Marching out

So just like that, one fourth of 2014 is history. No fooling.
The dogwoods are in bloom and if you can hold on for a few more hours, it's April.
March is a big month for our family, with three birthdays in the immediate clan.
The celebrations commence with my birthday on the seventh. Audrey follows on the twenty-second and Andrew finishes it off one week later, on the twenty-ninth.
March often finds me remembering those long-ago years when my children were small.
But often as not, I contemplate these later years when, as adults, they've made us so happy and proud.
I feel that way about all of my children but Audrey -- our second child, second daughter -- and Andrew -- our baby and only son -- are more like me in personality while Stephanie, the eldest, and Erica, the third and baby daughter, are markedly more like their father.
In fact I am fond of saying that in our family there are three black sheep and three white ones.
Can you guess which are the three black sheep?
Right. How astute you are.
But look at this gorgeous picture I found of Audrey, taken a few Christmases ago:
Yowza. Not to brag but she's quite a tomato. And we celebrated her birthday a week or so ago with great zeal.
A certain photo I took of Andrew in early September of 2007 -- with a point-and-shoot (Nikon of course), I might add -- is apropos for reasons I am about to tell you.
He spent his twenty-fifth birthday on Saturday being interrogated in a mock POW camp.
It's part of SERE -- Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape -- and it is the conclusion of his formal training to serve as a USAF boom operator, or in-flight aircraft refueler.
And it's arduous and uncomfortable and even a wee bit dangerous.
But he'll be okay.
I just wanted to say on this blog, Happy Birthday to Airman Boomer Andrew, and thank you for the considerable personal sacrifices you have voluntarily made for your country and to defend our freedoms.
And that is all for now.
Happy Monday ~ Happy Week ~ God Bless America

Reader Comments (3)
I love the pictures of your kids. They're all gorgeous of course - just look at their parents! I'm not getting into the whole black sheep thing though... :)
Thanks to Andrew for his service, and congratulations on his new position.
Audrey looks just like we could say yowza about you both!! Your girls are all beautiful and Andrew is such a handsome young man. March is surely a busy birthday month for your family. We are that way about August. Debbie was born two days after Jim's birthday and Kristin was born on the 21st. We used to have one big birthday party for all of them. I love this picture of Andrew and like you said thank him for his service and congratulate him on his becoming a USAF boom operator.
Beautiful children and MANY thanks to Airman Boomer Andrew from me as well...both beautiful and brave...What a combination sweet Jenny...