Last Mother's Day
I realized at some point in the recent past that I failed to share with you the few pictures I took on Mother's Day 2020.
So now I figure, what better time to show them to you than today?
It's unfortunate that I failed to get photos of the actual people who were present at our Mother's Day lunch on May 10, 2020.
I don't know why I missed that; I was probably busy getting the meal on the table.
But I do remember who was there: Chad and Erica, who brought their furbaby, Sibi, along; and Audrey, who brought her real baby, Dagny, along.
Dagny was all of five back then; now she's going on seven.
Not exactly a baby, but you know how moms are. And Mamaws.
Andrew and Brittany were not with us but sent me a stunning bouquet from Farmgirl Flowers.
I have no memory of our feast but from these photos it looks as though we enjoyed a ham with broccoli casserole and some rolls, at the very least.
I'm positive that we had more side dishes than that, but I didn't take a picture so it's anybody's guess what they were.
There was a cake, which appears to have been store bought.
Nothing wrong with that. And a lot right with it.
Louisiana Crunch Cake, from the looks of things.
And there were small cookie sandwiches, which I have only the vaguest memory of having bought.
I wish I did because they look really good and I would like some more.
We also assembled a "candy bar" in the crystal jam jars, as we enjoy doing on special occasions.
And although I don't remember anything much about the day, I'm certain that it was a wonderful time.
I did not have the pleasure of seeing my own mother on that Sunday; we had gotten together the week before.
Because it is what we always did, I know that we exchanged gifts.
(Mother's Day is a gift-giving holiday for us. I give each of my daughters, and my daughter-in-law, gifts, and they give me presents too, and my mother always had a gift for me.)
I do recall that due to Covid, I had not seen my mother for my birthday in March, as would have been our practice in all other years.
So when we got together in early May, she gave me both my birthday and Mother's Day gifts.
I have no memory of what I got for her, but I know that she gave me a pretty box with some assorted things in it.
As I had no way of knowing that my mother would be gone before 2020 had slid off the calendar, I did not place any more emphasis on her last Mother's Day than I had done on all those that went before it.
I guess that's one of the reasons we make sort of a big deal out of such occasions.
You truly never know which birthday, or Mother's Day or Father's Day, will be the last one you have together.
I don't know what this Mother's Day will feel like, but I know what it will look like.
We are having a special lunch, with the same attendees as last year, except this time, our Erica is a mother.
We've planned several dishes, and I will be cooking for much of the day tomorrow, getting ready.
I'm making a few new recipes which, depending on how they turn out, I may or may not share with you next week.
We'll go to church on Sunday morning, then gather in the afternoon to eat and celebrate.
The weather forecast is for lots of beautiful spring sunshine.
Two of my children will be with me, and the other two will get in touch.
All four will be generous and thoughtful of their mother.
I will miss my mother but I will on-purpose recall that we made the most of the Mother's Days that we had.
I will think of all of you and hope you are having a relaxing and enjoyable day with your children and, if still possible, with your mother.
We will remember to thank God for everything He has given us. Every blessing will be counted.
You will be among those blessings.
And that is all for now.
Happy Weekend :: Happy Mother's Day
Reader Comments (16)
Nice to look back on the memories of last year. It was a lovely celebration as your celebrations always are! It's true that we never know which day will be our last, but I know that you always showed love and respect to your Mother and she knew that well!
You are counted among our blessings as well and I wish you and all the moms in your family a happy day!
I am so sorry about your Mom, I know what it is like. The flowers are beautiful! And i love the beautiful jar, and mugs. Mugs are my weakness, and they are running us out of the house now! The candy bar is glittering and beautiful. Who knew you can make candy more beautiful than it already is? I love the tree, do you have one for every occasion and holiday? I am thinking of making a fall one.
@Mari ... and lovely mothers in your family as well, and may you all have the most beautiful Mother's Day imaginable! xoxo
@Ginny ... I KNOW .... MUGS!!! I and all of my girls are mug crazy! I need a separate room for them, haaahaha!
OK about my tree ... two Christmases ago I got a new fake tree, which is a true pencil tree -- in fact, a little too pencil for me. I don't like it all that much but at any rate, after Christmas of 2019, I left it up (It's in the front room, a room that does not get used a lot) because Erica leaves a tree up in her dining room and decorates it for the seasons, and it's so cute.
So with that inspiration in mind, I had a winter tree with icicles all over it, and white lights, and I don't remember what all else. In February I decorated it for Valentine's Day. In March I did green decor, including green lights. In April it was decorated in purple for Easter. For May it was all pink roses and pink lights and ribbon.
