Ain't no wasted time

My baby turns twenty-three today.
I know you're thinking: "How is that possible?"
Me too.
Andrew's exploits involving anything that's round, rubber, and rolls are legendary within our family but I have one, favorite story.
According to TG, it happened when Andrew was five.
We'd given him a little two-wheeled bicycle with a set of sturdy training wheels. He rode around on it for a few months.
Then one day he asked his dad if he could ditch the baby trainers and fly down the street on a real man's bike.
We had a very steep driveway and at the top of the driveway was a blacktop pad large enough to park three cars.
To one side of it was our garage.
TG removed the training wheels from Andrew's bike out on the flat part of the driveway.
"Wait, son, and I'll teach you how to ride a bike," he told the boy.
TG turned his back and took about ten seconds to put the training wheels on a shelf in the garage.
When he looked again, Andrew was effortlessly cruising the blacktop.
No training wheels -- or training -- necessary.
From that moment, Andrew was off to the races. It seems I've spent half my life trying to catch him.
We did get him to stand still once, to have his picture made beside the Statue of Liberty. I don't know why he's making that goofy face.
He still loves his country and serves her.
And he's a good son in so many other ways. He's thoughtful of me and his dad, and of his sisters.
We don't see him often enough but he's always in our hearts and minds.
To My Son
Do you know that your soul is of my soul such part,
That you seem to be fiber and cord of my heart?
None other can pain me as you, dear, can do,
None other can please me or praise me as you.
Remember the world will be quick with its blame
If shadow of stain ever darken your name,
"Like mother like son" is a saying so true,
The world will judge largely of Mother by you.
Be yours then the task, if task it shall be
To force the proud world to do homage to me,
Be sure it will say when its verdict you've won,
"She reaped as she sowed, Lo! This is her son."
by Margaret Johnston Griffin
On a considerably less serious note, here's our good buddy Tavin Dillard with a timely birthday wish.
Happy Birthday, Andrew!
Happy Thursday to everyone else!

Reader Comments (6)
Happy Birthday to that good looking son of yours! I know you're proud of him and you are right to be! Loved that bike riding story~!
Ha! Can you give me a "heads up" next time you see that Tavin is offering his services? I love it. And Andrew was born on my hubby's birthday, how about that?
Happy birthday to your handsome son.
Happy Birthday to you Handsome Son Jenny!! Loved the story...I can see him flying!Hahaaa...
To Andrew on his Birthday today.......~*~You are a gentleman/ Like no other/ You are a humble human being/ Like no other/ You are a man with a strong character and belief/ Like no other/ You are a loving son to your Mother and Father/ Like no other~*~ .....Happy Birthday Dear Andrew.......and a High Five to your Mom and Dad for raising a son/ Like no other!!!!!
Gosh, if he is not the most handsome hunk of young manhood! And SWEET to boot! Momma, you did good with him, LOL.
Happy birthday to the young fellow! ~clink~ I am doing a congratulatory toast for him with my diet soda!
Happy Birthday to Andrew, you are way too young to have a son that age. Me too! He's a gorgeous young man, and I love that poem.