I'm Voting For The Unborn
NOTE: The following article appeared in Human Events Online this week. It was written by Chuck Norris.
Yes ... that Chuck Norris!
My, how the landscape of elections has changed. Remember when the issue of abortion used to matter to conservatives in political races? Today presidential nominees can get away with murder, literally. They can smoke, toke and hang out with terrorists who do. What were once considered legitimate leadership litmus tests are now regarded as off-limit character assassinations and hate language. Recently, some nonprofit organizations have been threatened with the withdrawal of their tax-exempt statuses because their leaders merely voiced opposition to what they consider a moral issue: abortion.
Some people think after 35 years of ceaseless controversy since the Supreme Court's ruling in Roe v. Wade that abortion is an "old" issue better dropped. I disagree. I do believe the economy is an important issue in this election, but it's certainly not the only issue. We can't just be concerned about our finances. We also must be concerned about America's future and those who will occupy it. Our posterity matters. Their rights matter. And that includes their "unalienable Rights," with which they have been "endowed by their Creator," and among them are the quintessential rights: "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."
Abortion is not about a woman's "right to choose"; it is about a more fundamental "right to life," which is one of three specifically identified unalienable rights in the Declaration of Independence (and the Constitution, through Article VII and the Bill of Rights). And it is a violation of government's primary purpose: to protect innocent life.
America's Founders shared a basic view of human life and conception: Humanity is special, unique and should be set apart from the rest of creation.
Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1809, "The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government." He was not, of course, writing about the America of today, with state-sanctioned and even subsidized abortion and a movement to promote the killing of the elderly through euthanasia. But he could have been. His belief in what should be "the first and only legitimate object of good government" still should stand. Like Jefferson, our next president needs to uphold those same concerns, not say that such arenas are "above his paygrade." If he and his administration won't protect the rights of the living (even in the womb), then who will? A left-leaning Congress?
The truth is if Obama is elected, we will place a man in the highest office in the land who has the most liberal views and voting record on abortion of any president in American history. As a state senator in Illinois, he led opposition three years in a row (2001-2003) to a bill similar to the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, which prevents the killing of babies unintentionally left alive by abortions. He also opposed the ban on partial-birth abortion and strongly disapproved of the Supreme Court's decision to uphold the partial-birth ban.
He also voted to block a bill that would have required a doctor to notify at least one parent before performing an abortion on a minor from another state. He does not support the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer funding of abortion through Medicaid. Before a Planned Parenthood Action Fund last year, Obama promised to give first priority as president to the signing of the Freedom of Choice Act, which would make partial-birth abortion legal again.
Strangely, Obama even once said he would not want his daughters to be "punished with a baby" caused by an unwanted pregnancy. With the next president likely adding two justices to the U.S. Supreme Court, it is clear that as president, Obama would appoint and support the most liberal judges and legal eagles, resulting in a pro-abortion advantage in our courts that would push abortion liberties to every extent of the law and land.
America's Founders shared a basic view of human life and conception: Humanity is special, unique and should be set apart from the rest of creation. In fact, in early America, there were two basic beliefs that shaped most people's views of humanity: God created us equal, and we are the highest creation of God. Their views were based on creation narratives in the Bible and expressed in the Declaration of Independence.
In order for us to get back to our Founders' understanding, we need to get back to a view of humanity that emphasizes the immortal worth of every human being. (That's why I've devoted an entire chapter to reclaiming the value of human life in my new cultural manifesto, Black Belt Patriotism.)
My friend and prolific author Randy Alcorn recently was asked by a young woman, "Should we vote for who we think should lead our country solely based on their stance on abortion?" You can read Randy's insightful response to that question on his Web site and blog. I would respond to it by simply saying we all will answer that question in just one week, when we go to the ballot boxes.
Winning the election is not just about what the underdogs -- such as John McCain and Sarah Palin, two maverick pro-life advocates -- should do. But it's about what the citizens who are fighting for the underdogs can do. We the people must stand up, go back to the basics, and once again vote our values.
I wish I'd written that.
Reader Comments (11)
Excellent post! It's not just the economy - it's something even more important!
Mari ... at this juncture I believe the economy (which is not in as dire shape as the liberals would have us think) is truly the least of our worries. Much more is at stake in this election. God help us.
Amen!! I agree with you, too, in your comment to Mari - I don't think the economy is in AS bad of shape as liberals want us to think. That would negate our "need" for government to "save us" (a.k.a. control everything).
It WILL be in dire shape, however, if Mr. Government IS the Answer takes office.
I certainly agree with this post. Everyone of us has our concerns. I am also so against any candidate who is not pro-Israel. (I am not a Jew.) I watch their sites and the liberal Jews are for Obama. Crazy!
Firstly, I have to say Chuck Norris never ceases to amaze me! I find him totally motivating - How many sixty-six year olds are so fantastically physically fit? And now this article. I've been a fence sitter with this election, but I think I've come down. I hope I keep an open mind; I really try to, but I'm unable at this moment to give Mr. Obama my vote.
@ Angi ... as usual, how right you are! Let's hope it doesn't come to that. It's not over YET.
@ Cheryl ... an excellent point you make. God help us if we ever cease to stand with Israel. Like you, I am amazed that a Jew would vote for B. Hussein Obama. But then, I still can't believe he even got the nomination. It's felt like the Twilight Zone to me ever since!
@ Keli ... well girl, I must say I am glad to hear that. I think we are in big trouble on many fronts if BHO attains the White House. Being an unapologetic one-issue voter, and that issue being LIFE, it was a no-brainer for me. God help us next Tuesday and in the days that follow!
I totally agree. I am amazed at the way partial sentences become rights somehow. "the right to choose" doesn't mean anything. And the right to choose to murder our babies never existed. Besides you have to wonder what America would be like if those millions and millions of people were alive to contribute to society. I doubt we'd be having half the problems. For one thing, there would be plenty of people paying in to Social Security.
CHUCK NORRIS wrote that article??
Wow, this was excellent.
@ Tracie ... and VOTING. Fifty million people is a lot of folks ... and many millions of them who have been killed since Roe v. Wade would be voting in this election. Assuming most people (though, sadly, not all) who take the lives of their own children are liberals, that equals MANY millions who were never allowed to live outside the womb, who would probably be voting Democrat on Tuesday. They've put to death those who would supply their margin of victory, and that's why they have to cheat in order to "win."
That's what you call ironic.
A fascinating article appeared in The Wall Street Journal a few years ago that tackled the subject of these missing voters, and which attempted to calculate the lasting impact that fifty million murdered American citizens has had on our society. I'm going to write a blog post about it as soon as I have time.
@ Kev ... yeah man. Cool, eh?
I always wanted to do something similar to a set of encylopedias, or maybe more like a high school year book, with page after page after page of smiling, healthy babies - one for every baby that was aborted. Then tie that in somehow to teaching about how abortion has hurt everyone, from the innocent baby right up to society as a whole. I have a feeling that would have a visceral impact that words don't seem to be having anymore.
Tracie, you are so right. Most Americans have no idea how many babies have been aborted. How do you get your head around the number 50 million? Last week I asked a lady who is a few years older than me: "How many babies have been aborted in America since Roe versus Wade?" First she said she had "no idea" and then offered the number 10,000.
If only the number were that small ... and yet, ONE is a staggering number when you are talking about the brutal murder of an innocent unborn baby. These deaths are merciful only in the sense that the child's soul goes straight to heaven, and it does not have to be born to a mother who would take out a contract on its life. A sad commentary when that's the GOOD news.
God help us.