Take these crumbs I offer you
Here I am! Call off the search dogs!
Allow me to explain my brief absence.
Court reporting had been a tad on the slow side in recent days.
That all changed last week.
As in, where there were practically no jobs, quite suddenly and without warning there were two pretty good jobs and one very good job.
Pretty good and very good in this context meaning, they add up to lots of pages.
(Friday was absolutely one of the worst days of my life. Maybe I'll tell you about it in another post. For now, suffice it to say, lawyerly abuse of the legal system was involved.)
Also? What has all the earmarks of another very good job requires my presence this afternoon at a chandelier law firm in downtown Columbia.
(They're a trifle snobby there but the view is fantastic. Although there's always complimentary cold Diet Coke, once the receptionist refused to validate my parking stub and boy did I ... never mind. Chant with me: tacky tacky tack-eeeee ...)
I've learned (sort of) to take the bad with the good. And vice versa.
So the upshot is that I don't have much time to play. It is with a heavy heart I convey that instead of skipping happily through all my favorite blogs (you know who you are), devouring each morsel with great relish, I am chained to my desk typing excruciatingly boring testimony.
You understand; n'est-ce pas? Baby needs shoes!
But I know I cannot neglect IHATH ... so MANY people depend upon it for entertainment!
I will thank you not to snicker!
With all my beloved cherished angelic readers in mind (and heart) I give you a few more pictures from my recent trip to Knoxville.
This here is a building where I worked many years ago. It appears to be Bank of America now but back then it was Sovran Bank, which later morphed into Regions Bank.
I wish they'd make up their minds.
At any rate, our offices were on the sixth floor. See that church steeple reflected in the glass? The lawyer whose assistant I was fortunate enough to be occupied an office that looked directly out into the belfry.
Here's a picture of the church with a better view of said belfry:
Several years later I worked in an upper floor of this building, which for as long as I've been aware of it has been First Tennessee Bank:
Here's another view:
And here it is ... skyscraper straight up.
I've always liked this bronze sculpture entitled Oarsman, by Oklahoma artist David Phelps. How's that for a smattering of cult-cha on an ordinary Monday? The oarsman has had a sinking feeling at Two Centre Square, corner of Gay and Church Streets, since 1989.
Audrey and I ate dinner at a pizza joint on Gay Street that evening ... the same day I visited with Donna and Jim ... and Marty! As we daintily consumed an excess of cheese and pepperoni on a thick Sicilian crust (that I do believe Marty, vegetarian tendencies notwithstanding, would've loved), this was the sunset:
The next day Javier and I headed home. Here's how the mountains looked as we made our approach:
Isn't that pretty? And here's how adorable Columbia's Finest Chihuahua looked, nestled in his little bed in the passenger side front floorboard.
When he's not sleeping, he gazes at me like this. I have to remind myself that to him, I'm not in living color.
Note the crossed paws and pink tongue-tip. He's such a little poser. You can click to make him bigger.
And ... yes! I take pictures while I drive! Don't everybody?
That's all I got. Must go glamorize for the depo.
Later, gators ... after while, crocodiles.
Reader Comments (6)
Aaah, the sacrifices we must ALL make! You have to work and we have to wait for your blogging in rationed restraint. LOL! Honey, just do what you have to do, and we'll patiently wait for your delicious word morsels whenever they appear! Love your pics of Knoxville. We do have a pretty downtown area now that they cleaned it up in the past decade or so. Marty would have picked off the pepperoni and DOVE headlong into the pizza, no doubt. Marty is NOT following Michelle's No Fat Childrens Behind program! That is only for mind-numb progressives who want the government to think for them.
Aaahh, there I go off on a tanget! Hahaha!!!! I remember which great fondness our lunch and visit. It was so good to enjoy your wit and bubbly personality in person! I just wish we lived closer! WAAAAHHHH!!!!!!
And why is your sweet pooch sticking his tongue out at you? LOL.
Sorry about the week from hell....I guess we all have them though, so you're Graciously Forgiven! Love all the shots though!
NOW! You have a RESTFUL week Girlie!!
I'll forgive you for skimpy posting, because you do have a good excuse, and you've shared some great pictures today! I loved them all - right to the end with your classy pup!
I too shall wait till time permits you to be more attentive to our posts. Love the pictures, especially the one of the building you worked in with the reflection of the church steeple. Don't work too hard, but then again, baby needs those shoes. Luv ya!
I was wondering where you were. I've been busy, haven't been on the internet as much as usual. The pictures are great. Glad the work is coming your way.
Working is good. Being idle is good. Variety is the spice of life. Bethany is pregnant again.