RIP Sweet Shiloh

Shiloh with Stephanie in November 2019
We must interrupt our regular programming to bring you a distressing message.
My granddog -- Shiloh, the beloved family dog of our Stephanie and her brood -- was killed yesterday morning.
It was his habit to go outside for a few minutes each morning and evening, to check his messages.
Stephanie and Joel and the children live on a large wooded lot that's out of the way, down a lazy lane, but they do have neighbors.
One neighbor owns two large dogs -- a German Sheperd and a Husky -- that are allowed to wander outside sans leashes.
Shiloh was allowed out without a leash too, but only for a few minutes each day.
And he stayed on his own turf, and being small and lean, could run like the wind.
There was never a problem until yesterday, when for some reason, one of the big dogs came after him.
He didn't have time to get away.
Both Stephanie and Joel saw it and ran to help him as fast as they could.
By the time the German Shepherd had dropped Shiloh, my daughter's seven-pound family pet had sustained serious damage to his little body.
Still, it looked as though the vet was going to be able to fix him up.
Then they found more serious internal injuries that, even with an expensive surgery at another facility, would likely prove fatal.
Stephanie and Joel had to make the difficult decision for Shiloh to be put to sleep.
It is devastating for the children, who doted on Shiloh as much as children could ever dote on a pet.
The attack happened early enough in the morning that Allissa and Andrew had not yet gone to school, but throughout the day they had every reason to believe that he would be all right.
After school, Stephanie and Joel took them to a quiet park and broke the news.
Everyone who has ever loved and lost a dog knows what they are going through.
Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers today.
If you care to, you may visit Shiloh's Find A Grave page which I put together last night, and leave him a flower.
And that is all for now.
Happy Tuesday

Reader Comments (15)
No words... Just no words can help...... My heart is in my throat. -sighhhhh-
And the manner in which he had to die, is making my blood boil...!!!!!!!!! Unfair doesn't even begin to cover it.....!!!!
Please let us know, that some sort of action will be taken, against this (fill in the blanks) dog owner, who allowed these dogs to run free, and this sort of a thing to happen.
Gentle hugs to all,
"Beside a babbling brook" blog
Many, many years ago, when I was a young mother, and a quiet "little thing," I and our daughter had episodes of being in fear of dogs.
So I, with children in the car, went door to door, with a petition. Calling for a Leash Law.
Remember that I was a quiet young "little thing" at that time..... My husband and a 'powerful' friend, took my petitions to the City Council, and saw to it, that the Leash Law was passed.
And to this day, all dogs in our city limits, have to be on a leash, unless at designated Dog Parks. And their owners have to pick up their excrement too.
We were running an old fashioned corner drug store, at the time. In such a livelihood, you take the chance of losing customers, when you do such a public thing. But we did it....
No mother, walking a baby, ever has to be afraid of a pack (3 dogs constitute a pack) of dogs, surrounding her, and her being in fear. No little girl, has to be afraid of a dog, bothering her, while she rides her bike. I'm "kinda'" proud of that. -smile-
Gentle hugs to all,
"Beside a babbling brook" blog
@Mari-Nanci ... You have every right to be proud of that! Good work there. Of course there is always the one (or two or ten) who ignore the leash laws. Little Shiloh, as I said, was not on a leash, but he was in his own yard. The big dog came into his yard and attacked him. The Animal Control people came out when my son-in-law called them yesterday, but at that time Shiloh was still alive and in surgery. I believe that Steph and Joel are planning to call them back and say that they consider the dog to be a danger, and I'm pretty sure that will trigger a hearing where the dog owner will have to show up and hear from his neighbors that his dog killed their dog. I'm not sure what will happen after that.
I am truly impressed with your determination in getting the leash law passed despite what it may have cost you with regards to your business. I would love to have seen your old fashioned corner drug store because I love places like that.
Just today there was a sudden frightening noise in the street in front of our house. I went out onto the porch to find two ladies walking their dogs on leashes, and the smaller dog had just been attacked by a random pit bull that had bounded up to them NOT on a leash. He didn't even have a collar. While I watched, the pit's owner ran up and scooped him up in her arms to take him home. The lady whose little dog had been attacked was hysterical and screamed at the pit's owner that he had attacked her dog, but the lady just ignored her. I was fuming just watching it.
