Twenty-nine. No, really. She's twenty-nine!

Audrey turns twenty-nine today. And look who's got a greetin' for her.
Tavin Dillard himself, straight from the trailer park.
He's right about one thing: She is purty!
But then, she always was.
Happy Birthday, Audge. You're not getting older; you're getting better.
See you on Saturday to celebrate!
One last item of business. I hope Audrey won't mind.
In looking through old photos for this post, I found what may be one of the only pictures I have of my late friend Susan.
The one I told you about on Tuesday.
She's holding Erica in this picture. Or Buster Brown. I'm not sure which.
But that was her smile.
Susan Beth Spangler
March 20, 1958 - October 5, 2011
Rest in Peace

Reader Comments (10)
Happy Birthday Audrey, well she is PURDY. Will there be cake and ice cream?
Happy Birthday Audrey!
I am mightily curious about this Tavin fellow. (BTW, there is a little boy in one of my preschool music classes called Tavin.) I'm wondering what kind of piratey connections you have to have to come up with something like that?
I'm sad for the earthly loss of your friend.
@Irene ... she said a "cupcakey thing" would suffice ... TG and I are spending the weekend with her! I'm sure there'll be ample treats! And presents!
@Hobbit ... no piratey connections except a few doubloons! Tavin does the "greetin's" at specific times of the year, for a fee. I just happened to see it on his website back in January so I paid my money and he did the vid! I don't think she's seen it yet ... she's at work (1:30 p.m. here now) ... but I don't think shes expecting anything remotely like this!
Happy Birthday to Audrey!!!!
BOY! She sure looks like you Jenny!!! Beautiful!!!
Thanks for posting a photo of Susan....sweet smile, indeedy...
She does have a beautiful smile! And Happy Birthday Audrey!!! She sure looks a lot like her beautiful MOMMA!!!!
Happy Birthday to pretty Audrey. It does run in the family for sure!! Jeal' of the weekend for sure. And God bless sweet Susan, she does have a pretty smile. Thanks for the picture, I'm happy to see her!.............G.
Oh, and BTW, Tavin's greetin' for Audrey, Hilarious, she will love it!!!! And what a great surprise for her!.... Me, G.
Happy birthday to your "purdy" girl! I loved the greeting from Tavin. Audrey's going to love it!
Audrey is a beautiful young woman. Actually all your children are very attractive. You did good! The important thing is that she is beautiful INSIDE and outside. I hope she has a wonderful birthday. I know you will make it special for her.
Happy Birthday to Audrey, and condolences for your friend. Of course, she'll never be gone...not as long as she graces a place in your heart, and your memories. There, love springs and is eternal.