After that I did it in all-out patriotic -- red, white, and blue lights, all kinds of cute decorations. The whole way. Of course my plan was to leave it that way for the summer, then do a gorgeous autumn-themed tree for the months of September, October, and most of November. But Mom's diagnosis hit us on July 31st and the next three months were spent mostly with her, and it was nearly Thanksgiving before I was at home again for good and able to think about anything like a seasonal tree.
So in late November I took all of the patriotic stuff down and decorated the tree for Christmas ... but I will have to tell you here that I was SO SICK of that tree by that time, that I could not WAIT to take it down and get it out of my sight. Truth be told, my heart was not really in it for the entire year. It's just a lot of work. So if you do it, use a smaller tree that takes less in the way of labor and hours to change the lights out and fiddle with all of the ribbon and the themed decorations. I doubt I'll ever do it again! Haaaaha but if you do one, I want to see pictures. xoxo
I'll be thinking about you on your first Mother's Day without your mom. They don't ever seem to get any easier. I'm having my daughter, her family and her in-laws over for a Mother's Day lunch this year. I did it two years ago, but skipped last year due to COVID but never again!
@Jeanette ... That's the spirit! Have a lovely day with your family. Happy Mother's Day! xoxo
Looked like a wonderful celebration last Mother's Day! I was thinking why are you cooking on Mother's Day? Shouldn't it be the other way around with your kids doing the cooking? But that's how moms are, right? It was neat that you got together last year with Covid for Mother's Day. I'm sorry your mom is no longer with you. It is always hard to lose one's mother. I say it often but after God, our mothers are the first ones that love us.
I think it is neat how your family exchanges gifts on Mother's Day. What a wonderful tradition.
My mom passed away in December 2006. My first Mother's Day without her I was a mess. But God gave me a wonderful gift. I was working in the church nursery of the church we were attending at the time. Another lady was scheduled to work with me. We only had one baby that Sunday morning for the 9 o'clock service. As we talked, I found out that her niece had given birth at 39 weeks to a stillborn baby about a week before. I couldn't imagine the niece's grief nor the family's. We passed the baby we were watching back and forth between us, He was an infant about 6 months old we thought. When his parents came to pick him up after the service, we asked how old he was. His mom said he was born in December. As I have a December birthday, I asked what day. She said December 13th. The day my mom passed. Of course I pretty much lost it then but held my composure. All during the worship songs, I cried. My husband and son took me out for dinner that night and that was very comforting, but it was a hard day. I pray yours will be a kinder one.
Happy Mother's Day and may tomorrow's celebration be a very great one filled with so many lasting memories!
Happy Mother's Day, Dear One!!!!!!!!
@Mari-Nanci ... Thank you my friend! Hugs to you ... xoxo
@Betty ... I know, right? Actually I cooked (most of the day on Saturday) because I enjoy cooking and I wanted to do it, and the girls were bringing side dishes so I did not have to do it all. BUT that night, when it was nearly ten and I'd just had my shower and was pretty tired from standing in the kitchen for so many hours, I said to TG, I don't know what we're doing for lunch next Mother's Day but I know what I am NOT doing ... cooking! He just laughed. But I mean it. Just, NOPE.
But I wish you could SEE what my children went in together on, to give me as a gift. They bought me a custom necklace that is an actual button from a piece of Chanel clothing, turned into a heavy-ish disc that hangs from a gold chain. It is gold tone and has the iconic interlocking C's and it's just the right size and it is stunning and I love it! They were so thrilled to give it to me. I think they wanted to make my first Mother's Day without my mom, special. And they succeeded.
Your story about your first Mother's Day without your mom is PRECIOUS. There are not many things as comforting to a woman, I think, than holding a sweet little baby. And to think that he was born on the day your mother passed away! It gave me chills to read it. I did not have a hard day; it was amazing because I wasn't sure what to expect. But nothing happened to trigger tears (unusual for me) and I just did not allow myself to think too much about any aspect of it that would make me sad. Mom would have wanted me to laugh and have a good time, and I did.
My mother-in-law went to heaven in 2016 at the age of 90. She passed away in early March, so Mother's Day was not far off. My husband is not the type to get overly emotional, but on that first Mother's Day since losing his mom, an elderly lady in our church with a strong, emotive singing voice sang a song she had written just after losing her own mother many years before. It was called "My Mother and I" and it told of her someday walking and talking with her mother again. Well ... I'll just say that we were all crying. But in a good way. The memories that hurt the most are sometimes the best ones of all.
I hope your Mother's Day was splendid in every way! And that you got extra love from Winslow the Wonder Corgi, haaahaha! xoxo
I loved this post. It is so honest and true from the heart. Thank you.
