Democrats On An Escalator

Peeps, I've been uncommonly busy but I'm working on a real, actual blog post for you! Until then, here's a little something that made me grin today.
Think about that in a few years when you're driving an electric tin can around town, thanks to the Obamination.

Reader Comments (8)
Wow, that's mean... but it made me laugh my head off...
Jenny, you might like Sparky's post on the terrorists kidnapping the teleprompter. (
@ Tracie ... not mean; true! That's why it's so funny! LOL & I'll check out Sparky's post!
@ Mari .. I know; right?
*chucklesnort* Tracie, have you seen the web site Sparky credits as having been her source for that post? It's hysterical.
Any idea where I might find a Spanish bar cake. Hadn't
thought of that in about forty years. loved em.
Uncle Dody, here's a link to a great article about the A&P and their Spanish Bar Cake, plus a recipe!
That was so accurate it was scary.