Of Bands, Boys, And Birds

Last weekend some dear friends in Hickory, North Carolina, took TG and me out to eat at an Italian ristorante named DaVinci's. Excellent. Unlike Olive Garden, they don't put garlic in the water. In my book that is a definite plus.
Also a happy circumstance at DaVinci's (besides the warm bread, the impeccable service, and my perfect baked ziti, that is) was the thoroughly unexpected strolling string trio! Just like in the movies! I'd never actually experienced a wandering string trio so this was a milestone for me. TG, I, and our friends were enjoying delightful postprandial conversation when the talented triumvirate seemed to drift out of nowhere to serenade us and our fellow diners.
Laugh; have fun. Life is short.
One on mandolin, one on guitar, and one on violin, the mobile musicians started out with the classic O Sole Mio ... and progressed to some lively tarantella or another that I recognized but cannot name. It was charming and much appreciated. Bellissimo!
Speaking of Italian, music, and O Sole Mio, check out these three young men ... with the emphasis on young ... or is the emphasis on music? You decide. They may be barely of the age to fully appreciate being introduced on nazionale television by a woman who is apparently Italy's answer to Dolly Parton. Be that as it may, they seem to have already attracted some pretty female fans!
Regardless, these boys could very well be channeling (in a masculine way) Sophia Loren who famously said: "Everything you see I owe to spaghetti."
The oldest of the three -- Piero Barone, the one wearing glasses who might be good if he took a voice lesson or two -- has seen only fifteen summers. His equally stellar amici, Gianluca Ginoble and Ignazio Boschetto, are each only fourteen. Move over, Il Divo! Mercy. So much talent; so little time. Sew these boys into some Armani tuxes and get Simon Cowell's peeps on the horn, chop chop!
(While the couture tailors are at it may I have one one of those blouses like the lady orchestra members are wearing? I think I'd look adorable in a blouse with cream silk rosettes decorating the neckline and black lace on the sleeves. Thanks ever so.)
I wish Piero, Gianluca, and Ignazio the best and hope they are not spoiled by the fame and fortune that is undoubtedly within their reach. Ciao! Grazie tante!
This next one is for the birds ... literally. Hey, PeTA ... it's just a cartoon; 'k? No birds were harmed or stripped or defeathered or fricasseed or pecked or dislodged or embarrassed in the making of this hysterically funny film. Keep after President Obama for his singularly brutal murder of that fly, though. You have my blessing on that one.
As to the birds: watch their eyes. Listen to their chatter. Laugh; have fun. Life is short.

Reader Comments (8)
I've seen the bird one before, it is hilarious! Those boys are amazing singers - you expect something along the lines of Vienna Boys Choir with boys that young. Shouldn't their voice be just changing, and squeaking??? That woman should be ashamed of herself, showing so much bosom to little boys. Your dinner sounds lovely. I HATE Olive Garden, but I thought it was just me...
Eh...for one who used to eat Chef Boy-R-De crap, I wouldn't know good Italian if it whopped me with a rigatone up sidda da head, y'know whadda mean heah? Fuggetabouddit!
Da boids wuz a hoot, tho'...how would they do, broiled in Prego Sauce?
No, PETA, I'm not kidding ;-)
Those boys certainly don't sound like boys! How do 15 years and younger sound like that?
I loved the bird clip - hilarious!
PS - I love Olive Garden! :)
Wow - the young man in the middle has an incredible voice! And isn't it wonderful how three such differently pitched voices can sound so perfect together?
I've seen the bird clip before, it's beautifully done, isn't it? LOL!
@ Tracie ... LOL I don't hate Olive Garden but don't exactly love it either. Those breadsticks are good but everything reeks and it's a little overpowering! Yes, I think the blonde in the red dress should ease up a bit ... not leaving much to the imagination!
@ SF ... I tink da boids would be right tender over pasta in marinara sauce! Let me know when dinnah is soived.
@ Mari ... I think those boys are miracles of nature! Prodigies, to be sure. I hope they keep on singing together.
@ Jay ... It is truly amazing how people can harmonize and sound almost like one voice. As for those birds, they make me laugh every time!
Ugh, I loathe The Olive Garden (well, at least the one here in town). And my feelings are completely independent of the fact I went there with "the ex" and she liked it. No, I ordered spaghetti. Bad spaghetti. I am pretty sure they poured V8 or some generic tomato juice on top of my noodles. I sent the meal back. This was the only time in my life I've EVER had to send food back.
And I'm pretty sure they soaked my napkin in garlic oil. I like garlic as much as the next guy, but...
DaVinci's? We have DaVinci's here but it's not a ristorante. More like pizza and pasta. They would never have musicians there. It's a chain anyway. HOWEVER! Speaking of O Sole Mio, there is a nice Italian restaurant bearing that name. NOT a chain and a bit of an institution. No point in telling you that except it's what I immediately thought of when I read about your dining experience. Sooo ...ciao!
Sounds like a lovely dining experience! Once upon a time, the Olive Garden was a decent place to dine, but no more. If only their water tasted like garlic! The last time I was there, we could only drink bottled water, if we valued our lives.
I think I should eat more spaghetti.