Elvis Really Has Left The Building
I am an admirer of the whip-smart and excruciatingly funny conservative pundit extraordinaire, Ann Coulter. TG and Audrey have paved the way for me on this one ... I have yet to do any more than sip at a few of Ann's books, but they've read every one. For Valentine's Day I gave TG a big poster picturing the stunning Ann, "The Beauty of Conservatism." Once I get it framed it's going to hang above his desk where I expect it will carry on an interesting dialog with the Captain Jack Sparrow posters over my desk across the room. I read Ann's weekly column and enjoy it immensely. I am so grateful for her fearless stand against the liberal agenda as evidenced not only by her six bestselling books, but also by her weekly column in Human Events.
To read Ann's current offering, go to: http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=25359
Thanks Annie, for being a great American and a stellar patriot.
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