In a hurry, were we?
I voted yesterday. In order to do so, I had to show my driver's license.
Just like if I'd been at a Michelle Obama book signing instead of a polling place.
But I digress.
Judging by the scene above, if the person beside whom I parked (that's my right front fender in the lower right portion of the photo; I wisely gave that Carolina Gamecock fan a wide berth) had to show theirs, it should have been immediately confiscated.
Because no; this is not a picture of someone pulling into a parking space.
This is an accurate representation of the position of their vehicle parked in the parking space.
(If one could in all honesty call that being either in, or parked.)
True story. The iPhone camera does not lie.
No one was aboard; I checked.
Thoughts on what may have been going on with said parking miscreant (who was not only not in the car, but was nowhere in sight)?
Because I've hmmmmmmed it for as long as I care to, and have come up with nothing. I've got other fish to fry.
Your turn.
And that is all for now.
Happy Wednesday
Reader Comments (9)
I'm not a real good 'parker' with this new one, but even so I would have definitely pulled the car in (instead of out).
Glad you voted although I knew you would! :)
I think he had just enough gas in his car to make it and that was all. :) He was going to vote even if he ran out of gas. Good for him!
Well - they must have been in a big hurry to vote. I've got nothing either.
It was raining here yesterday and the parking lot was full when I voted, but the cars were all parked correctly. :)
Our State has gone to pot--literally. We had the biggest mid-term turnout in 56 years--all because of Prop #1--legalize recreational pot. All those idiots who never voted before managed to get in the voting booths and while there, also voted for the Democratic candidate. So now, I am in a Blue drugged State--which makes me quite blue.
@Sally ... girl you don't have to be a good parker to keep it between the navigational beacons, as my Andrew often says, haaahaha. xoxo
@Cheryl ... you always put a positive spin on things! xoxo
@ Mari ... your fellow parkers were anxious to get pot legalized, as Judy has reminded us. xoxo
@Judy ... that's revolting. End of story. I am sorry you're about to be subjected to more dirty dealings by the party of tolerance. Haahaha xoxo
Thanks for your visit. We can capture a lot with our phones now , can't we. HaHa.
@Wanda ... indeed we can! It's good to be prepared. xoxo
Judy is exactly right. I'm not happy about it either. There's been a lot of jokes about being able to put up with the people that were voted in, because there will be a haze of marijuana smoke over the state. But really, it's sad!
@Mari ... all we hear about is the opioid crisis ... oh, and let's legalize pot. That makes no sense to me. But then, I've never done drugs. Haaaahahaha xoxo