Dogs and their owners deserve to be able to walk down the street without being attacked by a dog that is allowed to wander leash-less and unsupervised. xoxo
Oh Jenny, this is so sad! Losing a family pet is always hard, especially if there are kids involved. There is the sadness at the loss, and then the additional sadness of seeing your kids hurt. And the way Shiloh passed makes it all the worse.
We had something similar happen down the road from us several years ago. A small dog, on his own yard, was attacked by neighbor dogs who came onto the yard - no leashes. That little dog did live, but went through surgery and a long recovery. And as far as I know, the owners of the other dogs didn't end up paying. Makes me so mad!
I'll be praying for Joel and Stephanie and family.
@Mari ... Yes it's pretty awful for all of them. Stephanie was upset still today, and blaming herself, and you know that that's just not going to lead anywhere productive. It's just a tragedy. They are going to get his ashes and I imagine they'll keep them somewhere special. And when the time is right I hope they find another precious puppy to love! Thanks for your prayers. xoxo
I am sending prayers.
I do know the love a dog and family have for each other. When something like this happens it punches in the gut even more.
Awwww darn it! I'm so sorry for everyone. RIP sweet Shiloh :(
@Carla ... Thank you my friend! It has been hard for everyone but the pain doesn't last all that long before you discover that there are lots of dogs needing a loving home. xoxo
@Jeanette ... I know, right? Devastating. Thanks for stopping by. xoxo
To lose a sweet friend in such a manner is a tragedy. I cannot understand dog owners who take no responsibility. I'm sure the family is grieving for their little buddy. Hugs to all.
Sad sad news. Please give my sincere condolences to Stephanie and her family. I know they don't know me, but you can let them know they are in my thoughts and I pray that God comforts them during this sad time. It just makes me FURIOUS at how poor litlte Shiloh had to die!!---JUST NOT RIGHT. He was IN HIS OWN YARD. I don't understand why in the world a big dog would want to hurt/kill a smaller dog for seemingly no reason. The owner should have had that dog under trained command to stay in it's own yard, or have it leashed or in a fence. This has happened to me, many many times.....out walking, minding my own business, with a dog or two and here comes a bigger one ready to ATTACK. Very scary. We have Tammie and Bindie on leashes ANY TIME we are out of our own yard, and other dogs constantly come up, some friendly and some agressive and their owners just STAND THERE and do nothing, it's infuriating as can be. I LOVE LOVE LOVE dogs......but we can't let our dogs terrorize/scare or hurt other people or other dogs. Shiloh had the sweetest little face, may their happy memories bring them comfort and joy.
@Barb ... A tragedy indeed. I pray that the owner will be forced to take responsibility for what his dog did. It's inexcusable. xoxo
@Debbi ... I know, right? Part of owning a dog is taking full responsibility for its actions, which means having the animal on a leash when it is outside. Of course there are exceptions ... Shiloh was a tiny dog who could not hurt anyone even if he wanted to. His habit was to go outside in the early morning for a few minutes and then come right back inside. But these dogs trapped him and attacked. He didn't have a chance. My little Rizzo (12 pounds) LOVES to go "out front" which is unfenced, and sniff around and hang out for about ten minutes ... I NEVER let him do that during the day, only because if he sees another dog he will go berserk and engage with the dog, no matter the dog's size. It's just his nature to be all ferocious. So most of the time he goes out back, which is fenced, to hang out. But now I let him go "out front" (you should see him when I say those words) only at night, when there is no chance of any dog walking by. I still watch him from the porch. But again, he is basically incapable of hurting anyone. He might growl or bark but he does not bite. So yes, poor Shiloh met a tragic end and the family are grieving and I WILL tell them that they are in your prayers. It will mean a lot to them. xoxo
I am just floored. So very sorry! How can those people stand it? I hope they consider what they've done!
@Gayla ... it was just horrible ... and they will be considering it when there is a hearing! xoxo
Your grand dog was so cute and that was a horrible thing to see. Poor little guy must have been terrified. I am sending you hugs.
@Terra ... thank you and yes it was so horrible for him and for his family. I hope they get another doggo soon! xoxo