The Weddin' :: Part One

Dagny consistently called both weddings which took place in our family's extended matrimonial season this year -- each at the appropriate time -- The Weddin'.
When it was about Andrew and Brittany's nuptials, she referred to the various activities surrounding the event as simply The Weddin'.
Later, when it was Chad and Erica's turn, Dag's catch-all term was again (still) ... The Weddin'.
(This despite the fact that any time there is even a whiff of cake accompanied by an object encased in gift wrap, she really thinks it's a birthday.)
(Tonight we are attending a cookout at the lovely home of Chad's parents, to celebrate Chad's finishing his master's degree.)
(Dagny has heard there will likely, in addition to burgers and baked beans, be cake and presents. Chad's birthday is a month away but to Dagny, it's tonight.)
Ah well. One could make a worse mistake.
At any rate, here I give you the first wave of pictures of The Weddin' -- specifically, our most recent weddin'.
It was difficult to choose and yes, there are a lot. I'll keep commentary to a minimum.
I will thank you not to snicker.
Here's how our church looked on the day. Clear and cloudless, warm and lovely it was. Click to embiggen, if you feel the need:
Here's how it looked inside the sanctuary:
Someday when I tell you the story of the few things that went wrong with Erica's wedding, I'll remind you of those hang-down lights.
But that's a blog for another day.
Here it is from the other direction, several hours pre-ceremony:
I made every pew decoration. Each one features more than two yards of tulle as well as several yards of pale-pink velvet ribbon, pink pearl trim, and green "ribbon" that looks like leaves on a vine.
With additional fluffy bows of pink and gold tulle, to tie the elements together.
Similar, but more elaborate, decorations were applied to the lampposts on either side of the gothic arch.
The lampposts each contained two gaslight-look bulbs that flickered like the real thing. The picture in no way does them justice. You'll have to take my word for it: The effect was stunning. Understated and mysterious.
There was symmetry -- the sine qua non of beauty -- and didn't our photographer capture that like a boss? Kudos and respect to the estimable Charlie Mather.
Our eldest granddaughter Melanie -- who along with her sister was a junior bridesmaid -- needed some visuals on her pew. I made five-by-sevens of each of the four children similar to the one you see on the left, with their names over a picture, to mark where they were to sit after proceeding down the aisle.
Melanie got some extra four-by-sixes of herself with Rambo, because he is a born therapy dog and his photographic presence comforted Melly.
She did astoundingly well in every aspect of her role in the wedding. We were so proud of her because no one knows what it's like for her in new, big situations among crowds of folks with whom she's not acquainted.
Side view:
At church each week, our family sit way over by that far window. I like to be near windows.
On the lobby table, I had put a few things I'd brought from home, to decorate the area where the "guest book" was situated.
These chunky glass flower-shaped tea light holders were purchased many years ago at Dollar Tree, to adorn the table at one of Erica's birthday parties. She loves the color green and she likes purple with green. I grabbed these out of the cupboard last-minute and I'm glad I did.
I put the words guest book in quotes above because it wasn't a book. It consisted of a sign (instructions), a small chest of vintage postcards, and a metal basket in which to place your postcard once you'd signed it.
The pens were Sharpies that Chad gave me last Christmas along with some stationery Erica had helped him to pick out for me.
Allissa helped Charlie by spraying water as he photographed the rings:
Isn't he a clever clogs?
Petals for Dagny and Allissa's bouquet (handmade by me):
The soon-to-be Mrs. Porter, putting the finishing touches on her bridal ensemble in a room where littles have Sunday School:
For her something old, something borrowed, and something blue -- that's three birds with a single stone, mate -- Erica wore a ring given to me by my mother when I was a teenager:
We're all about economy of effort.
Back in the ready-room, Dagny was getting antsy in anticipation of the weddin' action:
She loves her Aunt Erica beyond all capability of expression, and the adoration is reciprocated.
Once the ladies were primped to perfection, Charlie took it outside:
Left to right that's our dear friend Anna, maid-of-honor Audrey, Erica, and our eldest daughter Stephanie.
Their shoes were pink velvet!
Bevy of beauties.
Giving Eureka the once-over:
Our second and third daughters, Audrey and Erica:
The bride with junior bridesmaid Allissa, our second-eldest granddaughter:
All the lovely ladies of the party:
And again:
Melly got through by holding fast to her mama's hand. Love to Melly, eight days a week. Good job, baby girl.
And then there were some handsome gentlemen:
Chad (second left) with best man Chris (far left), his brother (and only sibling) Wade, and friend Josh.
The Brothers Porter, known sometimes within the family as Chadwick and Wadewick (just a bit of silliness):
Wade is an American hero: He serves as a Maritime Enforcement Specialist with the United States Coast Guard, stationed in Wilmington, North Carolina.
It is not lost on me that someone named Wade went into the Coast Guard. Just saying.
Moving on, here is a shot of our Chad hamming it up with friend Josh.
What, was the young man happy or something?
With best man and all-around good guy Chris:
All the fellows gathered around the cream-white 1961 Chevrolet Impala Bubble Top used as the getaway car:
The car belongs to Chad's father, Greg Porter.
Every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp-dressed man:
Worth a second, closer, and even longer look:
Speaking of cute -- we were, weren't we?
The charming groom, love of Erica's life:
Mr. Porter with his sons:
A close-up of the dreamboat creampuff classic auto:
Vintage Chevy and romance. 'Murca.
Chad on his wedding day with his lovely mother Jane, she who I am privileged and delighted to call my friend:
I leave you for now with another shot of Allissa's impromptu portraiture in the bridal ready-room on the day:
I'm pretty sure those alien shapes flanking the bride and groom are meant to represent the aforementioned lampposts. Not easy to render artistically but Lissy performed admirably.
I'll share more in a day or two. I promise.
But that is all for now.
All Photos: Charlie Mather Photography
Happy Friday :: Happy Memorial Day Weekend

Reader Comments (3)
No wonder we didn't hear from you for a while. You were busy! Everything was beautiful!
I loved the floral dresses. I had not seen that before. Everyone was lovely. The photo of the rings was so cool!
Seeing these photos, has me all charged up for our wedding next Saturday!
You know I've been waiting for this! And the wait was worth it. I pored over every shot and can see that this wedding was as lovely as I anticipated. Those lamp posts are awesome!! I love all the work you did on the decorations, and the whole bridal party was beautiful. I'm still waiting to see the mother of the bride though. :)
I'm smiling ear to ear - just gorgeous!