Thanks be to God
I do not thank Thee, Lord,
That I have bread to eat while others starve;
Nor yet for work to do
While empty hands solicit Heaven;
Nor for a body strong
While other bodies flatten beds of pain.
No, not for these do I give thanks!
But I am grateful, Lord,
Because my meager loaf I may divide;
For that my busy hands
May move to meet another's need;
Because my doubled strength
I may expend to steady one who faints.
Yes, for all these do I give thanks!
For heart to share, desire to bear
And will to lift,
Flamed into one by deathless Love --
Thanks be to God for this!
Unspeakable! His gift!
~by Janie Alford~
Happy Nearly Thanksgiving!
Reader Comments (7)
Great poem!
Perfect. That expresses my feelings exactly.
What a wonderful way to say it!
Happy week Friend!
Wonderful words. Happy Almost Thanksgiving to you as well.
It's hard to believe that it's just a little over a week away! How did the time zip by so fast??? I am sooooooo thankful for the blessings in my life!
Always something to touch the heart dear friend, and this one certainly does just that. I am also so thankful for the blessings in my life!!
That is beautiful. A prayer so simple and so true.