I was blessed to spend the day with my parents. Both my boys came for the day as well. And our Sam has a girlfriend, Catie, who I do enjoy spending time with, she gifted me with a Mother's Day gift, it just made my heart swell.
Love, Carla
@Carla ... Sounds wonderful and how sweet of Catie to remember you with a gift. And YES such a blessing to spend the day with both your mother and your children. God is good. xoxo
What beautiful pictures of that lovely celebration. I'm sorry to hear about your mother. I understand what you mean about celebrating each moment possible. Covid took away many moments for so many. If not with the disease, it stole time together. I loved the pretty table shots and flowers and delicious looking food! I know it's so fun to get together with children and grandchildren! You are definitely an awesome grandma! I mean, how many kids can say their grandma is a pirate!? Keep having fun!
@Gayla ... well, I don't know but certainly mine can, haaahaaha! We had just as lovely a celebration this year, although I did not take very many pictures. We had a lovely day. I meant it when I said that I will be praying for you. xoxo
I just love all the pretty pictures of the candy and the table and oh my goodness, that big beautiful bouquet from last year---that is so pretty! I do love flowers. I do hope your day was special and you had the comfort knowing that your Mother is is Heaven, and that someday you'll be reunited. My first Mothers day w/out my Mother was awful hard, and this one was hard too . It still HURTS, but not as OFTEN is the best way to describe it, for me anyway. I do miss her so. All the food looks delicious especially that casserole.....I haven't made a broccoli or squash casserole in a long long time.....I need to remedy that! I LOVE TO FRY UP yellow squash in the summertime and last summer I pretty much fried a big skillet of it nearly every night---I love it so! I DID bake a pan of brownies today! I hope your day was lovely and I'm sure looking forward to a post with all the details and who all came and what y'all had to EAT, HA HA!! LOL. It's been such nice weather here....70s and 80s and sunny but today, well late this evening, the rains came. I can't complain as Mothers day was bright and sunny plus the garden will surely use the rain. Everything planted is growing FAST!! I can't wait for the peppers! How are your pretty pool flowers doing? Hugs my friend!!
@Debbi ... Girlfriend, my flowers are doing fabulously! So pretty and happy. Although, last evening when I was giving them their long, cool drink of water, I said: "Tomorrow I will not water you; God will. But you're going to be cold ..." and lo and behold today it's raining buckets and 55 degrees! I don't think I have ever seen a cold day in South Carolina after Mother's Day. AND I had been wondering what you were up to, since you had not blogged in a while. I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day too, with lots of good things to eat and some loving company. WOW a skillet of fried squash sounds good. I will have to do that as soon as I can lay my hands on some squash. For Mother's Day I made Korean meatballs -- sweet with some heat -- and seven-layer salad, and peach roses (peaches in puff pastry that were delicious but looked funny because I had to use canned peaches) and butter cookies folded to look like flowers, dipped in sanding sugar in pastel colors. The girls brought fruit salad with a citrus honey dressing, and baked macaroni and cheese, and a cherry pie. We ate until we nearly burst, and then we took a walk! It was so sunny and warm, and the little birdies were singing everywhere. And I must say that I thought of my mom up in heaven, wondered if she could see what all of us were doing, but it was not a difficult day, and for that I am glad. Your brownies sound wonderful! Hope you have a blog post up! I will run and check. xoxo
It is certainly a comfort to know in our hearts that our mothers were special to us and were treated accordingly. This Mother's Day was also my 77th birthday. I think maybe double 7 will be a fantastic year for me. The weekend was a celebration of love, as I received many calls and notes from friends and family. Our son, Gregg, visited with his wife and 2 children. All my grandchildren are growing so tall - when we gathered for a photo, I realized that both Caden and Neve are now taller than I am! That leaves only Sam as my little one. I told Bob that I think I want to keep celebrating for awhile because it's a double 7 birthday year. He agreed I should. I know your Mother's Day was also special, Jenny. We're very lucky to have a loving family that appreciates and loves us.
@Barb ... first let me offer a belated but no less sincere HAPPY 77th BIRTHDAY to you! How wonderful. And to have the folks and the friends and the calls and the cards and the letters and the love flood in ... JUST as it should be. And on Mother's Day! Extra, extra special. We had a relaxed and very pleasant Mother's Day, spent going to church and eating a nice lunch and opening gifts and taking a nice walk together, all of us. It was warm that day! The cold didn't come until yesterday, when it was positively the coldest May day I have ever experienced in South Carolina. Still cool today, but sunny as opposed to yesterday's driving rain. I agree with both Bob and you, That you should celebrate for as long as you want this year! xoxo