my phone so we were good to go. Out onto the side porch, that is.
Uncle Doug and Aunt Becky
First I wanted Chad's picture alone with each of his grandmothers, and one with the three of them together.
The guest of honor and his loving parrots
Both of my grandmothers were gone by the time I was in my mid twenties. Chad is fortunate to have turned thirty with both of his beloved Mimis still around and relatively healthy.
Chagny: mutually devoted
Then it was Doug and Becky's turn, then Dagny's (she adores Chad to distraction and he loves her right back), then our crowd, then Chad and Erica together.
I'm so glad we did that. I plan to give Chad and his grandmothers the photos of them together, framed for posterity and against the inevitable (but far away) time when it's no longer possible to take such pictures.
Core group for most of our parties
That accomplished, we set about serving cake. Chocolate-chocolate is Chad's favorite so of course that's what Erica had ordered from the Publix bakery, which, for a grocery store bakery, does an excellent job with cakes.
Cherica: lovebirds still
You can even order your cake online late the night before you need it, and they'll have your decadent and decorated dessert ready for you the next afternoon.
(Erica is known for procrastinating so that last bit is handy.)
The man of the hour
Chad regarded his cake with admiration for several minutes before blowing out the numerical candles as we serenaded him with "Happy Birthday."
Then Jane served coffee and the slabs of chocolate cake were loaded onto plates for our enthusiastic consumption.
What have we here
For the rest of the evening we sat around and talked, which is always the best part of parties.
This year has been harrowing in some respects but I've been encouraged, as always, by family gatherings during which all of the negative news can be forgotten, or at least pushed off to the side, in the shadows where it belongs.
Cake News
In the coming days I'll be sharing with you other family celebrations for which we've congregated since the spring, complete with photographic proof of the excellent use we made of each special occasion.
Chagny: Buddies
They -- both the occasions and the stories -- are plentiful.
Meanwhile, keep your chin up, a smile on your face, and a song in your heart.
And that is all for now.
Happy Wednesday

Reader Comments (8)
I love the first photo of Chad and Dagny. She has such a sparkle in her eyes!
Looks like a nice celebration. It's so nice when both sides can get together and enjoy each others company.
I lost both of my grandma's by the time I was 4, so having them at 30 seems amazing to me.
The pictures will certainly be appreciated in years to come.
Happy Birthday Chad!
All these party pics are awesome, but the last one... absolutely precious!
@Mari ... Oh wow, you didn't grow up with grandmothers? No wonder you are such an excellent grandma! Not that you wouldn't have been anyway. I'm so sorry that you didn't have your grandmas. I adored mine and miss them still. Chad and Dagny are certainly an item. She thinks he hung the moon. Love is sweet. xoxo
@Sydney ... I know, right? Too sweet for words. Love you girl. xoxo
Happy Birthday to Chad! I enjoyed looking at the party pictures it looked like everyone had a wonderful time. My only grandmother died when I was 17 Chad is lucky to have his and I'm sure the picture will be treasured forever.
That looks like a very nice party for your son. Beautiful family pictures and a delectable looking cake!
Jenny, I know I posted a long comment on Chad's birthday. I mentioned how young and pretty his mimi's look. I love that last photo of him and Dagny. Perfect in B&W. That cake! Hope this one goes through...
@Jane ... that is a young age to lose your grandmother. They are special and they are important. Thanks for stopping by. xoxo
@Jeanette ... Thank you! xoxo
@Barb ... Girl I never saw that one, and I check every day. I'm so sorry. It's frustrating when that happens -- computer glitches! Ugh! But yes Chad's Mimis are cute and such nice ladies. So different from one another, but both charming and I'm so glad I've had the opportunity to get to know them. The picture of Chad and Dagny brings a tear to my eye. That child loves deeply and fiercely. And he is so precious to her. It's a blessing. As are you! xoxo
What a wonderful family gathering.
For the Birthday of your handsome son-in-law.
Just love photos of Dangy and him. So sweet...
Gentle hugs,
'Miss Babbling Brook'
"Beside a babbling brook" blog