And your wait won't be a long one

I'd never heard of comic Ross Bennett until one of my daughters sent me a link to this YouTube.
Pretty good stuff. He's spot-on concerning the double standard by which we all must abide when it comes to our historic president.
It's open season on conservatives, though ... and the nastier things get, the more the lascivious, licentious left likes it.
Think cretinous, blasphemous Bill Maher's cad-worthy, uber-crass characterization of Sarah Palin in recent days.
It got so bad, the National Organization for Women (NOW) had to step in and spend a few moments of their precious time -- which, according to them in a diatribe issued come-to-Jesus fashion to the Tea Party faction, might have been better spent protecting women's "reproductive rights" (read: abortion on demand from conception to as-late-stage-as-you-can-stomach) -- grudgingly sort-of defending Sarah while letting everyone know they resented having to do it if it looked even for a second as though they thought she had any intrinsic value as a politician, much less a woman or even a human being.
I guess in light of that crude event, not even going into the extent to which the left loved to pillory President Bush for most of his administration, calling him everything but a brainless troll, a minute or two of levity with regard to Chairman Maobama's intellectual capacity and certain physical characteristics won't hurt anybody.
Sticks and stones, luv.

Reader Comments (8)
Yes - he hit the nail on the head. So did you with your description of Bill Maher. THe whole thing frustrates me!
Hahahah, love it!
Bill Maher has always been a crude person. I was not familiar with Bennett either, interesting.
GRAND! MARVELOUS! Never saw him, so thank you for sharing.
And almost as good, is the now-coming-parade-of-Liberals, who are NOT LIKING everything that our glorious leader is doing now.
Imagine that?!?
Liberals, former supporters, NOT applauding now!!!!!!!!
Will wonders never cease?!?
Omword girl...You do NOT want to get me Started!!!!!
Loved the video though!
Happy weekend!!
callin the kettle black? o wait can we even say that Jen? good stuff girly! have a great weekend..what's left of it!:)
Haha. That is hilarious. And so, so true. I'm going to have to find more Ross Bennett clips...
As for the waste-of-space known as Bill Maher...ugh. Ugh. That's what I think when I hear his name and it's what I think when I see that ugly mug he calls a face.
This is OT, but I wanted to leave a link to an entry, in a blog which you will enjoy. It is here....
Zuzana always has a lovely blog. And when I read this entry, I had to think of you. :-) And I told her I was sending a "friend over to visit." Betcha' you'll find that you are kindred spirits. And betcha' you'd love to visit, what is nearby to her. :-)
If you pop in on her, will you please tell her that 'Aunt Amelia' sent you? I'd be very pleased if you'd do that.
♥ Gentle hugs ♥